" Exactly. It makes no sense for him to make up lies about Russia and not fear any consequences. Except it seems that that is the case right now. " Here's another problem: Christopher Steele is British. He's ex-MI6. If they guy who made this dossier was ex-FBI/NSA/CIA/whatever, then that'd make a lot more sense. Sorry, but our politics here in EU don't revolve around what the president candidates in USA want, not by a long shot. I'm finding it very very VERY hard to believe that someone like him would collude with American politicians in such a stupid manner. It all comes down to benefits. I could write an essay on why Steele had nothing to gain from doing this, and if anyone thinks that he did this just to go against Trump, the only thing I can say is that the American ego is truly bloated. " Well the obvious "why did Christopher Steele get involved" is a good start. The American part of this story is pretty well-crafted, but because the American mentality is that everything revolves around them, they don't see the huge flaw that is Steele's motives. |
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You are having a hard time understanding why someone would do something for money? LOL
Here is a clue: MONEY Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Apr 19, 2018, 8:20:19 AM
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" He served 22 years in MI6, last three years as the head of Russia matters. His company has made ~20 million in gross earnings between 2009-2018 You're an idiot. |
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" OK, if this is accurate, then maybe he didnt do it for the money. That doesnt change the verifiable fact that the Clinton campaign paid to have a fake russian dossier created about Trump. You keep saying that since you do not understand it, it must not be true, but you are wrong. All we can conclude from you not understanding something is that you don't understand something. You not understanding something in no way disproves a verifiable fact. I mean: i dont understand how they get pictures through wires onto my TV, but im not gonna go around telling people TV isnt real LOL that's what you sound like. SO far all you do is declare facts to be untrue because they dont fit your agenda, and you tell us you dont understand them. All you are putting on display is that you refuse to believe in truth, if it isnt truth you like. You entire argument is: "you guys are presenting me with demonstrable, verifiable facts I dont like, so i just refuse to believe them, cause they would confuse my world view, and force me to reconsider my preconceived notions; and i dont want to do that" And just because a rich person has made 20 million doesn't mean they quit working, you have a bizzare way of thinking LOL I don't understand you at all, you must not be real AHAHAHAHA Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Apr 19, 2018, 3:18:15 PM
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" You're missing the point. He's serving a higher purpose by doing so. Trump is representative of nationalism, a counter to globalism. " In a world where there are those who seek to tear down the sovereignty of nations, i.e. the globalist agenda, borders between nations mean nothing. Intelligence agencies are always working across borders. The Mossad works with the CIA, MI6 works with the CIA, MI6 works with Mossad, etc. The very fact that you state 'here in EU', rather than 'in the UK' or 'in Britain' is demonstrative of that mentality. The EU is a collection of nation states, not a sovereign state itself. " The American ego is bloated how? See my above statement for the logical rationale. The problem here is that you're still looking at Trump as an individual entity that requires defending, rather than what Trump is representative of. Trump is also not the only leader who has stood for nationalism and been attacked for it. Many nation states have been overthrown in recent years because they tried to uphold their sovereignty, rather than bend over and be subjugated. Libya is a prime example of this. " You're conflating 'American agenda' with nationalist ideology. Again, this isn't just about Trump as an individual, this is about the stand for liberty, the sovereignty of the nation state and its respective borders, and the rights given to us by God as individuals. These are all facets that the globalist agenda wish to remove and replace. You have to see the bigger picture and stop focusing on 'Trump' and 'America' to understand this. Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
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" I'm not sure I follow. You mean him staying in the limelight is equal to giving Trump and Trump's agenda a big middle finger? " "Here in EU" is the primary foreign political sphere that most countries are involved with. Russia, Middle-East, USA etc. are secondary or tertiary concerns. " I haven't particularly dabbled in the nationalism vs globalism debate, but IMO nationalists are bound to lose. With internet becoming bigger and bigger part of our daily lives, the boundaries of nations will start to blur before long. It's not the globalist conspiracy of 1% that you need to worry about, but the technological advancement that turns masses into 'globalists' as generations go by. Trump doesn't represent anything. He says global warming is a hoax - guess what was used as a reason when his golf course in Ireland applied for sea wall permissions? Jobs for Americans - how many of his businesses' products are imported? He has no convictions and only says what people want to hear. There is no reason to do some convoluted anti-nationalist plans for Trump, simply because he'll be an automatic detriment for pretty much any cause he tries to represent. The second his nationalist policies start doing visible harm to the Trump Organization is the second when you see his 'ideologies' taking a sharp turn. " I guess the "nationalism vs globalism" - thing is fine. You should just find a better representative than Trump, honestly. I don't personally care either way, though I guess globalism has better prospects for progress. After all, nazis pretty much showed the lengths that nationalism as an ideology can go to. |
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Someone explain to me why 'Globalism' is now being spat with the same venom as communism?
Is there a particular reason that a 'Nation State' should tell every other nation state in the world to fuck off a cliff and die and watch the whole world burn down because of it, a'la Trump? How does globalism lead to the erosion of individual liberties? All "globalism" means is that shit what happens in Africa has more impact on you in Iceland than it used to, because borders are becoming increasingly arbitrary and pointless. Identity is more important than physical location, and I don't see how anyone can argue that globalism is reducing identity when everyone is screaming about how their homeland is Da Bess Ter Evuh Wazz at the top of their lungs over the worldwide Internet. Seriously. Fun exercise - try and find one single Frenchman willing to admit that the rest of the world has any culture to it whatsoever. Super Double Bonus Points if you find a Parisian willing to allow as how the rest of the world might not entirely be a seething mudpit full of barely sapient barbarians. Globalism certainly hasn't slowed them down any. The only danger globalism poses is the potential spread of the Chinese-style "if you were born in China you're literally just property of the Chinese government" mindset, and Trump burning down the U.S.' leading position on the global stage is not the way to combat China trying to quietly turn the rest of the world into More China. |
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" The same reason why you have Sinophobia. If China becomes stronger and much more powerful, it is inevitable that it will exert influence and control over the rest of the countries in the world. For better or for worse, some people don't like that or want that. |
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There's a lot to respond to here and it's been a very long day, so I'm going to leave this here for the people that think that we would be better off being a part of a global system that is more akin to China. Enjoy your extreme police state that makes the U.S. look like a kindergarten in a white collar neighborhood by comparison. And in regards to the rhetoric about Trump's policy and burning down the U.S. as the number one global market... "The U.S. trade deficit with China was $375 billion in 2017. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $130 billion while imports from China were $506 billion." Source: The U.S. debt to China is $1.17 trillion as of January 2018. That's 19 percent of the $6.26 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. Please return when you have some facts to bolster that emotional discharge. Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
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" As globalism grows, we will eventually get a bunch of idiot liberals screaming "fair share, fair share. It isn't fair Americans have clothes, shoes & air conditioning, we need to even things out, tax the Americans, Take away all their stuff and give everyone in China, India, Russia, Africa, south America, Europe ect their fair share" That's why we hate globalism. I'm not responsible for other countries having terrible governments, that lead to terrible economies. Normal Americans are tired of being demonized by RICH liberals. We are tired of being told by RICH liberals we need to go without, and that we are selfish, and the RICH liberals deserve to be able forcibly take away our stuff, whatever they want, because we are selfish. Meanwhile all the liberals are exempt and get to be rich and keep their stuff, because they have "good intentions" so they dont need to have their stuff forcibly ripped away. It's fcking Bllsht and we are tired of it. Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Apr 20, 2018, 6:35:23 AM
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