Best looking build?

I have a hard time finding builds to play as satisfying as a spectral throw or KB. There are a few builds over the years that I enjoyed that are long gone, like crit burn discharge, vaal molten shell, some of the old timey power siphon wanders, and pre-eleprolif nerf explosive arrow.
In leagues past definitely Vaal Spark, because of the sheer speed and explosive iciness effect.. was super fun to play.

Now I would go with any ranged build that freezes like ice shot, or ele KB, etc.
sainthazard wrote:
Anything Full Of Stars.

Last league I played a frostbolt totem build for a while that used every single mtx that was Full Of Stars. I even shoehorned in a CWDT Vortex so I could use its celestial mtx. It was pretty nifty looking.

Space is pretty a e s t h e t i c.

Screenshot I definitely took because I'm vain like that.

Wow! Love the stars and space appearance!
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
I would say the best looking would be a Black Hole Vortex with a divine Righteous fire Build, focus on vortex damage, righteous fire only for the 60% more and clear trash faster.

I dont play vortex anymore, not a good skill compared to some others now.

Im playing a spell cascade icestorm, pretty fun, covers all screen with ice, but burns my pc hardware.
Last edited by HoockBr#6817 on Jan 11, 2018, 5:47:29 PM

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