Yay, a Trump thread where we can tread all over Trump's threats.
Also, it's Finland's forest management, not Norway's. Finland is mostly forest, Norway is more tundra/mountains. I know, having been here and experienced the millions of memes regarding Finland and Finnish people raking their forests, recently. Even our President told a German newspaper, that actually, we don't do that, in a rebuttal to an orange man. |
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" In what way, climatically, is Finland like California? =0[.]o= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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" Yep. Exactly. Not sure why mr. glows-in-the-dark would bring it up either. |
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Tulsi Gabbard a dem from HI calls Trump Saudi's "bitch" on twitter Can't say I disagree. @TulsiGabbard Hey @realdonaldtrump: being Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not “America First.” Git R Dun!
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" I feel like you could say the same thing about every American president for a while now. |
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" Certain trees will burn better than others. Deciduous(leafy) forests can be used as temporary fuel breaks as crown fires will not carry through the canopy - the oil content is too low. It's not necessarily the water content as the lack of combustible oils. With regard to water content and fuel types - areas next to creeks or rivers known as riparian areas will survive intense forest fires because of the moisture levels in the fuel and humidity levelsin the air. The area is protected and will often have contain trees missed by several fire cycles. Fire is sort of like electricity this way - seeking the path of least resistance. The intensity of a crown fire is dependent on continous supply of fuel on the forest floor. A healthy forest goes through fire cycles which clean up the dead and down and leaves the canopy intact. A 'decadent' forest which has been allowed to grow old and heavy with dead and down fuel will burn everything top to bottom and even destroys the organic layer in the soil. I'm beginning to wander a bit but this idea of a decadent forest might resemble the continuous fuel supply of row housing. | |
" Tulsi thinks she can win everyone's heart by saying the most popular things. In 4-6 years, the public stance will shift and her views will either shift with them (like Hillary's did) or she will end up in unpopular land. Her ideas don't form a cohesive whole. She doesn't see government waste and would gladly slash the US military budget until we were nearly defenseless. Tulsi makes Sarah Palin look smart. If anyone thinks foreign policy is going to dramatically flip over one death, or that the United States hasn't killed off a few people here and there, they are naive. What was the US Foreign policy change after Benghazi, when US Citizens and an ambassador were killed? What was the US policy flip after Tiananmen Square? When you run a large country, it isn't a good idea to shoot off your foot to take care of the wart on one toe. Trump's stance protects the American economy far better than some major spat over a single death would. If the leftists were so concerned about killings, they would worry about Chicago first. November Stats for Chicago: Shot & Killed: 30 Shot & Wounded: 95 Total Shot: 125 Total Homicides: 36 How does Thanksgiving look in Chicago so far? As of 4 a.m., they are off to a slow start: 12:30a 4400 W Jackson, Garfield Park 1:00a 5200 S May, New City 2:25a 5800 N Talman, West Ridge 3:50a 2500 W Division, West Town "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" This reminds me of something. Did you know that all 3 times the Republicans had complete control of government in the last 100 years, Senate, Congress and President, for over 4 years, it has resulted in the greatest financial collapses in the last 100 years? 1.The Panic of 1907…… Markets fell over 43% before bottoming out).....Complete GOP control from 1901 to 1913 2.The Great Depression, 1929..... fueled by the unsustainable laissez-faire (unregulated) polices of the roaring 20’s......Complete GOP control from 1921 to 1933 3.The Financial crisis of 2007-2008....Complete GOP control from 2001 to 2007 In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression, passed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act. Which, raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression. Today they have a similar debate over this. Anyone know what this is? The Laffer Curve. It says that at this point on the revenue curve, you will get exactly the same amount of revenue as at this point. This is very controversial. Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? 'Voodoo' economics. |
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" Sourced from Neither one is worth the paper it isn't printed on. Anyone who wants to blame the "dot com bubble" burst on any governmental action has absolutely no knowledge of the period. Domain Names were sold for Ten Million Dollars. People thought anything on the internet was going to magically succeed. It might as well have been a collection of pyramid scams. The money was coming in so fast that the founders of companies were "retiring" early, stepping back from or selling off their stock when they should have been shaping that company into a strong resilient corporation. People thought the internet back then was going to provide the kind of connectivity and sales that it actually does now. Most people didn't have broadband. Downloading the current version of Path Of Exile would take you 12-30 days, for instance. A pizza company could make and deliver a pizza to your house faster than you could download the current version of most pizza places website. If PoE trading prices functioned the same way - Exalts would go to 2 million chaos, and then the market would crash, and then the sites you listed would blame Blizzard for everything. The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis was similar - GET RICH FAST NOW - YOU CAN'T LOSE!!!! Except, instead of - real estate could never fail. Buyer 1 Buys a house for 105,000, spend $1500 on new carpets and paint, resell for 125,000. Buyer 2 buys for 125,000 spends 2500 on a new deck, resells for 150K Buyer 3 buys for 150K, spends 5 grand on new kitchen cabinets and a new bathroom, resells for 200K Buyer 4 spends 9 grand on granite counters and a wood floor, resells for 250K. The house is a bargain! Buyer 5 snaps it up, spends 10K on fixing the leaking roof, resells for 300K Buyer 6 spends 10K on the master bedroom and bath and lists the house for 350K And the market starts to crash. And everyone panicked, just like they did the time before, and prices continued to crash. Even then the 2007 crash would probably have been a slowdown and not a crash except for one giant bank that intentionally caused the second major bank to collapse. You won't read about that from some retroconning financial expert. The source you listed has no idea what they are talking about. It's like blaming the global 'climate change' from 2008-2016 on Obama, since he was president then. There are lots of self-pronounced economic 'experts' that can look back and tell you "this is why". The ones that can and do accurately predict the future are the only ones worth listening to. The "An anonymous blogger from the 'financial industry'" - could be ME! At least your initial source has a name. (we'll call him AP here) So what is his expertise on this subject? (2018 interview) AP: Just turned 26. We’ve got our own health insurance now, now we’re big time. AP: There you go. All the listeners are just signing off now. What wisdom do two 26 year olds have to give us? <AP was likely in high school during the 2007 financial crisis and in 4th grade during the bubble burst - so very unlikely to have any experience or much awareness of either, other than newspaper or TV news> AP: I graduated from Penn State University in 2014. Majored in accounting because everyone needs an accountant. Then my parents said, you better get a job, which seems reasonable. So I went to the career fair. Giving out, it was hard to get an interview or talk to someone, but of course giving out interviews was a financial company, financial services company. I thought, this seemed great. AP: So I ended up working for a financial services company in Philadelphia for about two years. Started out really exciting, I got my life and health insurance licensing. Series 7, Series 66. Got all three licenses, was ready to start in the business, and shortly realized that I was kind of just selling products to clients using sales tactics. Versus what we do and what I’m doing now, which is definitely more holistic, goal based financial planning. And then so I worked there for two years, didn’t really know what I was going to do. " Hmm, from 2016 to 2018, AP suddenly became a financial history expert! No Credibility. He doesn't even provide any logic for his claims - because he just copied them from - who didn't provide any logic either. He could have said GOP economic policy X caused Y because of Z. He doesn't. SAD. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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"You say that as if it's a defense. I can appreciate that US-Saudi relations should be more nuanced than blind hate and non-cooperation, but considering that Trump has given the Sauds a lot of morally dubious help (US bombing Yemen, selling then hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons) while getting dubious behavior in return (Khashoggi), I think Gabbard's remark is justified. ---------- The two primary causes of the 2008 financial crisis were 1. A Bush administration policy encouraging mortgage lenders to accept unqualified applicants — that is, those who can't reasonably be expected from their financial situation to repay the loan — if they were ethnic minorities 2. The Federal Reserve, which is also a government policy You need both, because in a system where credit is limited, there is competition for credit such that the most qualified applicants, not merely any "qualified" applicant, is approved for credit. The Federal Reserve system, however, can create large amounts of credit for market use out of thin air. Under such a system there is no functional market competition for credit, because regardless of how many loans a bank has previously approved, approving another loan makes sense if a return is expected. And return WAS expected — just not from those applying for the mortgages. If the government is twisting your arm to get more ethnic minority homeowners by having you accept lower quality applicants, then it only stands to reason that, after those people are approved but can't pay, that the government will act in whatever way preserves their home ownership — or at least cleans up the mess. The banks involved predicted that their financial decisions would be bailed out by an influx of government cash, funding a mandate that was, at the time, unfunded. Those banks predicted correctly, because the government also uses the Federal Reserve system to have functionally unlimited credit for responding to such issues. The moral of the story is that, as long as the Federal Reserve exists, any stupid economic policy government dreams up, even if destined to pop like a bubble, is going to be accepted without resistance by the banking industry, because they know that the government has both the motive and the financial means to prevent them from facing repercussions. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Nov 22, 2018, 6:12:50 PM
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