[Filter] Please allow us to hide Shaper/Elder items

VoidExilePoE wrote:
goetzjam i wouldn't buy that claw for more than 2ex personally, but i suppose looking at it more makes me see true value in it. i would much rather have more attack speed and have some crit.
ele claws seem popular now days... not sure why

The price tag is likely a bit too much for what it is, partly because my next planned build was reave and I could just as easily use that claw, instead of a sword and grab an offhand stat stick.

I was pricing it with a friend and he and I likely are thinking the t1 chaos damage and unholy might gives it enough DPS to beat competitors in a way.

Ele might be popular, but phys is as well with the "phys added as lightning\cold\fire" mods on scepters and other offhand stat sticks that greatly increase its damage.

In fact that chest I linked was going to be a belly and honestly its probably better for my build that it got what it does, because the base crit chance is global for attacks and I was planning on using a 6ish link helm, with base crit chance if possible as well, giving my single target much higher crit chance in the process.

And yet, GGG has allowed Item Filters to hide Uniques just fine :| doesn't that then make this a vote in favour of enabling the option per carkasjak's original post?

I'm fine with the change to allow it, but I can understand if it wasn't done in time or they were too concerned with previous people hiding stuff that may affect it.

I do however think people should pick up and ID almost every one of these, except 2 handers, which can't possibly be good enough to justify using them and some chest bases.

I guess in addition maybe certain ilevel for stuff like rings, ect.



Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
goetzjam wrote:

I do however think people should pick up and ID almost every one of these, except 2 handers, which can't possibly be good enough to justify using them and some chest bases.

I guess in addition maybe certain ilevel for stuff like rings, ect.

It depends on personal preference and on how fast you're clearing, tbh. The main issue for me is that I think the players should be allowed to make this choice about their own filter. The majority of players use NeverSink's filter anyway, and it's unlikely that he'll decide to hide shaper/elder stuff in any but the most strict versions of his filter.

I just had a look at Neversink's latest release (5.5) and even the "UBER-PLUS-STRICT" version is configured to "Show" all elder and shaper items, so even if a change to allow hiding them was made, it would not adversely affect Neversink users who forgot to update their filter from this point on.
Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Jan 22, 2018, 8:31:44 AM
Not a single good argument has been made in this thread as to why this shouldn't be allowed.

The reasons or logic behind wanting to shut off elder/shaper drops in loot filters is irrelevant to the suggestion to allow this functionality.

I don't mind, as long as it is not the default setting and needs to be deliberately activated user side.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
Not a single good argument has been made in this thread as to why this shouldn't be allowed.

The reasons or logic behind wanting to shut off elder/shaper drops in loot filters is irrelevant to the suggestion to allow this functionality.

I don't mind, as long as it is not the default setting and needs to be deliberately activated user side.



I think OP was right in that they didn't want to fuss with a loot filter's catch all filtering out the new rares.

However, I don't think its necessarily something that can't change only that I can understand why it is the way it is now.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
I'm still amazed at how some people will defend literally anything, no matter how bad it is or how little sense it makes. If someone wants to hide these items like they can with everything else in the game, what's the harm? Seriously, where's the downside? Them hiding items doesn't mean you have to hide them, too.

"Why do you want to hide them?"

Who cares? Why would that possibly matter? The fact is that they do want to hide them. Their reasons are irrelevant.

"I think it's silly."

Great! You don't have to do it!
Jennik wrote:
I'm still amazed at how some people will defend literally anything, no matter how bad it is or how little sense it makes. If someone wants to hide these items like they can with everything else in the game, what's the harm? Seriously, where's the downside? Them hiding items doesn't mean you have to hide them, too.

"Why do you want to hide them?"

Who cares? Why would that possibly matter? The fact is that they do want to hide them. Their reasons are irrelevant.

"I think it's silly."

Great! You don't have to do it!

I find this truly baffling as well.
Cogburn wrote:
carkasjak wrote:

B: An obnoxious way to try to slow down the clear speed meta by forcing efficient players to wade through seas of bad, bulky rares.

How many could you possibly be getting to be a problem? LOL

Well if he has mapped as much as i have this league (And judging by his challenge count id say it would be the same give or take) about 22 tabs worth... 15 Shaper and 7 Elder to be exact. Up till about 2 weeks ago before i started running MF that is...

And yes ive been saving every single one just see how the drops looked. Only recently in the past 2 weeks or so started tossing some of the bad bases out if they dont roll something usable. And low ilvl im also about to sort through all that mess i only did this to see just how rare these items were but seeing how they interact with MF their not all that rare at all actually.. not near rare enough to save them to craft on later like i had first though.. and im fucking hoarder ok.. What else am i gonna do with over 140+ tabs? Stupid shit thats what... LOL

Again if you are MFing maps they drop quite a lot most of the time about 2-5+ per map. Thus why i quit saving them recently like i was.

Now as far as hiding them... why cant you hide them? all you should have to do is modify your filter to filter them out much like anything else in the game. If the option to do so isnt on filterblade im quite sure its possible... pain in the ass? Probably but still possible.. Cant see why it wouldn't be. Maybe ask Neversink? IF it is possible he knows how for sure.. And if its not i guess he could confirm it which would lead me to why the fuck cant you filter these items when everything else can be filtered? Why would they be exempt? Thats rather odd.. I also obviously wasn't aware of this either if its true.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz#1375 on Jan 23, 2018, 8:01:57 AM
Demonoz wrote:
... If the option to do so isnt on filterblade im quite sure its possible... pain in the ass? Probably but still possible.. Cant see why it wouldn't be. Maybe ask Neversink? IF it is possible he knows how for sure.. And if its not i guess he could confirm it which would lead me to why the fuck cant you filter these items when everything else can be filtered? Why would they be exempt? Thats rather odd.. I also obviously wasn't aware of this either if its true.

I edit my filter directly with a text editor. There's nothing filterblade can do about how the game treats filters. I can say with certainty that it's currently not possible to hide Elder/Shaped items in filter. The ball is in GGG's court.
Bumping this for visibility. Hopefully it'll get addressed in 3.2
It's honestly insulting that as players we can hide a Mirror of Kalandra but we can't hide Shaper's Woodsplitter. To play effectively I need to be able to hide everything I have no interest in picking up and this "intentional" forced showing of Shaper and Elder items really conflicts with that. Please reconsider.

Part of the reason I've always enjoyed PoE is because it allows us as players to make our own choices and define our own Path (hehe). GGG as developers have never really told anyone how to play the game or forced them into a certain playstyle. That has been one of the defining features of PoE, from the passive skill tree, to the gem system, even to vendor recipes. Until now, anyway. It's a bit saddening in all honesty.
Last edited by Frogfriend#4218 on Feb 1, 2018, 7:22:50 PM

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