[3.7] LL RF Scorching Ray Guardian | 19K ES | 52k Armour|1.5 mil dps| Uber Elder & HoGM DEATHLESS

I found my first Delve boss this afternoon, the Vaal City one. He dropped the Map that lets you get the Doryani's Delusion boots and they got me thinking. What do we get, and what do we lose, by switching to these boots from a well rolled pair of Sin Treks?

Me personally, I lose about 4k Shaper DPS (or a little less than 1%), about 300 Energy Shield (or a little more than 2%), and 37 net ES regen (out of 827.) In trade, I get to sell my Level 21 Purity of Fire and recoup almost an exalt, I get to sell my Sin Treks to someone else, and most importantly I free up a gem slot. I can move Purity of Lightning or Discipline to my shield, move Clarity to my gloves, and now I have a free socket to add Faster Attacks back to Shield Charge.

My boots will have;

Phase Run - Increased Duration - Orb of Storms - Increased Critical Strikes

and my weapon can be;

Shield Charge - Fortify - Faster Attacks

Which is better on all fronts. I lose Dexterity, too, but with a well rolled Astramentis I still have just enough Dex for a level 20 Phase Run gem.

I thought, well what a pain in the ass to get the enchant back on the new boots, but someone had the right pair of boots for sale with the enchantment already =) There are some offline available though you might want to Divine them.

Edit: Shit. Since the boots Purity of Fire isn't socketed with Enlighten, I now have mana reserved issues. Bollocks... Hmm.

Edit Edit: Ok, crisis averted; I just had to drop Clarity from level 14 to level 3. Extremely minor losses in ES (20) and Armour (600) as a result. Phew.
Last edited by Riusaldregan#3606 on Sep 23, 2018, 3:07:50 PM
If i dont have Watcher Eye with Clarity, What other cheapest watcher eye useable?
And Helm Enchant need something special for gg 1)RF damage 2) SR damage? what enchants is useble ?
Riusaldregan wrote:
I found my first Delve boss this afternoon, the Vaal City one. He dropped the Map that lets you get the Doryani's Delusion boots and they got me thinking. What do we get, and what do we lose, by switching to these boots from a well rolled pair of Sin Treks?

Me personally, I lose about 4k Shaper DPS (or a little less than 1%), about 300 Energy Shield (or a little more than 2%), and 37 net ES regen (out of 827.) In trade, I get to sell my Level 21 Purity of Fire and recoup almost an exalt, I get to sell my Sin Treks to someone else, and most importantly I free up a gem slot. I can move Purity of Lightning or Discipline to my shield, move Clarity to my gloves, and now I have a free socket to add Faster Attacks back to Shield Charge.

My boots will have;

Phase Run - Increased Duration - Orb of Storms - Increased Critical Strikes

and my weapon can be;

Shield Charge - Fortify - Faster Attacks

Which is better on all fronts. I lose Dexterity, too, but with a well rolled Astramentis I still have just enough Dex for a level 20 Phase Run gem.

I thought, well what a pain in the ass to get the enchant back on the new boots, but someone had the right pair of boots for sale with the enchantment already =) There are some offline available though you might want to Divine them.

Edit: Shit. Since the boots Purity of Fire isn't socketed with Enlighten, I now have mana reserved issues. Bollocks... Hmm.

Edit Edit: Ok, crisis averted; I just had to drop Clarity from level 14 to level 3. Extremely minor losses in ES (20) and Armour (600) as a result. Phew.

So whats your Total ES now?
Also what delve level have you gotten too with this build?
Toldin wrote:
So whats your Total ES now?
Also what delve level have you gotten too with this build?

I am at 12,182 ES; my general stats are a few posts upthread and they're mostly still accurate. As for delve level, I'm still working my way down; only at 235 so far.
Last edited by Riusaldregan#3606 on Sep 23, 2018, 7:18:38 PM
Can anyone with some experience talk about the version of this that runs RF in the 6 link instead of SR? I looked at the solo Delve depth ladder and the Guardians at/near 600 are all playing that way instead of 6L SR. I'm curious about the reasoning/differences.

Also what's the etiquette on starting a new guide that's really similar/an homage to an existing guide? I feel like the OP could use some serious updating with a good FAQ but zzang hasn't posted here since July, and I have a decent handle on the mechanics at play here now.
I recently respecced into this from LL Dom Blow as I felt super squishy on high level content.

Can anyone look at my character and point out anything glaring that needs immediate attention? Kind of unsure on where to go in terms of the tree. Should I go for healthy mind asap? Or just more mana nodes? Thanks in advance. :)
Riusaldregan wrote:
Can anyone with some experience talk about the version of this that runs RF in the 6 link instead of SR? I looked at the solo Delve depth ladder and the Guardians at/near 600 are all playing that way instead of 6L SR. I'm curious about the reasoning/differences.

It's quite easy to understand why they are playing this way. It's just a QoL switch.
RF in 6L means a better AOE dps in delve while you follow the chariot. And for Delve encounter (when the chariot reach his destination), mobs spawn in a mid range all around you.
This way you will have a higher dps for a skill that cover 360° instead of the little beam of SR.

As a result, they are geting higher RF dps, so they will kill more monster while leading the chariot to the destination in delve, and so they will get more loot and more exp.
This solution lower your total dps but at the same time the repartition of this dps is more relevant.
this build is good for maping and pvp?or only for farm?
Riusaldregan wrote:
Can anyone with some experience talk about the version of this that runs RF in the 6 link instead of SR? I looked at the solo Delve depth ladder and the Guardians at/near 600 are all playing that way instead of 6L SR. I'm curious about the reasoning/differences.

Also what's the etiquette on starting a new guide that's really similar/an homage to an existing guide? I feel like the OP could use some serious updating with a good FAQ but zzang hasn't posted here since July, and I have a decent handle on the mechanics at play here now.

Im curious to see what are the gems on 6L RF builds running delve, can u share the character that you are seeing ?
hi, im wondering you said you need lvl 4 enlighten and +1 gloves but why? if you keep the clarity low lvl it works with lvl 2 enlighten and without the +1 on gloves or am i missing something?

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