New Skill and Support Gem Interactions

Blade flurry is melee??? LMAO its ranged and a dumb channel skill..

Melee has viable end game options with meta clear speed? hmm funny how caster people make assumptions on melee because one streamer played melee once.

Melee gets CONSTANTLY ignored with little to NO update from expansion to expansion.
Last edited by Frankthetank2688#4274 on Nov 28, 2017, 1:06:47 AM
Dranzell wrote:
For the people crying about Melee, there's a lot of skills and options.

I think Blade Flurry is the fastest boss killer right now.

Most of those you consider options are hardly “melee”, it’s not that adding the melee tag to a spell (blade flurry) makes it a melee attack skill.

Anyway, I'm not crying, I like playing with my melee skills, even if they suck compared to ranged counterparts.

But it's a pity to see how much more development goes to expanding/updating/refreshing ranged skills.
exactly bro..

its disgusting how biased GGG is
FrancescoV wrote:
Dranzell wrote:
For the people crying about Melee, there's a lot of skills and options.

I think Blade Flurry is the fastest boss killer right now.

Most of those you consider options are hardly “melee”, it’s not that adding the melee tag to a spell (blade flurry) makes it a melee attack skill.

Anyway, I'm not crying, I like playing with my melee skills, even if they suck compared to ranged counterparts.

But it's a pity to see how much more development goes to expanding/updating/refreshing ranged skills.

exactly bro..

its disgusting how biased GGG is
Very nice, can we pls have less buttons to click. Im old and lazy, pls give me cremation with no corpse needed and cal it volcano TY.
Mikrotherion wrote:
The question is whether you can call Blade Flurry a melee skill.

Why does it matter though? and what is this constant obbsession with melee skills.
Is it the fact that you can't just run close to a boss and punch it to death with a couple of strikes/swings? Or what is a good/satisfying melee skill?

This isn't spefically aimed towards you but in general, because it's brought up a lot and personally I can see a wide variety of working skills, may it be close range or ranged.
I wonder what is the duration of the Unearthed corpses and whether there is a limit to them? Can I spam a metric f*ckton of them and then oneshot bosses with Vaal DD?
sidtherat wrote:
Dranzell wrote:
For the people crying about Melee, there's a lot of skills and options.

I think Blade Flurry is the fastest boss killer right now.

blade flurry, ancestral warchief, sunder, molten strike - 'lots of options'

please, i know that making melee interesting is a difficult task but from the looks of it - GGG is no longer even pretending to try.

there are almost two times more blue gems than red gems. number of usable skills is not even comparable. and then there is that 'end-game survivability' question: compare Spectres with melee, or any standoff ranged char (ED?) with melee

or compare clear speed of Frostbolt + 2 bonkers jewels vs single target namelock with that Ancestral Whatever support.

melee? noob trap
You forgot about flicker, cyclone, ice crash,eq and cleave. All of them are pretty good.
Vaal Pact is dead, long live Vaal Pact!
Last edited by Kek_is_love#6156 on Nov 28, 2017, 1:20:59 AM
The support doesn't work on channelled skills

[Cries in flameblast]

Although, TBH, that would be way OP.
Last edited by Self_mad#2591 on Nov 28, 2017, 1:32:18 AM
'pretty good' - how many of that 40/40 you achieved using these compared to ranged/meta skills?

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