Teaser of Upcoming Uniques

WTB the new shield. 1 ex
My guess.

1. Lunaris Solaris jewel
Effect similar to Izaros lab unique jewel
2. Unique rustic sash
Effect maybe % life regen and flat life
3. Unique gloves
Effect some unique t0 phys prefix
4. Unique boots
Effect something with lightning or Chaos dmg
5. Unique life flask
Effect srsly no clue
6. Wtf is that

7. Unique shield, looks like a Alt art atziri
Effect elemental something and rarity
8. Unique staff
Effect + to chaos gems and chaos dmg %
9. Unique Shield #2
Effect something with physical and high block chance

Lets see what unique propertys they are going to have, im hyped !!!
My Necro-Vibes are twanged by those gloves, and my Witchy Dander is gettin' up that staff !!

It's very very nice.


But where and when please ?
CarNiVooRa wrote:
My guess.

6. Wtf is that

I think a map
FCK42 wrote:
imLuCaSsS wrote:
And that's why I would like a diamond flask instead of jade... cause, jade sucks :D
I like the meta. Meta makes me play poe, farm currency, I like good items.
Nobody likes a game full of trash and 1c vendor shits. The exception is those noobs that can never farm 100c, will never have any good item so they come here to ask for more shit items, because the good ones they can't buy ( you can see already some retarded people asking for "no new unique flask plz its broken" - and, guess what, they're all level 90 SC players. ROFLMAO ).

Anyway.. let's see what it is but I think we're right, its probably a diamond/jade I guess. :)

Well... just one thing for the future... it might be wise to check the profile and characters of the person you're writing with before you wanna trashtalk a group of people. Otherwise you might end up unintentionally insulting the person you have discussion with in multiple ways xD

I'm pretty much your polar opposite:
I detest the meta, it seems way too boring for me.
I suck at farming, which is why I only have very few truly expensive items if any.
I play SC only to create builds that no sane person would ever attempt to even consider playing.
And I try to make use of as many "1c vendor trashs" as possible. Some of them actually hold a ton of potential, but nobody uses them fo whatever reason. Heck, Ngamahu's Flame used to be among them.

Just keep things like that in mind for the future... not everyone here is a high-level hardcore player, some, like myself, simply play for the lulz that the possibilities offer.

Not my intention to insult nobody, but I mean, what's the point on asking for MORE shit items/vendor uniques trashs on poe? ( we have enough already )
It's like ask Ferrari or Lamborghini to stop make cars because I can't afford it. Makes absolutely no sense to me. If you're a millionare, enjoy your life bro, buy one, two, three ferraris!
The same thing happens on PoE. I have nothing against casual players or people that don't have enough currency or are bad at farm, but hey, let us farm our currency and buy our items. Simple!

So, yes:
I love the meta, it seems way too boring for me playing the game without any good item, no goal, no currency farm needed, no good item needed, dropping 1c trash items and zzzzzzzzz makes me sleep.
I'm good at farming/trading/doing uber labs etc which is why I usually have 1000c 2-3 days after league start specially when I do uber lab runs ( I charge 10c/people and I play HC people pay for it ). I have a lot of expensive items and I don't use any of them because after level 100 and 3 weeks of league I'm done anyway.
I play HC cause it's the only way to have fun to me. No problem if you play SC it's just a game. Go ahead. The fear of die and lose everything I have in every single map I enter it's what makes me play poe too. I tried SC once, failed, boring to me.
I DO NOT try to make use of "1c vendor trashs". I just vendor it for alch shards cause my few premimum tabs are usually full of good rares items 5c+ and thats where I make real money. Selling items for 5-10c may not look that good at a first impression but hey, if you sell 10 items for 10c in few hours it's lots of currency. :)

See ya :)
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS#6273 on Oct 26, 2017, 6:45:18 PM
doz shields look pretty cool

Is it sold in Thailand?
I wonder what kind of mods that the Arakaali (JUST A GUESS) Staff will have?
That quail pin should have some +% chance to drop higher level maps on it....

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