RPGlitch wrote:

Well, I guess we need more republican presidents then, lol.

Jokes aside, I don't know why the data is skewed that direction. You and others have said it's because people are more familiar with ACA, but that doesn't sound reasonable to me.

I don't think people now are any more educated on it, then they were for the last 4 years, when they were paying the fines and doing the paperwork.

I think it's entirely possible that a great many people are deeply confused about Obamacare, and that that still remains true even after the repeal attempt.

But despite that, a certain kind of misinformation was very cleanly and clearly exposed during the repeal effort.

To quote from that Atlantic article I cited:

"For years, Republicans promised lower premiums, lower deductibles, lower co-payments, lower taxes, lower government expenditure, more choice, the restoration of the $700 billion that President Barack Obama heartlessly cut out of Medicare because he hated old people, and (in the particular case of the Republican who recently became president) "insurance for everybody" that is "much less expensive and much better" than what they have today. They were lying. Over and over, Republicans lied to the American public about healthcare. It was impossible to do all of the things they were promising together, and they knew it."

And during the repeal effort, it became painfully clear that none of that was true. Just like it became painfully true that certain other claims made by the right about the ACA were untrue - see also: the entire rest of the article, documenting insane statements like this one from Breitbart: "The Slaughterhouse Three, Obama, Pelosi and Reid, have authored the legislation that will make every American a POW, strip them of their Freedoms and Liberty and shove them in a meat cellar for cold storage".

So people are still probably misinformed about Obamacare. It's a complex law and if you don't follow politics closely (or if you follow politics closely but get most of your news from the kind of people likely to lie about it, i.e. literally anyone in the right-wing media sphere), you're not going to understand it very well. But a certain kind of misinformation, that was overwhelmingly negative, has largely gone the way of the dodo. A whole lot more people get it now - they understand that the republican promises and threats were simply lies. And that's led to a significant growth of support for Obamacare. The turning point was when the AHCA passed, and the CBO predicted it would kick tens of millions off of healthcare. It's hard to argue "Obamacare sucks, republicans will pass something better" when you hear a verdict like that.

Its just like that poll where more people disliked Trump's tax-cuts. Which was absolutely silly if they bothered to read the plan.

Honestly I've outlined multiple good reasons to dislike the Trump tax cuts, and there are many more, if you're not utterly self-interested, painfully short-sighted, and unable to weigh opportunity costs. It's a bad bill that serves primarily as a massive handout to the rich, serving as pro-cyclical policy and juicing an already relatively healthy economy at the cost of massive cuts to our social safety net.

That poll makes sense even if people understand the policy completely. There's a reasonable case to be made that it's bad policy, just like there's a reasonable case to be made that Obamacare is bad policy. But while the case against the Trump tax cuts was made, by and large, in a reasonable manner (the most "out there" thing I've heard about it is "they're going to use this as an excuse to go after social security", which was right on the money) the case against Obamacare consisted in large part of statements like this:

"If they pass health care, government health care, that is the end of the republic. That is the final nail in the coffin of the individual free human being. Once they own your body, they own everything. Once they can withhold health care from you, because you're too old, because you're too sick, or maybe 'cause they just don't like you -- did you ever think about that?"
- Jim Quinn

Or this:

"Sir, you're overweight. What? Yes, sir, you are overweight, we're going to have to require you to lose weight. And if you don't lose weight on your own, we're going to send you to a fat camp and make you lose the weight. And if you still don't lose the weight, then you know, we're just going to have to do surg—we're just going to have to put you in jail. And if you don't lose the weight in jail, sir, I don't know what else to do. Maybe some end-of-life counseling might be good. I mean, I remember a woman that got—that was greased by Dr. Kevorkian because she was fat."
- Chris Baker, on Glenn Beck's show

Can you even find a liberal take on the Trump tax cuts that comes close to being as insane as either of those statements? If not, maybe chill with the false equivalences.

Trump got rid of the individual mandate in 2017. It doesn't take into effect till 2019. But by then. I don't believe there is any penalties to simply ignoring Obamacare. (aka making it a toothless bill)

The mandate still applies until this year, and the penalty for last year will be applied this tax season, so the first time it doesn't apply is the 2020 tax season. And all of the other important (and popular!) provisions of Obamacare, like sharing your parents' insurance until 26 or an end to pre-existing conditions, are still very much active.

However, that's also deeply concerning. The current edition of Obamacare isn't "toothless". It's a two-legged stool - wildly unbalanced, with a decent chance of pulling the entire insurance market down with it. You cannot realistically have insurance coverage that disregards pre-existing conditions without an individual mandate. It's possible that enough people just keep their health insurance that this doesn't matter. It's also possible that this leads to a complete collapse of the shared market. This is the kind of incredibly stupid idea one could only expect from an administration with no idea what the hell it's doing.
Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you!
IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof
In other news, how's our state propaganda network doing?

In summary:

A right-wing militia group kidnapped migrants/detained them at gun point

Fox News described it as "trying to help" & "stopping illegals after they cross the border" while highlighting how the groups sees themselves as "patriots" and airing their fundraising pitch

Fucking yikes.
Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you!
IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof
The_Impeacher wrote:
Because of DOJ policy, he cannot be indicted as a sitting President. But that report is LOADED with evidence of crime and corruption. The best part is every day, he and his admin are committing new crimes, which will insure that the statute of limitations will not be an issue.

The Congressional hearings will bring the document to life.

It's a crazy time to be alive.

TDS_Reporter is back, with even more TDS than should've been possible! Nice.

I like how your brain physically can't process the fact that there was no conspiracy or coordination with the Russians. The cognitive dissonance is so big that it's literally impossible for you to admit that Mueller found no conspiracy and no coordination. Very interesting indeed.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
Because of DOJ policy, he cannot be indicted as a sitting President. But that report is LOADED with evidence of crime and corruption. The best part is every day, he and his admin are committing new crimes, which will insure that the statute of limitations will not be an issue.

The Congressional hearings will bring the document to life.

It's a crazy time to be alive.

TDS_Reporter is back, with even more TDS than should've been possible! Nice.

I like how your brain physically can't process the fact that there was no conspiracy or coordination with the Russians. The cognitive dissonance is so big that it's literally impossible for you to admit that Mueller found no conspiracy and no coordination. Very interesting indeed.

Can we stop calling people with differing political affiliations mentally ill, please?

I know your 4/8chan and alt-lite/right nature is overflowing Xav, but it seriously stopped being funny around the time we all realised it's a fake mental illness you're accusing people of.
faerwin wrote:

Christians, Protestants, Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, just to name a few. I'm sure I am missing some.

Those are all Christians. I don't even know what to say to that lmao.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
rojimboo wrote:

Can we stop calling people with differing political affiliations mentally ill, please?

I know your 4/8chan and alt-lite/right nature is overflowing Xav, but it seriously stopped being funny around the time we all realised it's a fake mental illness you're accusing people of.

I wouldn't categorize TDS as a mental illness. It's also not supposed to be funny, I'm dead serious.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Today’s The Deadline For The IRS To Hand Over Trump’s Tax Returns
Trump’s plan is apparently to disobey the law and hope a friendly judge bails him out.

Hmmmm I wonder what he has to hide? At this point it's more about that than an incorrectly filed tax return.
Xavderion wrote:
faerwin wrote:

Christians, Protestants, Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, just to name a few. I'm sure I am missing some.

Those are all Christians. I don't even know what to say to that lmao.

no, they aren't. Christian is but one branch these days.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
faerwin wrote:

no, they aren't. Christian is but one branch these days.

Do they all utilize the teachings of christ?


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
faerwin wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
faerwin wrote:

Christians, Protestants, Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, just to name a few. I'm sure I am missing some.

Those are all Christians. I don't even know what to say to that lmao.

no, they aren't. Christian is but one branch these days.

"Christian" is the broad umbrella term encompassing any religion that claims Jesus Christ as its primary messiah and espouses belief in the abrahamic god Yahweh. Sure, there are weird, fuzzy edge cases, but Protestants, Catholics, and Methodists at least are all definitely christian denominations. LDS calls themselves christian, and at this point I'm hesitant to say that any religion that calls itself "christian" isn't, because that tent has been stretched out like god supposedly stretched out the sky to the four corners of the world.
Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you!
IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof
Last edited by Budget_player_cadet on Apr 24, 2019, 9:19:58 AM

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