Best looking build?

poet's pen VD looks awesome

you blink around the map constantly followed by a million homing fireballs destroying everything
bablo wrote:
Any spellcasting build that uses this:

1. Put 4 nasty looking spells in that helmet and buy those spell effect MTXs.
2. Make sure you have a lot of mana!
3. Then use those unique jewels that increase mana cost of your main skill.
4. Faster casting on your main skill.
5. Start playing and watch the awesomeness happen while your graphix card starts heating the room for you.

Makes me think of this old eirikeiken gem:
I always thought the melee AOE skills looked cool to play - Earthquake and Ice Crash. Especially Ice Crash. To bad it completely blows and they nerfed the shit out of Earthquake a couple of leagues (although it is still semi-viable).
Anything with gore/gloom herald and shatters.
BlueTank wrote:
Which build is the most pleasing? To play and to look at?

I remember playing this build:

But I hear DoT is dead / burning. It shotgunned ( screen shake ) and an ice skill that burned enemy. Super pleasing to watch a pack melt after shooting them with Ice Shot.

Any builds that are like this?

this build looks intimidating to say the least
sainthazard wrote:
Anything Full Of Stars.

Last league I played a frostbolt totem build for a while that used every single mtx that was Full Of Stars. I even shoehorned in a CWDT Vortex so I could use its celestial mtx. It was pretty nifty looking.

Space is pretty a e s t h e t i c.

Screenshot I definitely took because I'm vain like that.

Fuck yeah. I loved my Boltex Trickster tearing holes in the fabric of time and space. The Black Hole mtxes are the only reason I ever got a character very close to level 90. If something looks badass enough, I can put up with a LOT of grind.

The vast, vast majority of 'good' builds on PoE are visually offensive to me. They're just a mess. There is an elegance to the Black Hole mtxes that few other skill effects achieve.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Jan 11, 2018, 12:06:20 AM
The_Scourge wrote:
Fuck yeah. I loved my Boltex Trickster tearing holes in the fabric of time and space. The Black Hole mtxes are the only reason I ever got a character very close to level 90. If something looks badass enough, I can put up with a LOT of grind.

The vast, vast majority of 'good' builds on PoE are visually offensive to me. They're just a mess. There is an elegance to the Black Hole mtxes that few other skill effects achieve.

Not gonna lie, I'm excited to do it again with the new Flameblast mtx. Pizza Sticks, as a build, never interested me before, because fire effects are cool but overdone, but now that that skill rips holes in space and has that cool little VWOOP implode at the end... I'm into it. That mtx announcement alone decided my league starter for next league. Assuming they don't ruin the already slightly underwhelming Flameblast, or totems, between now and then.

I might even try some sort of chaos conversion build with it so that the vacuum of space isn't setting things on fire. That might bug me.
sainthazard wrote:
The_Scourge wrote:
Fuck yeah. I loved my Boltex Trickster tearing holes in the fabric of time and space. The Black Hole mtxes are the only reason I ever got a character very close to level 90. If something looks badass enough, I can put up with a LOT of grind.

The vast, vast majority of 'good' builds on PoE are visually offensive to me. They're just a mess. There is an elegance to the Black Hole mtxes that few other skill effects achieve.

Not gonna lie, I'm excited to do it again with the new Flameblast mtx. Pizza Sticks, as a build, never interested me before, because fire effects are cool but overdone, but now that that skill rips holes in space and has that cool little VWOOP implode at the end... I'm into it. That mtx announcement alone decided my league starter for next league. Assuming they don't ruin the already slightly underwhelming Flameblast, or totems, between now and then.

I might even try some sort of chaos conversion build with it so that the vacuum of space isn't setting things on fire. That might bug me.

The quality of that Flameblast MTX caught me way off guard, especially after the low-effort Demonic Flameblast. That implosion is Bad. Fucking. Ass.

I'm currently trying to roll at least 4B on my sword because it's the only 6L I have and fuck it, why not.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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The_Scourge wrote:
The quality of that Flameblast MTX caught me way off guard, especially after the low-effort Demonic Flameblast. That implosion is Bad. Fucking. Ass.

I'm currently trying to roll at least 4B on my sword because it's the only 6L I have and fuck it, why not.

Whaaaat. Dude, tabulas are literally 12c right now. If you can't afford one I'll give you an extra one I have lying around. Three have dropped for me so far this league alone (and I immediately bricked two of them).

You'll probably pay more than 12c in chromes just to get OG to 4b anyway. Coloring that sword is, to say the least, an adventure.
sainthazard wrote:
The_Scourge wrote:
The quality of that Flameblast MTX caught me way off guard, especially after the low-effort Demonic Flameblast. That implosion is Bad. Fucking. Ass.

I'm currently trying to roll at least 4B on my sword because it's the only 6L I have and fuck it, why not.

Whaaaat. Dude, tabulas are literally 12c right now. If you can't afford one I'll give you an extra one I have lying around. Three have dropped for me so far this league alone (and I immediately bricked two of them).

You'll probably pay more than 12c in chromes just to get OG to 4b anyway. Coloring that sword is, to say the least, an adventure.

I play SSF, even when I'm not on SSF. Personal preference, but I appreciate the offer. I farmed my OGs on non-SSF for some reason, so could probably nab a Tabula from the guild stash, were I so inclined. :)

PoE is all about masochism, and I embrace that with all my self-loathing heart. ;)
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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