" 1st part : apparently you don´t have children or good friends with children 2nd part : the idiot voters or as Trump himself calles them "the poorly educated" have just made a bad decision. About posts from others: I´m not driving a car, I would not fly with a plane (not afraid and it is very cheap here), I don´t use shitty coffee capsule, don´t leave the light on or the doors and windows open for too long. I like hiking and my bicycle. Overall it makes me pretty angry if someone calls me left wing extremist, because I´m not. If you far right guys notice that everything else is far left from you, that´s a start. If you want to keep your hate + prejudice, keep it, but be aware that this thread is a small echo chamber + if you write such nonsense normal people will react by saying "what an idiot" and shaking their head. And about "people who want everything", "luxuries" and such... You people are the sheep that made a fucking billionaire asshole, that gives a shit about you as long as you are voter sheep, president. Haven´t you noticed the tax cuts for th rich ? Probably not. One last thing: if you are attacking people you don´t know like that, Khoranth, they might end up hating you. I do. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Nov 10, 2018, 5:50:50 AM
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" You got it upside-down. It's the people who should be worried of being enslaved by banks for the next 100 years of "liberal democracy", cause their stupid leftist government was borrowing so much money to fund lavish social expenses. Ultimately it's the people's fault, for voting in leftist scam artists and thinking you can get away with endless borrowing. Banks are just abusing idiots & greedy people who don't think beyond tomorrow. After the crash, Greeks voted in the same leftist scam artists AGAIN! ffs... some people deserve all the pain they get. How's the "proletariat revolution" doing in Greece today? They STFU and do whatever the banks tell them. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" Neoliberalism, economic liberalism or as I say predator capitalism is not on the left side of the political spectrum. Rules and regulations for banks would be social-democratic, and that´s the best way to handle it including taxation of finance transactions(=earning money without work) State owned banks would be socialist. Trump has helped deregulating banks and the finance sector, in this he is a neoliberal (of course because he is an egoist and billionaire and so are his friends.) I already linked this here when the article appeared, reactions were like: We don´t understand this. Last edited by Schmodderhengst#7293 on Nov 10, 2018, 6:12:02 AM
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" Did I say it is? No. I said the leftist government was borrowing too much money to feed lavish social expenses (early retirement, high pensions, healthcare...). Stuff their country couldn't afford without borrowing money abroad. Neoliberalism here is only guilty of giving loans to leftist addicts, who were unable to repay loans back. And now banks own Greeks by the balls. You'd regulate "predatory capitalism" (which I'd agree on some levels), but would you regulate leftist (or any government's) inclination of promising stuff to people they can't pay for? Because that's how the left gains votes in "liberal democracy" most of the time - by promising "free" stuff. btw, what deathflower was implying is that the banks should be afraid of the people - which is fking laughable. Not in globalist (neo)liberalism, they shouldn't and they aren't. Banks and the handful of people owning them can destroy & enslave whole countries. And globalization is what your side supports! The subjugation of national countries to global capital and the liberal world order. Your side is taking money from billionaire Soros type globalists, to attack nationalists & conservatives, and promote open-borders, mass immigration of cheap labor (neoliberal corporations say thanks!) and liberal chaos invented to weaken western societies from the inside. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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" I'm not attacking anyone personally, I apologize if you took it that way. I am simply making sweeping generalizations, mainly about USA leftists, I dont know much about foreigners. That is great if you live life as a conservative, I think the world would be better if everyone did. |
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I have some bad news for the AGW crowd. The planet. Doesn't. Care. We WILL have warming, and cooling, and to degrees which may be just a tad more than inconvenient for humans (and other species). Sea levels have already risen within the span of human existence (there are plenty of submerged ruin sites to be found off current shorelines). Coastal populations will adapt (a la the Netherlands) or move. We're still here (for now), and I'm reasonably sure that there is plenty of potential agricultural real estate which a warmer climate would open up. Vinland was a fine, historical example: Or are you going to tell me that AGW caused the Boreal warming trend (for example) 12,000 years ago? "The start of the period is relatively sharply defined by a rise of 7 °C in 50 years. The date is based fairly solidly on Greenland ice cores, which give 11,640 BP for the late Younger Dryas and 11,400 BP for the early Pre-Boreal." Humans (among other species) survived that warming just fine, without high tech (and certainly without contributing to it). The fact is, climate IS change, and to presume that we can somehow influence that change is silly. Cite all the "experts" you want; they have become as badly politicized as the media, and serve much the same function now, as an echo chamber for policy. Appeal to Authority is still a fallacy, and a lazy one at that, especially when the movers and shakers behind the AGW movement are so transparently blasé about the whole thing, where their own behaviors and activities are concerned. When Algore and Leonardo DiCaprio begin to live their lives like the world is about to end, THEN you can tell me how scary AGW really is. At any rate, humans and other organisms adapt to the changing environment, and, since that is what the natural environment does, we will have to, since we're only along for the ride. =^[.]^= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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" " " This is the thing that you, and so many others, do. I started trolling this thread precisely when you(pl) stopped having a conversation about controversial topics and started accusing everyone you disagree with as partisans extremists. First step: Can we acknowledge that there are extremists on both sides? Like for fucking real, you want people to abandon Trump, but for what.... the side that is explicitly giving a pass to its own extremists? Can you not acknowledge that if Trump were ousted—through election or inquisition—that this would leave a power vacuum that would be filled by people that, some people think, are as or more dangerous? Can you not see that this is a very real problem with current discourse? It’s kind of hard to take you seriously when you want to call out others for their biases, yet are so very clearly doing nothing about your own. You act more like a left wing extremist than I do far right (when not trolling), so if you don’t like it..... that’s your problem. You’re the one advocating for a politicized solution to everything. That’s my problem. You act as if you have a principled position to stand on; all I see is straw. I don’t know how many more times I can say this before I come to my final conclusion: Trump is your fault, and you deserve him. Devolving Wilds
Land “T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.” |
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I can't believe that Trump is actually blaming all of the wildfires here in California on "mismanagement of the forest". Man, he's an idiot!!! It's obviously climate change, he just doesn't get it! (I'm not saying that climate change is fixable, but it's obvious).
Also, regarding Trump, there must be about 500+ people who responded to his twitter post this morning just telling him how stupid he is for thinking this way. I couldn't find one twitter reply from someone who actually agreed with him. Please, impeach him already! Get it over with! Last edited by Mentoya#7912 on Nov 10, 2018, 3:52:09 PM
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" People outside this country should realize that about 3 million more votes were cast for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump. In the election last Tuesday at least 6 million more votes were cast for Democrats running for the House of Representatives than voted for Republicans. Some Americans may sometimes appear arrogant or dismissive of people from other countries, sometimes even referring to them as people from shit hole countries. But, most Americans are good people that respect others. People in this thread that are apparently consumed by hate and disgust for people that might vote Democrat should realize that you are hating on a large percentage of your fellow citizens. Frankly, your penchant for making up lies about the large group of people that you hate is just making you look like idiots. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired! Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Nov 10, 2018, 7:20:54 PM
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In the 2016 presidential election:
63.0 million Americans voted for Trump 65.9 million Americans voted for Clinton 7.8 million Americans voted for someone else 186.8 million Americans didn't vote for President at all Don't really give a fuck about your "3 million." Not even a whole percentage point of Americans. The big winner of that night, with an overwhelming mandate from the people, was "fuck you both." (On the bright side of that, Clinton's "basket of deplorables" — "half of" likely Trump voters — was arguably trash-talking less than 10% of the overall US population.) When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Nov 10, 2018, 5:17:27 PM
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