Seyren_Freyr wrote:
I'm...trying to wrap my head around how Elementalist, touted as one of the worst of ascendancies, is now ....worse than before. When I started playing this game, I was enamored by the lack of direction I had. There were so many options. I actually could try and likely succeed (after some practice) at anything I tried. SO, I felt. At this point...I can actually come to a harrowing conclusion: I should play this ascendancy for it is most optimal. This thought goes a bit in a stranger direction than you might think. In my case, I can actually say "Why would I play Elementalist over Inquisitor?" An answer to this is "Golems." My response? "That's it?" If you can look at an ascendancy and say "I'll do this for minions" or "I'll do golems with elementalist," and never have to rethink your choice, I believe the identity of this game is dead.
At the very least, Witch is rather boring to me, looking at these new papers. Now, I'm not one to surrender, so, I'm sure I can still do whatever I want and be kinda sorta half-decent. I just think it's harder now to do sillier stuff and still have it work? I guess when I play this upcoming league, I'll find out if I'm simply shit at this game.
Can you guys do something about this, though? Why is penetration on an ascendancy seemingly gated behind heralds? Shoot, if you'd gate it behind anything and really want to push this golem thing, why not add penetration on golem types summoned or active? Probably a crappy idea. I dunno about this so far, man. I dunno.
Hmm, have tested, my build deal more damage(then the same on inquisitor), have ascendancy lifesteal and have reflect immunity
Elementalist is buffed really hard...
Posted byUoykai#2092on Feb 26, 2018, 7:49:15 PM
Mating_Season wrote:
Greetings GGG. Love the game in a skid row kind of way. Started it all with the release of Diablo I and continued onward. I came to POE years ago after a google search for a game "similar to Diablo II.' Since then, I've played a league or two and leveled a bunch of characters into mapping but nothing too elite. I then take a break from the game and come back and rinse/repeat . . . often deleting the old characters or starting a new account but never spending a cent on this sweet game. This league I tried a Necro-Summoner and fell in love . . . even buying some stash tabs for Abyss and for 3.2 on a new account (big spender). Nerfing Offerings was a buzz kill. A couple of thoughts at this point. It would be nice to come back to POE after a break and find that my character or class has not been nerf-raped. It would be nice to play an overpowered toon that wasn't a threat to the establishment, then dive into a challenge like the onebros in Dark Souls. I'd give up my vows of celibacy for a complex character that requires a lot of effort and planning but doesn't require me to mash 50 buttons at once during hours of play (and have the character remain that way). Fine, if you have to dumb it down, I wouldn't mind joining a league dedicated to the old, gimp, and broke-assss. I know, I know, I'm not a major contributor so take my comments for what they're worth. Go team white-knight fanboys, but for the butt-hurt ones, you can insert the comments about last night with my 80 year-old mom here ---. She's blind, toothless, and was thoroughly pleased. At any rate, thanks GGG for helping me return to my hobo ways. And like any hobo, I'll stick to the cigarette butts in the trash and spend my money on more important things like Pizza and Brewskiis while gaming . . . or perhaps for security to keep certain butt-hurt fanboys away from the corpse of my Grandma.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Posted byCoconutdoggy#1805on Feb 26, 2018, 7:53:54 PMOn Probation
All caps? The butt-hurt is strong in this one.
Posted byMating_Season#5181on Feb 26, 2018, 7:56:03 PM
Mating_Season wrote:
All caps? The butt-hurt is strong in this one.
Posted byIceyDevil#4662on Feb 26, 2018, 8:00:04 PM
Uoykai wrote:
Seyren_Freyr wrote:
I'm...trying to wrap my head around how Elementalist, touted as one of the worst of ascendancies, is now ....worse than before. When I started playing this game, I was enamored by the lack of direction I had. There were so many options. I actually could try and likely succeed (after some practice) at anything I tried. SO, I felt. At this point...I can actually come to a harrowing conclusion: I should play this ascendancy for it is most optimal. This thought goes a bit in a stranger direction than you might think. In my case, I can actually say "Why would I play Elementalist over Inquisitor?" An answer to this is "Golems." My response? "That's it?" If you can look at an ascendancy and say "I'll do this for minions" or "I'll do golems with elementalist," and never have to rethink your choice, I believe the identity of this game is dead.
At the very least, Witch is rather boring to me, looking at these new papers. Now, I'm not one to surrender, so, I'm sure I can still do whatever I want and be kinda sorta half-decent. I just think it's harder now to do sillier stuff and still have it work? I guess when I play this upcoming league, I'll find out if I'm simply shit at this game.
Can you guys do something about this, though? Why is penetration on an ascendancy seemingly gated behind heralds? Shoot, if you'd gate it behind anything and really want to push this golem thing, why not add penetration on golem types summoned or active? Probably a crappy idea. I dunno about this so far, man. I dunno.
Hmm, have tested, my build deal more damage(then the same on inquisitor), have ascendancy lifesteal and have reflect immunity
Elementalist is buffed really hard...
Let's consider someone who wants to do a lot of elemental spell damage, and doesn't want to use timed mechanics or golems.
Pendulum of Destruction is decent, but doesn't suit all builds. If you use an area skill, then you'd likely take it, even if the "consecutive" mechanics aren't your cup of tea.
Shaper of Desolation is one that people either love or hate.
Same with Beacon of Ruin, though that at least gives you a buff to your chills and shocks vs bosses.
Mastermind of Discord is a buff to some characters/players, and a serious nerf to others, though it depends a bit on if heralds are reworked.
Paragon of Calamity is a nice buff that gives leech, immune to reflect, and other stuff.
So, for those people out there that want to do lots of damage and hate timed mechanics and golems, they'll take Paragon of Calamity, and .... err ... maybe Mastermind of Discord, if their build idea wasn't screwed by it, maybe Beacon of Ruin, and then they'll be forced to take a timed mechanic or a golem skill.
So ... in some situations, Elementalist is now better, but people are more likely to take something they don't really want to take.
Posted byWuffell#4587on Feb 26, 2018, 8:11:29 PMAlpha Member
Anyone else notice the new Gladiator ascendancy .jpg is called Russell Crowe? lmao
Posted byVerac10us#1505on Feb 26, 2018, 8:18:13 PM
IGN: AnnieCecil
Posted byyiaya001#4009on Feb 26, 2018, 8:31:05 PM
Regarding Deadeye - am I missing something here or does Tailwind not seem that strong? My reasoning is that it's a more multiplier. Let's say that the average character has 50% movespeed on gear/passives. A 10% more multiplier from Tailwind would only actually be the same as a 5% increase to movemenspeed right? 50% x 1.1 = 55%. This is worse than the Raider's flat 10% for the 4 point phasing thing. The only time when this scales to being better than a 10% node is if you have 100% movespeed, which won't be the case most of the time.
I guess it does help significantly with attack speed (since it makes you 'faster'), but when you're running around one shotting most of the screen does 10% more attack speed really matter all that much?
Posted byTeamSlayer23#6249on Feb 26, 2018, 8:42:00 PM
Wanna see Vaal arc Deadeye Builds :D
41 chain :D 410% more damage :D
Posted byUoykai#2092on Feb 26, 2018, 8:54:43 PM
Uoykai wrote:
Wanna see Vaal arc Deadeye Builds :D
41 chain :D 410% more damage :D
Arc isnt a projectile