Announcing Path of Exile: Bestiary League
" Even with only six ascendancy points as suggested in the IGN video? I know my favorite chars are broken. |
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" Because positivity feels good Kreygasm |
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Jesus Christ, the whining on this thread over a league that hasn't even come out yet, it's a wonder GGG hasn't shut down the game with all these entitled children bashing them every time they announce something...
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" I don't care about the pokemon part, that could be fun. I'm worried about the ascendancy nerfs. Assassin needed a buff, not a nerf. |
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Last edited by thehammer23#3282 on Feb 15, 2018, 7:13:35 PM
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I really hope this concept spins off into a BeastMaster hybrid damage/minion play style.
I feel it's something the game is currently lacking. Minions, by design a built around en mass tactics. Summoning and resommoning waves of minions to overwhelm your enemies. And the passives reflect this, being more all or nothing approach. You either use minions exclusively, or your don't use them at all. There really isn't good in-between hybrid options. What I'd like to see is new hybrid damage/minion nodes being added around the Ranger tree. With their specific intent being these beasts that you can capture, and turn into your minions via a skill. However unlike most minions you limited in how many you can have, say 3 max, so they could never really be your primary source of damage. And if they die, you can't simply resummon them, you have to go out and catch another, or pull one from storage. So they're not ideal for tanking either. They are built to supplement your damage and tanking, not replace it. This would also work well with the Mirror/Blink arrow skills, as they work off the same general concept. However unlike regular minions they could have more long term depth, as the longer you spend with them the stronger they become, unlocking new abilities and passives. Something closer to having an actual companion, then a mindless meat shield. |
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" IGN: NoahsArChen
"Oh awesome, this guy posted his current gear. Let me find him an upgrade!" ~Said no one ever. |
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" So you haven't played this game in 5 years and feel qualified to drop in and school GGG on the design of their league (prior to playing it) as well as their pricing model? " Newsflash? The packs also contain a number of themed cosmetics that many players want and love to see in-game - cosmetics that would likely cost more points if purchased a la carte. Have a look at the weapon MTX: many are nearly $20 individually, and the packs give you $25 worth of points + extra stuff including a weapon MTX for #30 total. So what's the advice? Cater more to players that aren't interested in purchasing most of the MTX they offer? Just buy $30 in points and wait for sales if that's what you want to do. Derp indeed. |
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Well, i'm sold :E.
Although looks like i'll not be playing life-RF as a starter, as Zerker got hard-pressed into attack-oriented builds, and chieftain, while looking good for it from the start, seems to have some very bad ascendancy notable misplacement. A shame. Uber-Elder is intriguing :D As for the league mechanic, not entirely sure how it'll work out, looks to me like it can be either really fun, or really tedious...or both. |
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" Sry bruh .... you bitching that I liked the Bestiary League Teaser and the Supporter pack I bought!? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOOLOLOLLLOLOLOLOOLLLOLLOLLLOLOOOOLLLOOLLOLLOLOO It's one thing to express your dislike of something, go for it, give feedback. It's a whole nother level of special kinda stupid when you tell others what to like and to do with their $$ The door is -> way SSF since ~OB
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