[Guide] What happens after a league ends?

Up so that people can see it. (Not that anybody actually bothers to look up anything before making a new thread anyway.)
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Mar 1, 2018, 4:49:06 AM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
Up so that people can see it.

Hey Abdiel, what’s up?
The sky! :D
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."

-GGG, 2015
Is it that time of the year already? Okay...

I went over the main post to make sure everything is still up-to-date.

Two things I am still unsure about: what happens to Shaper/Elder influence? I seem to recall a dev post touching on this, but can't find it at the moment. Did anyone experiment at the end of Abyss?

With Elder rings being the hottest thing right now, I am sure people will want to know.

Second, what happens to your maximum sextant limit (reasonable guess: maximum from standard and challenge league is kept), and what happens if the total number of active sextants in both standard and challenge league exceeds the new limit?
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Apr 23, 2018, 8:27:37 PM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:

Two things I am still unsure about: what happens to Shaper/Elder influence? I seem to recall a dev post touching on this, but can't find it at the moment. Did anyone experiment at the end of Abyss?

Don't know, but when you migrate SSF -> trade your influence goes away, so I'd assume the same thing happens for a full league migration.
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
...what happens if the total number of active sextants in both standard and challenge league exceeds the new limit?

You keep whatever sextants are active until they are used up. Much like how leaguestones worked several leagues ago. If you had any active when the merge happened, they were active until you used them all up, then you could no longer use any.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
What happens to our beasts in the Beastiary? Are they all lost forever so we have to bottle them up to keep them?
neoc666 wrote:
What happens to our beasts in the Beastiary? Are they all lost forever so we have to bottle them up to keep them?

Yes, all of Bestiary is being removed from the game (excluding existing items). Beasts in the Menagerie and the Menagerie itself are lost forever, beasts trapped within Orbs will stay but have no use.

See this post for details.
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
neoc666 wrote:
What happens to our beasts in the Beastiary? Are they all lost forever so we have to bottle them up to keep them?

Yes, all of Bestiary is being removed from the game (excluding existing items). Beasts in the Menagerie and the Menagerie itself are lost forever, beasts trapped within Orbs will stay but have no use.

See this post for details.

Thanks! Missed that post, was sure they would roll Bestiary in the core game with 3.3. Well, since I don't play Standard I will probably just let them expire, regardless of value.
i love league merge it's my favorite holiday
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For New Players or any player that has recently-purchased or otherwise empty tabs in any parent league:

Please be warned that any empty tabs in the Standard, Hardcore, SSF Standard, or SSF Hardcore league stashes will be overwritten with the contents of one of your migrating tabs (if you have a stash in the analogous challenge league). This is the behaviour when you have empty tabs, which takes precedence over creating remove-only tabs.

For example: if you bought a 6-pack of premium stash tabs recently and did not use them in the parent league (e.g. Standard), six of your premium tabs from the challenge league migrating to that parent (e.g. Bestiary SC) will fill them in the parent league stash. They will remain normal tabs, which allow adding and removing items, but they will be full just like they were in the challenge league.

Premium tabs will only be filled from migrating premium tabs, normal tabs from normal tabs, quad tabs from quad tabs etc.

If you have not already done so, consider making use of any unused tabs in each parent league by placing at least one item in them. This will prevent them from being auto-filled during the migration (thus keeping them as free space in the parent league).

If this was your first time playing SSF in the Bestiary league, consider logging into the parent league to stake such a claim on your otherwise empty SSF parent tabs. If you do not, your challenge league stash will fill all of your parent league tabs instead of being migrated as remove-only tabs.

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