Best looking build?

Which build is the most pleasing? To play and to look at?

I remember playing this build:

But I hear DoT is dead / burning. It shotgunned ( screen shake ) and an ice skill that burned enemy. Super pleasing to watch a pack melt after shooting them with Ice Shot.

Any builds that are like this?
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2018, 5:44:21 PM
Ice Shot is still a thing.

Mathil did recently a fun build around that skill. But as to be expected he went for crit and not dots.
Watch yourself:
Ice Shot is indeed very satisfying to play while the the crits and shatter of entire mobs. Less so when it comes to bosses.

Cyclone is very smooth and very simplistic.

I’d say both are kings in their respective field: ranged and melee.
Deliver pain exquisite
Ele KB.

Anything Full Of Stars.

Last league I played a frostbolt totem build for a while that used every single mtx that was Full Of Stars. I even shoehorned in a CWDT Vortex so I could use its celestial mtx. It was pretty nifty looking.

Space is pretty a e s t h e t i c.

Screenshot I definitely took because I'm vain like that.
sainthazard wrote:
Anything Full Of Stars.

Last league I played a frostbolt totem build for a while that used every single mtx that was Full Of Stars. I even shoehorned in a CWDT Vortex so I could use its celestial mtx. It was pretty nifty looking.

Space is pretty a e s t h e t i c.

Screenshot I definitely took because I'm vain like that.

yee I was gonna ask about MTX builds too

a little expensive for me personally, but I wouldn't mind making something based off MTX if it looked great, and cleared great.
BlueTank wrote:
yee I was gonna ask about MTX builds too

a little expensive for me personally, but I wouldn't mind making something based off MTX if it looked great, and cleared great.

What about discharge with flare discharge effect or good ol' pizza sticks with the new celestial flameblast effect?
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
In terms of looking the best and still being very strong 100% soon it's going to be low life CELESTIAL righteous fire guardian
Any spellcasting build that uses this:

1. Put 4 nasty looking spells in that helmet and buy those spell effect MTXs.
2. Make sure you have a lot of mana!
3. Then use those unique jewels that increase mana cost of your main skill.
4. Faster casting on your main skill.
5. Start playing and watch the awesomeness happen while your graphix card starts heating the room for you.
FCK42 wrote:
BlueTank wrote:
yee I was gonna ask about MTX builds too

a little expensive for me personally, but I wouldn't mind making something based off MTX if it looked great, and cleared great.

What about discharge with flare discharge effect or good ol' pizza sticks with the new celestial flameblast effect?

Yup, I saw that new mtx and immediately thought "welp I know what my league starter next league is gonna be."

I might have a problem.

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