Xavderion wrote:
The Pedosta brothers are apparently getting immunity from Mueller. Shit's fucked.
I can't find any evidence that John is. But Tony is getting immunity apparently.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Haha trumps trolling them now. Invites Putin to WH rage commences.

Do these clowns not understand We need Russia cooperation? Like Imagine if Russia Armed Taliban with Igla missles like we armed them with Stingers back the day. I guess we'd be out of there in a week. Same goes for proliferation everywhere really and UNSC voting.

I just hope these clowns dont accidentally get us in a nuclear exchange when trump leaves. Like I'd never join military but you have no choice in thermonuclear war. Most people will die. Young old conscientious objectors, libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, black brown white poor rich makes no difference those weapons are not selective.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 20, 2018, 1:59:49 AM
Yeah, it is amazing that the Democrats are now in the pro war camp of McCain & Graham, just to spite Trump.
Not to interrupt the "fuck everyone that isn't a dyed-in-the-wool fundamentalist conservative!" circle jerk or anything, but I ran across an interesting article last night that made more sense than it should.

The New Yorker: A Theory of Trump Kompromat

To summarize: Russia is not run like the U.S. is (duh). Russia is run more like a colossal Mafia state, where everybody has dirt on everybody else and backroom wheeler-dealing, under-the-table bargains, and paranoid compromises are the norm because nobody has an idea who has dirt on them, how much dirt is out there, and what might trigger somebody into outing what they know and taking you down. There's apparently even a term for it - Sistema, 'the system'.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Trump is not a Russian intelligence asset, or even someone who likely knowingly colluded with Russia. He's too fundamentally stupid, and also far too much of an attention whore and public braggart for any self-respecting spymaster worth the title to want anything to do with. Remember, they call it clandestine activity for a reason, and if there's one word no one would ever apply to Trump, it'd probably be 'Clandestine'.

Or 'smart'. But hey, minimize political junk right now. Anyways.

As the article states, if Trump really was a Russian intelligence plant, he would not be treating Putin with deference and respect right now. He'd be ripping Putin a new asshole, pulling his usual fire-and-brimstone rhetoric shit, threatening military action, all the usual Trump jazz. The fact that he's not doing any of that and never has is deeply suspicious, and everybody knows that. Even Putin. If Trump was secretly a Russian plant, he'd be doing a piss terrible job of concealing that fact right now.

IF, however, Trump had, say...committed highly illegal, reputation-and-credibility-destroying financial crimes? And if someone in the ultracorrupt, blackmail-focused Russian state had proof of those crimes and could, at any time they chose, destroy Trump with it?

Well. What makes more sense to people here? The idea that Trump is somehow a knowing, in-on-it Russian intelligence asset doing a very good job of being literally the worst spy in the world since Austin Powers...or the idea that a shitty businessman known for making expedient short-term decisions at the cost of long-term viability and who's legendary for being a cheat, swindler and general ne'er-do-well assbag pulled some shady shit in Russia and is now caught between a rock and a hard place, knowing that the Shady Shit he pulled back when nobody would really care is now hanging over his oh-so-precious Presidency and his legacy for the future like a guillotine blade?

Frankly, I'm kinda stunned the idea hasn't come up more often, come to think of it. Of course Trump pulled some illegal bullfuckery in the past somewhere and somebody's got dirt on him they're holding over his head. Nothing in the world makes more sense than a shitty businessman who won high political office he never really expected to suddenly being caught by old shady-ass decisions he never expected to have to face again. It explains so much of what's going on here.

I've held since practically forever that Trump wasn't an active colluder with Russia. Russia would have to be insane to do anything that'd leave a trail of any sort that pointed to actively compromising a Presidential candidate, especially one as explicitly dumb and blabbermouthy as Trump. That's the sort of thing that leads to armed exchanges. But aiding a presidential candidate's campaign without his active knowledge or say-so to ensure that the candidate you've got dirt on is the one who wins, then oh-so-covertly letting said candidate know you've got information that could ruin him and if he doesn't play ball he's in for the worst possible day?

Oh yeah. That sounds so Russian it hurts.
The Democrats have been called the war party for years for a reason. True, that streak was broken by Bush, but that doesn't change their history.

Problem is that the younger generation do not fear nukes the way older folks do. They think it would be like one of their tv shows they always watch. It would but not in a good way!
Italian PM Matteo Salvini seen wearing a bad ass T-shirt:

I've decided to order one as well.

Is that not the coolest fucking T-shirt ever?
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Jul 20, 2018, 12:46:52 PM
You know it says Onward Russia! Now they will call you a Russian bot for sure. LOL Nice way to trigger the loony left trolls.
kolyaboo wrote:
You know it says Onward Russia! Now they will call you a Russian bot for sure. LOL Nice way to trigger the loony left trolls.

Their salt is my nourishment.

I never really understood the reasoning behind Russophobia in the USA beyond old cold-war rivalries. Putin is not a Communist. I think he's a Civic Nationalist. Kinda like Trump, but Putin is a far more effective leader.

I think a lot of people on the American Right would actually find that they agree with a lot of Putin's positions in Russia, if they got past all the Russophobic propaganda, and simply looked at the facts.

Old Conservatives fogies who're still caught up in cold-war era bullshit, need to just shut the fuck up about Russia, and re-examine things.

The hostilities against Putin also have a lot to do with geopolitics. But I don't think most US citizens really give a shit about proxy wars, and puppet regimes in countries on the other side of the globe, but both the establishment Left and Right media tell us we should care.

Putin won in Syria. And he did it with an extremely measured, and calculated strategy. Some people here were calling him a cuck when he didn't overreact to US aggression, but Putin already knew he won by that point. It was the last bit of flailing by a wounded, defeated beast.

Putin won in Ukraine. Bridge to Crimea video. LOL. He took territory, and lost nothing. Came out looking like a fucking hero.

The left's reason for opposing Putin, is because the left knows that Putin is in fact a Civic Nationalist, and not a Communist. And Putin has been backing the European Right. We're talking about anti-NATO, and anti-Refugee candidates.

The left's view that Trump and Putin are colluding is erroneous, even though the 2 of them share similar types of policies at home. Russia and the USA will never get along, as long as our politicians insist on being adversarial to Russia on the geopolitical stage.

I think Russia's goal is to split up the EU, and get a few member states to join them in a Eurasian Union. Putin is playing a long game. A very smart long game.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Jul 20, 2018, 2:17:39 PM
1453R wrote:
Not to interrupt the "fuck everyone that isn't a dyed-in-the-wool fundamentalist conservative!" circle jerk or anything, but I ran across an interesting article last night that made more sense than it should.

The New Yorker: A Theory of Trump Kompromat

To summarize: Russia is not run like the U.S. is (duh). Russia is run more like a colossal Mafia state, where everybody has dirt on everybody else and backroom wheeler-dealing, under-the-table bargains, and paranoid compromises are the norm because nobody has an idea who has dirt on them, how much dirt is out there, and what might trigger somebody into outing what they know and taking you down. There's apparently even a term for it - Sistema, 'the system'.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Trump is not a Russian intelligence asset, or even someone who likely knowingly colluded with Russia. He's too fundamentally stupid, and also far too much of an attention whore and public braggart for any self-respecting spymaster worth the title to want anything to do with. Remember, they call it clandestine activity for a reason, and if there's one word no one would ever apply to Trump, it'd probably be 'Clandestine'.

Or 'smart'. But hey, minimize political junk right now. Anyways.

As the article states, if Trump really was a Russian intelligence plant, he would not be treating Putin with deference and respect right now. He'd be ripping Putin a new asshole, pulling his usual fire-and-brimstone rhetoric shit, threatening military action, all the usual Trump jazz. The fact that he's not doing any of that and never has is deeply suspicious, and everybody knows that. Even Putin. If Trump was secretly a Russian plant, he'd be doing a piss terrible job of concealing that fact right now.

IF, however, Trump had, say...committed highly illegal, reputation-and-credibility-destroying financial crimes? And if someone in the ultracorrupt, blackmail-focused Russian state had proof of those crimes and could, at any time they chose, destroy Trump with it?

Well. What makes more sense to people here? The idea that Trump is somehow a knowing, in-on-it Russian intelligence asset doing a very good job of being literally the worst spy in the world since Austin Powers...or the idea that a shitty businessman known for making expedient short-term decisions at the cost of long-term viability and who's legendary for being a cheat, swindler and general ne'er-do-well assbag pulled some shady shit in Russia and is now caught between a rock and a hard place, knowing that the Shady Shit he pulled back when nobody would really care is now hanging over his oh-so-precious Presidency and his legacy for the future like a guillotine blade?

Frankly, I'm kinda stunned the idea hasn't come up more often, come to think of it. Of course Trump pulled some illegal bullfuckery in the past somewhere and somebody's got dirt on him they're holding over his head. Nothing in the world makes more sense than a shitty businessman who won high political office he never really expected to suddenly being caught by old shady-ass decisions he never expected to have to face again. It explains so much of what's going on here.

I've held since practically forever that Trump wasn't an active colluder with Russia. Russia would have to be insane to do anything that'd leave a trail of any sort that pointed to actively compromising a Presidential candidate, especially one as explicitly dumb and blabbermouthy as Trump. That's the sort of thing that leads to armed exchanges. But aiding a presidential candidate's campaign without his active knowledge or say-so to ensure that the candidate you've got dirt on is the one who wins, then oh-so-covertly letting said candidate know you've got information that could ruin him and if he doesn't play ball he's in for the worst possible day?

Oh yeah. That sounds so Russian it hurts.

Agree with all this.

But it's funny to me you don't think US is at least as corrupt as Russia when the deep state is trying to nullify the ballot box. I think they will find something. Every businessman has skeletons of shady deals. Maybe it was an improper loan from Russian banks a fraud of some sort since Trump wouldnt be above lying for financial gain but this is a witch hunt. This “Sorkinization” of American politics comes from Russia in fact - Stalin’s secret police head Sorkin famously said “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 20, 2018, 2:15:43 PM
1453R wrote:
Russia is not run like the U.S. is (duh). Russia is run more like a colossal Mafia state, where everybody has dirt on everybody else and backroom wheeler-dealing, under-the-table bargains, and paranoid compromises are the norm because nobody has an idea who has dirt on them, how much dirt is out there, and what might trigger somebody into outing what they know and taking you down.
So in other words, just like the US. Are you not paying attention?
1453R wrote:
Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Trump is not a Russian intelligence asset, or even someone who likely knowingly colluded with Russia. He's too fundamentally stupid, and also far too much of an attention whore and public braggart for any self-respecting spymaster worth the title to want anything to do with. Remember, they call it clandestine activity for a reason, and if there's one word no one would ever apply to Trump, it'd probably be 'Clandestine'.

Or 'smart'. But hey, minimize political junk right now. Anyways.
There's nothing partisan about it. Nobody who ascends to the office of President of the United States is stupid. Nobody. The only two possibilities are "genius" and "just shy of genius." Do you really think the competition within the primaries is so devoid of competitiveness that actual idiots get to win? I mean, I'm not saying IQ is necessarily the main thing political parties care about, but regardless of whether the hierarchy is corrupt or clean, you don't see nincompoops at the top of the pyramid. Take your pick -- either mob bosses, or just plain old bosses. One or the other, or a mix of both.

To draw an anology from Dragonball Z, the mistake you're making here is that you assume that if someone hides their powerlevel then that power must not exist. You believe criminals in high office who claim naivete, when that naivete is the only defense keeping him (Bush) or her (Clinton) out of prison. You laugh at a politician who self-limits his vocabulary when speaking to a large rally of ordinary Americans, as if that isn't good strategy -- then, if that politician is Trump, you are successfully trolled by his boasts of having a great vocabulary ironically made under same low-vocabulary conditions, despite such boasts being demonstrably true through years of Twitter dominance.

Hell, I actually believe that Bush was relatively stupid for a President, but I still put him in the 120s in terms of IQ. I actually felt confident I was significantly smarter than him. Not so with Obama, and I hate Obama.
1453R wrote:
As the article states, if Trump really was a Russian intelligence plant, he would not be treating Putin with deference and respect right now. He'd be ripping Putin a new asshole, pulling his usual fire-and-brimstone rhetoric shit, threatening military action, all the usual Trump jazz. The fact that he's not doing any of that and never has is deeply suspicious, and everybody knows that. Even Putin. If Trump was secretly a Russian plant, he'd be doing a piss terrible job of concealing that fact right now.
Solid reasoning.
1453R wrote:
Well. What makes more sense to people here? The idea that Trump is somehow a knowing, in-on-it Russian intelligence asset doing a very good job of being literally the worst spy in the world since Austin Powers...or the idea that a shitty businessman known for making expedient short-term decisions at the cost of long-term viability and who's legendary for being a cheat, swindler and general ne'er-do-well assbag pulled some shady shit in Russia and is now caught between a rock and a hard place, knowing that the Shady Shit he pulled back when nobody would really care is now hanging over his oh-so-precious Presidency and his legacy for the future like a guillotine blade?
Obviously the second, Captain False Dichotomy. Sheeit, if that's a way to make arguments I could "prove" Catholicism is true by contrasting it with Mormonism.
1453R wrote:
Frankly, I'm kinda stunned the idea hasn't come up more often, come to think of it. Of course Trump pulled some illegal bullfuckery in the past somewhere and somebody's got dirt on him they're holding over his head. Nothing in the world makes more sense than a shitty businessman who won high political office he never really expected to suddenly being caught by old shady-ass decisions he never expected to have to face again.
That such things would exist isn't that big of a stretch; that such a thing would remain a secret up until this point, is. The former predicts things like the Billy Bush tapes and Stormy Daniels; the latter would presume that we shouldn't know about such things yet, contrary to the evidence thus far.

In all seriousness, could you think of any time in history when the release of truths damaging to the President of the United States would be better rewarded, either financially or in terms of prestige?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jul 20, 2018, 3:11:44 PM

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