ScrotieMcB wrote:
Dalai, I hope you realize that incident report does not by itself prove Rob Biden was in possession of drug paraphernalia. I guess it might be probable cause to fingerprint him, but that's about it.

Edit: per Breitbart
Laboratory analysis by the Arizona Department of Public Safety later determined that the pipe discovered in the vehicle was used to smoke cocaine, not meth, but fingerprints were not found on the device.
So not even any reason to get Biden's fingerprints. Emily could have seen the identification and attempted to frame a politically prominent individual. 100% agree with prosecutor's decision not to pursue charges.

Not sure what happened to the reply I posted, so this might be a duplicate.

I agree that they didn't have nearly enough evidence to prosecute. They would need camera footage showing no one else had access to the vehicle after it was dropped off. They would need something showing it was actually Hunter Biden that dropped the car off and not someone else.

That the woman admitting picking stuff up in the car, further erodes any confidence.

I don't think it is remotely in the same class as the pee pee dossier. The younger Biden has a known problem of using illicit substances and was discharged from the Navy after a positive drug test.

I doubt the documents were planted, and the fact that they were there is still far more than some imaginary video. That the story of young Biden is corroborated by a factual police report that can be questioned, is once again vastly different from a rumor put together with no official report.

Biden's niece, Caroline Biden - getting away with $100K in credit card scamming, is detestable.

Maybe Caroline Biden could explain to some of our forum members what obstruction of justice is, since she was actually charged with it back in 2014:

"Caroline Biden, 26, charged with resisting arrest, obstruction of justice and harassment in a Sept. 17 meltdown after a confrontation over unpaid rent with her roommate at her ritzy Tribeca pad"

A Biden presidency would be a continual train wreck of blunders, coverups and back door deals. China would probably end up owning the Grand Canyon, and the Statue of Liberty sold back to France for some carbon credits under the Paris agreement.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on May 18, 2019, 6:43:54 AM
DalaiLama wrote:
I don't think it is remotely in the same class as the pee pee dossier. The younger Biden has a known problem of using illicit substances and was discharged from the Navy after a positive drug test.

I doubt the documents were planted, and the fact that they were there is still far more than some imaginary video. That the story of young Biden is corroborated by a factual police report that can be questioned, is once again vastly different from a rumor put together with no official report.
This is exactly like the Steele dossier being published by BuzzFeed. It's unverified scandal porn.

You're changing the topic when confronted. Saying RBiden was discharged from the Navy for a drug test has nothing to do with whether this particular incident happened as described or not.

Saying the police report is factual is much like saying the Steele dossier is factual. If you take away the parts of the police report that are claims made by people, all you have left is some plastic cards with RBiden's name and face on them, and a crack pipe, in a car. To say that's more evidence than the Pee-Pee Dossier is to draw a distinction without a difference.

Most importantly is the raw stupidity of the suspects if the story is true. Who in their right mind would drive a rental car to return it at Hertz with a collection of IDs and a crack pipe all lying on the passenger seat, then just leave it there? I mean, if I was returning Don Jr's rental car, and there he had his driver's license, passport and Trump Organization badge on the passenger seat along with a few caps of meth, I wouldn't be much of a friend if I just dropped it off that way, and I wouldn't be much of a citizen if I didn't call the cops myself. The chance I'd take neither of those actions would be essentially zero.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 18, 2019, 10:11:34 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Trump isn't a Russian spy. He's compromised by the Kremlin mafia. He's a tool/asset

Putin didn't buy out Facebook. No. Facebook ads were only a small part of a much larger conspiracy. Stop being so lazy and read the government report on the Russian influence campaign and the Mueller team's first indictments against the IRA and Russian based agents.

you should stop being so lazy believing everything the media tells you
xMustard wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
Trump isn't a Russian spy. He's compromised by the Kremlin mafia. He's a tool/asset

Putin didn't buy out Facebook. No. Facebook ads were only a small part of a much larger conspiracy. Stop being so lazy and read the government report on the Russian influence campaign and the Mueller team's first indictments against the IRA and Russian based agents.

you should stop being so lazy believing everything the media tells you

It's all fake news unless it comes out of the golden cheeto's mouth, right? Damn, that cultism is a powerful thing.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Some cool hypocrisy from Trump. Imagine being such a dishonest conman and liar (video):
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
The_Impeacher wrote:
It's all fake news unless it comes out of the golden cheeto's mouth, right? Damn, that cultism is a powerful thing.

its all real news unless it comes out of the golden cheeto's mouth, right? Damn, that cultism is a powerful thing.

far as im concerned, its all fake news unless its verified by multiple sources etc etc. just because its on the news (i don't care what network) doesn't make it so.
for most things, i don't even care what is reported or what is the truth because #1 i could never really know. #2 it isn't my country and it doesn't matter to me

truth is great and everyone should strive for it, but you really need to ask if its even possible for you to know such truths on such matters. especially yourself as such a vast outsider.
next another great question is why you want to know the truth. is it just to serve a selfish "i told you so" mentality, or if the truth turned out to be what you didn't think/believe, would you actually change your mind?

majority of people just want their own truth. thats fine, but that doesn't serve as effective ammunition in debates

case in point your most recent post and its video. okay. heres the thing. you need to take somebodies word for it. you have to trust the information from someone.

with this you have three options.
#1 cnn
#2 these people
#3 donald trump the POTUS

now. if you really want to break down who is most trustworthy, i think that is pretty damn simple. so just at face value, who of these 3 options am i going to find most trustworthy, and most apt to take their word for something??
clearly its cnn. afterall they're the most trusted name in news!
Last edited by xMustard on May 18, 2019, 2:19:00 PM
Over 10,000 lies in two years.

Are you suggesting that video is all a hoax?

Bill Gates on Trump (video):
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on May 18, 2019, 4:21:51 PM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Over 10,000 lies in two years.

Are you suggesting that video is all a hoax?

im suggesting im not going to blindly trust everything said in the video, nor am i going to believe the ridiculous claim of "10,000 lies in two years" bullshit.

first off, its very clear that cnn, for over two years, has done nothing but report smear pieces on trump. since they realized he needed to be taken seriously. every. single. day. some true? probably. many completely false and fabricated? probably. a lot absolute trash reporting because they hate the guy? absolutely.

so when an entire news organization overwrites its reputation for doing anything and everything to make one man look bad, yeah, their information should ALWAYS be suspect.

10,000 lies. ive no idea how you can possibly believe that.
whos counting? what are they counting?
you can be wrong without lying, ya know. twitter spelling errors don't count as lies either.

anyway i really don't care. again it isn't my country. but when you look at it from a pretty far outsiders point of view its very hard to deny a lot of great things he has actually done for the country. my suspicion is because he isn't a politician, so he just gets stuff done instead of dilly-dallying for 3 years and attempting to do anything for the final year in order to make claims for reelection time.

personally im more conservative than liberal, but im definitely more liberal on a bunch of things than your typical branded conservative. i'll say this. the biggest problem going on with the united states is the extremism on both sides. people are polarizing and its going to wreck shit.
whos the cause for this division? the media. mainstream and otherwise. its absolutely bonkers what they're doing, be it intended or not.

the way i see you talking throughout this thread, for the very little that i've watched, its like you're waiting on the edge of your seat, face 3 inches from monitor just ITCHING for the latest DT hit-piece.

anyway, just seems to me like you're unqualified to be talking about "truth truth truth is all that matters"
Last edited by xMustard on May 18, 2019, 4:25:30 PM
Some amusing memes from the great Stately McDaniel Manor blog:

If you're not amused... You're prolly not gonna like 2020-2024, either. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
xMustard wrote:

case in point your most recent post and its video. okay. heres the thing. you need to take somebodies word for it. you have to trust the information from someone.

with this you have three options.
#1 cnn
#2 these people
#3 donald trump the pathological liar POTUS

Important clarification above that makes it clear who is, in general, most believable.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!

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