" Well, that explains a few things. " It has everything to do with employment, because IT is simply one part of the tech industry that's facing this problem right now. None of the big industries stateside are shipping jobs overseas because of a lack of labor, they're shipping them because: A) The workers overseas are working for bread crumbs. B) The corporate tax rate overseas is substantially less. It has nothing to do with not having enough workers in the boons. How many mom and pop shops are packing up their shit and moving overseas? A restaurant isn't going to move overseas because it can't find a chef. None of your arguments are making any sense. Maybe you live in a very small country that's about 20 miles in diameter and that is a more practical method for solving its own employment issues, but none of what you're describing is the cause for jobs being shipped overseas. Please read this, before this discussion becomes any more painful than it already is. Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
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Just a reminder that we're really living in this timeline.
![]() GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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"Oh, don't tell me you're already tired of winning. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" I thought it was very funny and I'm laughing at how people are just crying about it now xD |
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![]() I dont see any any key!
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" don't post a picture like that, liberal college will need therapy for months to get over it. |
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" I have news fatigue which means I have Trump fatigue because Trump is in the news 24/7. I'm almost entirely avoiding news for now, only checking Reddit once a day for 10 minutes or so. Feels good. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" If the lack of employable people is because "everyone is moving to the city", it means that those restaurants & shops will be out of customers too. So they will have to downsize or fail in any case. Even people who just commute to the city, probably eat there too. The solution is to cut governemental benefits. Of course people will not apply for "non glamorous" jobs, if they receive enough free money for not doing anything. But noooo... keep paying your local natives benefits and bring foreign cheap labour who will work for even less. Thats the neoliberal solution. Or move your business to asia. When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Jan 4, 2018, 7:35:51 AM
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" Let's turn this around a bit. Ask the average individual the following: "Do you want to work a shit job for shit pay, with no chance for advancement to either a non-shit job or non-shit pay, in shit conditions for shit people who would gladly replace you with a robot, and/or some bum they hire to replace you after a year because hiring that bum is cheaper for them than giving you any sort of raise and so they built high churn into their business model?" Also ask the following: "Do you find it immensely difficult to get hired anywhere but dead-end shitjobs that fire you after a year instead of giving you a raise, because every single employer in the country discards the vast majority of applications they receive because HR reps can't be assed to do their jobs, and the one single thing any HR rep filters for is extensive on-the-job experience - which you can't get without having one of the jobs you keep getting summarily rejected for?" Do government benefits need reworking? Yes. Do they exist because employers, on the whole, are awful people? Also yes! You need to fix both ends, or the people you're taking benefits away from will not "get off their lazy butts, go out, and get jobs like real people." They will simply die. Because most of them are trying everything they possibly can to Get Jobs Like Real People, but the country as a whole is unwilling to give them jobs. Even shit jobs with shit pay for shit people that nobody could feed a family or keep them under a roof on. Are you willing to personally go out and shoot ten poor people a day in the face because they have the sheer nerve to be poor? No? Then maybe show a little empathy with your fellow man and at least admit that perhaps if the corporate end of it wasn't so badly twisted and if HR folks/Big Corporate didn't absolutely delight in telling people 'NO JOBS FOR JOO!', there would be a whole lot less need for the governmental support systems all y'all hate so much? |
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" The same government allows in legal and illegal replacements for the "fellow man", who now don't even need to show up for a shitty job with a shitty pay, because Pablo got it. And this is not even limited to shitty jobs, but as others have mentioned, to IT jobs too. How do you picture this system even working in the long term? Foreigners replacing you because they can be milked at a lower price than natives? Immigrants leeching welfare, while not contributing anything. What perspective do young westerners even have to create families, if they can't even get a job OR if they are taxed at 40%+, because the gov. needs the money to feed all the illegals and ghetto bums? How long can the working class sustain this burden of globalism and liberal open borders policy? I do want to live in a social system, where people that can't (temoporarily) take care of themselves are being taken care of. But such system is not possible under globalism & open borders. Because the stream of cheap 3rd worlders is infinite! Both the capitalists and the government are guilty. Corporations want to minimize expenses and maximize profits (by shipping jobs overseas or bringing cheap labour in) and the government allows this. ...and then edumacated people go and vote for the neoliberal globalist pro-corporate Hillary Clinton (or for Macron, or for Merkel), instead of voting for nationalists who want to stop immigration and prevent outsourcing businesses. Facepalm! When night falls She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness Last edited by morbo#1824 on Jan 4, 2018, 12:58:22 PM
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