3.1.1c Patch Notes

Would have been nice, if you had fixed the bug, that ancestral call causes crazy lags and disconnects instead of making new visual effects.....
CeaselessDC wrote:
31 Pages of discussion here and 860 comments on reddit mainly disagreeing with the decision to rebalace the game mid league is not worth dev to even comment on? And again, I don't see VD OP at all comparing with actually op builds in the past that did not care about any mobs/bosses/mechanisms like

-poison doubledip bv,crit bv flaskfinder (trash everything with minimal investments, runs super fast, immune to everything)
-wormblaster (low dps video for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnXnCXqxkRE)
-mjolner (multistrike autotarget leapslam + discharge, permanent ic, 85+ all res with 95 fire res, 10k es, perm rf, one shot uber ziri split phase)
-low life spec throw (broken whirling blade, kill everything before seeing anything, 8k+ es, immune to stun, instant leech)
-20k es guardian rf (enough dps to do shaper run in 6 mins, kill bosses while afk under most map mods)
-howa raider(immune to status, 10s guardian kill, instant leech, 10k ish es)
-poison double dip bow builds (shaper kill with white bow, super fast map runner)
-totem spectres (No flasks No weapon No Ring No gloves shaper kill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXX3xf-mNQ8)
-vaal spark (dominated a few 3 month league ladders in a roll?)
-flameblast (league starter that clears any pack in one hit, 10k+ es, one shot end game bosses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5ZcPs4rAsU)

-You guys need more deeps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13At6NoK0mo
-Vessel of Vinktar

Obviously those weren't as broken as 3 more volatile dead balls.

edit2: added flameblast

Yep, aside from being particularly good at certain encounters, VD builds are far away from all those you mentioned. I just can't see the necessity to make this change right now and cause so much upset. I hope they at least back up the decision with some further explanation so we can know when this might happen in the future.
What more explanation would satisfy people? GGG have already stated their piece, the enchantment was more powerful than intended and needed to be rebalanced. As is typical with forums, no explanation will satisfy all people so there's absolutely no point in GGG being drawn into a conversation.

Yes it hurts, is unexpected and unfortunate. Nobody likes to see currency wasted. It's not much of a silver lining, but the skill is not completely nerfed, just moderated so it is not so devastating in certain circumstances.
such a kids. Other skills have like "40% INCREAE dmg enchant" and they had purr "100% MORE dmg(cause x2 balls)" and act like thats what they deserve. Omg.
Sure, only ur VD deserves 100% more dmg just from enchant. Cause...just cause u play this build?:D nice logic.
no. Take ur 30% more dmg and be happy.
Melanholic7 wrote:
such a kids. Other skills have like "40% INCREAE dmg enchant" and they had purr "100% MORE dmg(cause x2 balls)" and act like thats what they deserve. Omg.
Sure, only ur VD deserves 100% more dmg just from enchant. Cause...just cause u play this build?:D nice logic.
no. Take ur 30% more dmg and be happy.

It's about why GGG decides to rebalance this NOW rather than end of league like usual. Is this spell with the enchantment so broken? More broken than all the stuff I listed a page ago? NO, NOT EVEN CLOSE. What's dev's standard for doing mid league changes? Why this time for this not really op thing but not for ANY OF THOSE I LISTED BEFORE? WILL THIS HAPPEN AGAIN?

Btw for you, gc does 2x or more damage than most if not all other cold skills and gc covers more aoe than almost all skills. It also synergizes very well with mines and especially multiple mines. According to your logic ggg can just come back tomorrow and say: hey guys, starting tomorrow gc won't hit the same target multiple times and/or cannot be used with mines, because we never intended it to insta kill shaper phases. For people like you who spent two weeks leveling your sabo, adjusting your tree specifically for that, getting the specific 6l and other items, how'd you feel?
Aldora_the_Summoner wrote:
What more explanation would satisfy people? GGG have already stated their piece, the enchantment was more powerful than intended and needed to be rebalanced. As is typical with forums, no explanation will satisfy all people so there's absolutely no point in GGG being drawn into a conversation.

I would just like more clarity on why it was deemed necessary to make this change mid-league. Historically mid-league changes have been reserved for game-breaking stuff (MI mirror/blink arrow comes to mind) and haven't had such an economic impact. This doesn't seem to be the case here (I haven't played the build so I'm just basing this on what I see). The consensus appears to be that while the enchantment itself is clearly too powerful, the resulting builds are still just strong. So, I'm just concerned about what this could mean in the future for my own builds.
Last edited by Sytette#1696 on Dec 20, 2017, 3:40:14 PM
I have no idea why but my pc is now running the game fine. While the FPS and Latency is not what would be considered ideal the game is now running smoothly. In the space of two hours it was fixed. Why I do not know; the only thing I did was to use the reset button to handle a problem on another connection and the problem was fixed. I have turned the computer off and on several times during the past few days and that had no effect.

I would like to think that because I posted the company handled my problem personally, but I doubt that. Whatever the reason I am no longer having problems.
was hoping for a added mtx like santa claus, grinch snowman and elves but "puff" just bugs :)
Wow, such "nice" work in patch notes. Why do u even trying to do something, rather than make some new shiny MTX? Game obviously great optimised, gameplay is balanced. GREAT JOB GGG, KEEP IT GOING.
Do you even played game that u made? If not - dont even dare, couse it's bad - why? - Becouse of bad developers.
When the hordes of us with slower load times stop DC'ing non stop after more than 6secs I'll be impressed and thankful.

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