" The EPA is a hostile leftist politicized entity, what's surprising about them being against Trump? " A peer reviewed analysis of the future. In a court of law, such hypothetical proof would be illegal. " Science would be finding a few sites that changed procedures in manner that followed Trump's proposed rules and observing them and then reporting: "We found that the “inside the fence line” option did result" When it's a prediction based on current science, it is a hypothesis until tested. You can say it is a reputable hypothesis based on tested science, but it isn't fact until tested. " I already debunked the Cook "consensus" and I am well aware of how scientific colloquiums and symposiums are conducted. Points and counterpoints are usually debated, people offer supporting points and research and then afterward a lot of emails go back and forth clarifying points and raising new questions. I've only participated in one symposium myself, but I do have friends and family that participate regularly, two of which publish works that are considered authoritative in their field. " There is a valid form of argument called illustration by exaggeration, in which the foolishness of an idea is made clear by magnifying its effects. It is a version of Reductio ad Absurdum Myosotis pollen would fit in the PM 2.5 definition, but that isn't the point. You can probably tell by now that when I respond to a post, I am not responding to all of your previous posts (chronologically). You might want to look up the formal definition and usage of "straw man". ![]() "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Dec 3, 2018, 8:59:28 PM
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" Carrot and stick needs to be taught to school children again. They only understand stick. If you provide a small but ample stick and plenty of carrot (stay out of the way of business that isn't truly harmful and sometimes an economic incentive) you will get far better results. The mass adoption of solar power in the Southwest wasn't because government mandated it or had penalties for not doing it. It was readily adopted because there were economic incentives to do so. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" Imagine how much Nancy or Chuck could accomplish is they sat down and tried to work with Trump and offered some compromise? BTW - compromise isn't a dirty word, and it was how the US govt used to function a few decades ago. Not everything passed was good, but by periodically revisiting issues, the didn't work so well could be patched up with newer versions that tried to fix the broken parts. With the house, the Democrats have a chance to actually try it. We will see. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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Here, let's set the context for this post. What does this post have to do with climate change or the collusion? Nothing. What does this post have to do with Trump's business? Nothing. What does this post have to do with All hail president Trump. Everything.
It's just a very funny thing that happened. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" It just proves Trump isn't an NPC. Things like this make him more appealing to many Americans. ![]() ![]() "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" The EPA is still like that? After Pruitt's rampage on science, and Mr-I-used-to-lobby-for-coal-industry Wheeler? Really? Which of the below things are good for the environment, under Trump? " " Prosecution: Is smoking cigarettes bad for you, harmful to your health? Expert from Heartland Institute: Such hypothetical proof is illegal. Prosecution: wat Expert: ILLEGAL Prosecution: wat Expert: I cannot possibly predict the future. Prosecution: Fuck this shit, I'm going home. "And the rest? Each with their own separate methodologies? You would have to disprove all of them, and even so, it was demonstrated your rebuttal was bunk and full of wrong assumptions and interpretations. "I think you actually meant to say the peer review process and the scientific method. These guys were nowhere near each other in a symposium sending emails to each other. One published a paper, the other a rebuttal, then that one was answered definitively (all of which was peer reviewed), Legates and Tol backed off. Later Oreskes and Cook published another paper, a different one. After some years, no rebuttals. "No it wouldn't. The smallest pollen myosotis forget-me-not pollen has a particle diameter of about 6 micrometers. 2.5 um < 6.0 um. Most pollen wouldn't even be included in PM10. Fine particulate matter PM2.5 does not include pollen, and the suggestion that we can limit natural sources of fine particulate matter (wildfires, incidentally to happen more frequently in a changing climate, and secondary aerosols from biogenic volatile organic compounds) is ludicrous. You would not only have to prevent atmospheric chemistry from occurring, you would have to destroy all plant life, mostly trees, to prevent emissions. Tad extreme. Most of PM pollution at 2.5 is manmade, and it's harmful. That IS something we can do a lot about, as it's mostly from combustion sources. " Inconceivable! :) So, not sure what you meant, but what I meant was that when I said "Anyone with a rudimentary physics knowledge, upon examining the evidence, WILL acknowledge anthropogenic climate change. The evidence is literally overwhelming, and the skeptic/denialist evidence is extremely lacklustre and dubious. I think you will find this in the other thread regarding climate change." i had also said this before a couple times "By the way, if you must know, I've clarified a couple times now that I don't believe deniers are not bright or intelligent, nor that Trump is dumb. People have incentives to not believe something scientific sometimes, and they think they benefit from non-belief. I still maintain anyone with a rudimentary physics knowledge that familiarises themselves with the science, will come to the conclusion there is no other major contributor for the recent rapid warming than human activities, *unless* they have some incentive/benefit for non-science belief." You thought you were being soooo clever by cherrypicking one sentence out of context, and arguing against that weaker position to defend. I.e. fighting an imaginary man made out of flimsy hay and straw. *Even* had I only said that and meant it as scientific and absolute truth, you'd still be wrong regarding your counter-argument. Woodcock, an accredited engineer, NASA, bla bla bla, demonstrated clearly he had no rudimentary knowledge of physics in his own assertion regarding CO2 not having increased in recent years. Not even WUWT wattsupwiththat or GWPF globalwarmingpolicyfoundation, known denialist think tanks, dispute that CO2 is increasing. Woodcock was also standing near sheep. The greenhouse gas emissions might have been so high coming out of them, it could have made him braindead. But as I said, that was not even the point. You vs strawman 1-0 Good job man. Last edited by rojimboo#7480 on Dec 3, 2018, 10:41:01 PM
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" ![]() Dr. rojimboo will now offer his extensive psychoanalysis treatment. mwahaahahha " Explains his hatred of women. " Explains his dismissal of science. " hey Donald, link this! ![]() "Ummmmm.... *thinks long and hard* *decides* I've decided, I want to keep mocking him. Yep. |
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A dream scenario would be Daddy Peterson and Daddy Trump sitting together and the former psychoanalysing the latter in a 4 hour podcast. Inject that shit straight into my veins.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence. Last edited by Xavderion#3432 on Dec 4, 2018, 3:23:40 AM
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" Oh compromise work both way. Imagine how much Trump could accomplish if he sat down and tried to work with Nancy or Chuck and offered some compromise? Everyone have a chance to actually try it. We will see. See what I did there? Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Dec 4, 2018, 4:45:03 AM
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" Since you gave me a list to pick from, I'll choose this one for starters: TRUMP UNVEILS PLAN TO DRAMATICALLY DOWNSIZE TWO NATIONAL MONUMENTS More clean coal :-) Nothing like selling off the world's largest deposit of clean coal so that your foundation can get kickbacks from Indonesia.... Then again, his wife sold off our Uranium for money for the Clinton Foundation, so no surprise there. When the EPA starts bulldozing skyscrapers in Manhattan to turn it back into natural forests is when I will believe their 'environmental' angle. " The history of most superfunds have been a debacle. You might as well be setting cash on fire to heat a stadium. " It isn't hypothetical, they have results with actual effects. Someone could question whether long term vaping was harmful as being hypothetical. " This isn't a honey-do list. You choose to respond to parts of my post and I choose to respond to parts of yours. I don't assume you agree with the parts you don't respond to, nor do I assume you can't defend them. If you are assuming something different and arguing from that standpoint, you are creating a strawman. (see other post for link, so you can understand the term correctly). " Did you take a statistics class? If you have, you should remember from it that what I said is rudimentary statistics. Grab your book if you still have it and re-read it as a refresher. The Cook study was like GGG sampling the off topic posters and then saying "Most of PoE players like to debate Trump, so we will be including more pro-Trump and Anti-Trump content in our next league" It was a non representative sample for starters, and what they qualified as "results" were laughable. If you haven't taken a statistics class, then I could understand why it might not be clear what they were doing wrong. That is part of the reason people in certain professions are required to study it before they can work in the field. " Most Myosotis at 4-5μm wouldn't be included in the PM2.5 standard. The ones at their smallest size of 2.5 μm would. Keep working with the search engine and you will find 2.5 and occasionally a 2.4 μm as the lower size limit. " That was the point of the argument used. Reductio ad absurdum. Likewise, getting to zero emissions from a power plant is extreme. " The dosage makes the poison. Lower numbers are generally better, when they have solid reasoning behind them. Zero is not such a number. Look at the methodology of some of these studies calling for drastically lower limits. " Fair enough. I disagree with your opinion, but from the standpoint of anyone trusting the scientific consensus, your statement holds true. " 1) That wasn't my intent. 2) It wasn't anything "clever" it is a formal logical fallacy. 3) Claiming all is not the same as what you restated above. Not remotely. " Appeal to probability and Affirming the consequent Are the formal and propositional fallacies your argument violates. " His PhD is in physics, his specialty is thermodynamics. I daresay he knows more about the physics of this than either of us do. Opinions do not equal knowledge. Knowledge does not equal insight or understanding. Insight and understanding do not equal opinions. They are all factors in someone forming an opinion, but they do not guarantee an particular opinion outcome. I will illustrate it for you. Unless I am mistaken, both of us have played Path of Exile. Both of us have allocated points on the skill tree and to make our build or utilized a build someone else created. We both have likely used skill gems and have a rudimentary knowledge of Path of Exile. That doesn't mean we will both agree on what build is the best. It doesn't mean that because one or both of us has not kept up with the 3.5 patch notes that we don't have a rudimentary knowledge of Path of Exile. " You can kill people by cutting their CO2 levels too much, you know. " Your strawman doesn't give up, he just keeps coming back - must be something in the Wraeclast soil. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Dec 4, 2018, 8:12:24 AM
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