Watch Path of Exile live and win a Helmet Skin with Twitch Drops!

Zanryu wrote:
What if I hate all streamers? No chance! GG GGG for another promotion for only a selected few, who actually cares about streamers. I find no joy in watching others play. Glad for those who can.

+1. Watch how others play but don't play it yourself is the same as watching how others have sex but don't do it yourself.
P.S. Also I note that all streamers are wimps in PoE, 'cause other players always bring them all the best stuff free (what they don't deserve absolutely).
so no love for people that dont watch streamers, thanks ggg, nice reward for the loyal non twitch players.
Ors_Coraxo wrote:
so no love for people that dont watch streamers, thanks ggg, nice reward for the loyal non twitch players.

You do know that non-Twitch players can create a free Twitch account, link them, then "watch" a stream minimized at the lowest stream resolution while muted, and earn it that way, right?
"Buhu what about me I don't watch twitch", what the fuck, are you 12 for real?
Opening a twitch tab and muting it in the background while you do other things is not a hard thing to do.
Last edited by Neggad#2684 on Nov 29, 2017, 2:28:15 AM
This will be more successful PR stunt if GGG just made the reward guarantee, like after total of 8hrs viewing you get the reward. In this way people will be more "appreciative" & be more happily participate in your PR stunt. If people have guarantee that they can get anything from doing this, they will spread the word, tell it tho their friends, families & other communities.

Because right now, this "probability" of getting a reward might have a negative impact instead of positive impact to your community. What if people just watch 8 hrs or more & still get nothing, they will feel bad. So instead of appreciating you more, this PR stunt will give them more bad emotions about your game & to your company.

If you really want to get a guaranteed appreciation from your community then, don't gamble in their emotions.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
+1. Watch how others play but don't play it yourself is the same as watching how others have sex but don't do it yourself.
P.S. Also I note that all streamers are wimps in PoE, 'cause other players always bring them all the best stuff free (what they don't deserve absolutely).

I assume you don't watch sports either. Or movies. Or TV shows for that matter. Might as well go out and live those lives ourselves.
9.5 hours in, nothing lol.
to save the electric bill and the earth, pls rise the drop rate. i always lose gambling in this game. 1% is too low
moose1313 wrote:
9.5 hours in, nothing lol.

really? damn...
i'm still around 7-8hours and still no message
If people don't have the intellectual rigour to correctly understand probability and chance, then this is probably not the right game for them anyway.

When did the world get so whiny? An opportunity to gain free stuff and a bunch of people just want to piss all over it. How many people enter competitions with Coke or McDonalds to win stuff and consent to have their email spammed and nobody bats an eyelid.

If you don't like it, don't participate. You're not missing out on anything essential.

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