" Alot of USA citizens hate the government. You have to remember it isn't just Democrats Trump pisses off. He went through the entire Republican primary trashing Republicans, especially the Bushes. Trump still trashes Republicans anytime he feels like it. |
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" Economy is way up, Unemployment is the lowest its been since 1969. Exactly where is this long-lasting damage? This is the same stuff people said 2 years ago when he was elected. Like the world was gonna end. Its been 2 years, and nothing. America has only improved. I mean exactly what kind of damage can he do in 2 more years? You guys talk in a lot of hyperbole. People have been exaggerating the damage hes gonna do for 2 years now. I've already said I don't like Trump AS A PERSON. I never have. But, I can put my dislike of his character and personality aside IF hes doing a good job. Which I think he is. Also, I'm not in either camp. If I had to actually put a label on myself, it would be Independent. The Dems have ruffled my feathers more than the Repubs have in the last few years, if I may say so. With how they treat freedom of speech and how hypocritical they are. I'm tired of seeing speakers have to have security detail, have their speeches ruined, by some over privileged college kids. Actually riots because a guy is gonna give an opinion they dont share. People even get hurt. Thats a rant for another day. But yes, I'm glad Trump spit in the face of not only the Dems, but the Republicans too, and it hasn't actually hurt the American people whatsoever. If anything, America is doing as good as it has been, to the ire of all his haters. Which makes it that much sweeter. I can be happy knowing the 2 most important metrics to me, which affect me on a day to day basis, he is doing better than the last 30 years of presidents. That makes me happy. I dont care what party he came from, what he tweets, or how the world views him. You really need to ask yourself your own question. Do you really intend to overlook any good he might do, and has done, just because you hate him as a person? Because it seems most people cannot make that distinction whatsoever. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Dec 15, 2018, 6:00:32 AM
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" Stock market says hello. Climate change says hello. Clean air and water say hello. Human rights say hello. Trade agreements say hello. Last edited by rojimboo#7480 on Dec 15, 2018, 6:10:08 AM
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" So trump is responsible for 100+ years of industrial pollution? How the fuck does that even work. Human rights? in the us? pretty sure they got it better then ppl in North korea/africa/middle east/russia/south america/mexico/china but sure human rights ok. [Removed by Support]
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” |
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" Its pure hyperbole like I said earlier. Trump is president for 4 years; 8 max. RIGHT after he leaves office, the next guy can sign whatever fleece agreement is drawn up. So how in the hell can Trump affect generations to come with climate change? He can't. He can affect 4-8 years. And those 4-8 years damn sure won't be anything like the last 100+, like you said. And apparently its all America's fault all these other countries can't clean up their act. Yea, its America's fault China pollutes so much. I just take what these guys say with a grain of salt. Haters gonna Hate. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Dec 15, 2018, 7:07:32 AM
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" I would post an NPC meme but I'll be a compassionate Russian bot by not dehumanizing you. You should still critically examine your programming though. You should start with the obvious things, like believing the Paris agreement would stop climate change. That thought is so asinine that I really can't explain how people can actually believe something like that. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" ACC - What's the global warming potential of CO2 and thus its effective lifetime? Human rights - Sure. You're better than North Korea. Good comparison. |
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I'll just wait for all the apologies when it is proven that the Trump-bashing has been BS.
Of course, that'll never happen. All the "Muh Russia" groundhogs will simply vanish with their tails between their legs (plenty of room for a big, bushy tail when there's nothing else in the way) until the next wave of Proggy agit-prop and slander. Meanwhile, I'll salt my popcorn with the tears of those whose soon-to-be-disappointed expectations have been led by the same lying political-media complex as has been fabricating the anti-Trump BS. =^[.]^= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/ whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie Last edited by Raycheetah#7060 on Dec 15, 2018, 10:34:35 AM
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" It's about the bigger picture as well, you can't see the forest for the trees. It occurs to me i've explained this before. I can't be asked to do it now properly again, for people who don't read the news anymore. 1. Historically US is still the biggest polluter, closely followed by China and very soon to be exceeded. 2. China is doing a lot to curb emissions and install renewable energy. 3. China manufactures goods for most of the world. 4. What Trump did is try and reduce the impact of the Paris agreement in a critical time when everyone has to pull their weight and do their part. There are people with no electricity or running water in India and China, and you expect them to do more than you? Fucking selfish and lazy. 5. Trump undermines the whole idea of the UN agreement, and possibly lessens the ambitions of several other countries who pollute the most. 6. He's orange. He should be whiter for surface albedo. |
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" *giggles* *leftist have tiny dicks!* *expects to ever be taken seriously* Why don't you educate us all in this thread again, with your climate change knowledge? What made you run away from that debate, with your tail tucked between your legs? |
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