French Translation Thread

I'll open this thread since I didn't see any.




Il est important de rappeler à certains que cette traduction est une bêta, qu'elle n'est nullement définitive ni complète. La preuve, plein de ressources manques et beaucoup de textes n'ont pas été traduit. Il est clair que cela ne sert à rien de déclarer la moitié du contenue comme mal faite/non faite. Je pense qu'on devrait plutôt se concentrer sur les textes qui semblent avoir reçu une traduction (et pas une google-trad) et qui serait un peu décalée. Pareil pour les nombreux manques de cohérences entre les divers utilisations de certains mots.
Il y a de fortes chances que les retours sur les textes non-achevés ne servent à rien à part nuire à la visibilité de ce topic.

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Merci de votre compréhension.


1. Dodge and Evasion Rating/Evade are not coherent. Please stick to Esquive and Taux d'Évasion / Éviter
I've seen the keystone Arrow Dancing that use both term.
I've seen Hyrri's Ire use the Evasion one.
Please but Évité instead of Évadé... (seen at least on Unwavering Stance)

2. Some stats are not translate yet (Ailments => Affliction ?) in the skill tree

3. Some inconsistency on reduction : Réduction de X =/= X réduit (Âme d'Acier vs Cendre, Givre et Orage)
(This may be due to ~taken and might be consistence)

4. Please put Frénésie with an uppercase for all charges in the skill tree

5. Keep Mana as masculin

6. Dégâts de Glace have title Dégâts de Froid.

7. Some crafting benches have string mixed-up

8. Lots of inconsistency on «added as» «added as extra» «increased/reduced» «more/less» «low» (not checked other, but that's a LOT)

9. I find Armour Rating = Armure but Evasion Rating = Taux d'Évasion rather strange...

10. Bouclier d'énergie should be Bouclier d'Énergie with an uppercase. (skill tree)

11. EDAS (elemental damage with attack skill) has been translated EDA (elemental damage with attack) the whole point of adding the S has been lost...

Well, apart from that, I love Trickster=Roublard but Scion and Slayer seems weird
Last edited by vindoq3#0086 on Oct 14, 2017, 6:50:24 AM
Last bumped on Oct 13, 2017, 4:16:20 PM
This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
I'll definitely edit this post as I go through the game :

. "nonmort" sometimes translated from "undead" doesn't exist in french, stick to "Mort-vivant" which works all the time.

. "Joyau cobalt" translated from "Cobalt jewel" needs to have a preposition in french > "Joyau de cobalt".

. Small typo in "Avatar of the Hunt" node > "Avatar de la chasse" - 24% de dégâts accrus avec les Acs" > it's "Arcs"

. It's fine for corrupted gear to be translated be "Objet corrompu", but not for Vaal sub areas since they aren't objects. Maybe "Zone corrompue" would be good.

. The description of Onslaught Support (translated Support : Assault) isn't translated.

. The Hedge Maze isn't translated.

. Cliking on the dialog "Piety and Dominus" > "Piété et Dominus" of Maramoa opens the PVP board (???)

. Translating Oak as Orme is fine, but do it consistantly > Several occurences still say Oak.
Last edited by ChaoticPesme#4934 on Oct 16, 2017, 10:21:21 AM
For me there is some french syntaxe error in the description.

Evasion : Esquive

For Mana Regeneration, I think that for example : "20% de régénération mana" is enough or maybe with a "+20% de régénération mana". The French language doesn't need the words "Taux" or "accru" for that.

Same for the flask, we just need "+100% de récupération lors de l'utilisation des potions de vie" for example

I dont like "pallier" instead of level map, "niveau" can be use but i dont like it to for the map.

For the Strenght, I prefer "+20 en Force" than "+20 de force".

Will comeback if i see other thinks. Some stats are not traducted like "elementals damage with attack skill"

Wakabayashi wrote:
For me there is some french syntaxe error in the description.

Evasion : Esquive

For Mana Regeneration, I think that for example : "20% de régénération mana" is enough or maybe with a "+20% de régénération mana". The French language doesn't need the words "Taux" or "accru" for that.

Same for the flask, we just need "+100% de récupération lors de l'utilisation des potions de vie" for example

I dont like "pallier" instead of level map, "niveau" can be use but i dont like it to for the map.

For the Strenght, I prefer "+20 en Force" than "+20 de force".

Will comeback if i see other thinks. Some stats are not traducted like "elementals damage with attack skill"

Change all the "accrue" by "+", makes much more sense and looks better, you just need to find a good translation for the "more" multiplier

Another thing, regarding the Quality on items, now it is called "de qualité", it is not very well translated, it will be better to keep the same as in english and it will be "Supérieur" (masculin) or "Supérieure" (feminin), for instance "Superior Life Flask" "Fiole de Vie Supérieure".

One more thing for flasks, please change "Flacon" by "Fiole" it is much better translation.
Last edited by fantominus#3765 on Oct 12, 2017, 4:41:49 AM
More of a visual bug than a mistranslation I guess but
"L'ourgan en bouteille" and "Prendre l'ourangan en bouteille" are suppose to be (in order) purchase items from the merchand and sell items.
Last edited by Helgurnaut#0541 on Oct 12, 2017, 4:59:11 AM
The enchantment of skull is not translated.
Last edited by Pwato#2038 on Oct 12, 2017, 9:11:01 AM
Hey guys,

"x% Increased elemental damage with attack skills" has no translation atm !
Here's what you could say " + x% auxdégats élémentaires des compétences d'attaque"

Another missing translation "Cover enemies in ash when they hit you" (Xoph's blood)
Here's the replacement "Couvre les ennemies de cendres quand ils vous touchent"

I share the previous posts mind about "accrue" replaced by " + " for skill gems / potions (and call it a "potion", not a "flasque")

Dead Reckoning jewel not translated "with atleast40 intelligence in radius, Summon Skeletons can summon up to 5 skeleton mages"

--> "Avec au moins 40 d'intelligence à portée, invocation de squelettes peut invoquer jusqu'à 5 squelettes mages"

Flavour text translation for The Wise Oak not done

"The summer sun dries the soil and burns the leaves
The autumn rain extinguishes the flames
The spring bloom shades the wet earth
Nature is an eternal tug of war"


"Le soleil d'été assèche les sols et brûle les feuilles
La pluie d'automne éteint les flammes
La floraison du printemps ombrage la terre humide
La nature est une lutte éternelle"

Lab enchant for boots "Vos dégats ont 10% de pénétration des résistances élémentaires de l'ennemi si vous n'avez pas tué récemment"


"Vos dégâts pénètrent 10% supplémentaires des résistances élémentaires de l'ennemi si vous n'avez pas tué récemment"

Chance to ignite should be replaced by "chance d'enflammer", better than "ignition" (french language from 1600 - 1700 ?)

I'll try to send you all the feedback i can =)

EDIT : found another thing, Lioneye is translated on items like "Lioneye's vision" -> Vision d'Oeil de lion" but not the place, Lioneye's watch ---> le guet d'Oeil de lion

EDIT 2 : Wasp nest not translated
" Attacks with this weapon deal 80-120 added chaos damage against enemies affected by 5 or more poisons"


"Les attaques avec cette arme infligent 80-120 de dégâts de chaos supplémentaires contre les ennemies affectés par 5 poisons ou plus"

EDIT 3 :
"Unset ring - 1 socket" --> "Bague inachevée - 1 châsse" and not "a 1 socle"

Edit 4:
About Valyrium, moonstone ring
not translated "Stun trheshold is based on energy shield instead of life"


"Le pallier d'étourdissement est basé sur le bouclier d'énergie au lieu de la vie"

"Breath of the council" -> "Souffle du conseil", not "Souffle du concile"

Doryiani's belt, fire and cold versions
"10% chance to ignite / freeze while using a flask"
"10% de chance d'enflammer / de geler durant l'utilisation d'une potion (d'un flacon)"

Edit 7:
Bino's kitchen knife
"Les ennemis à proximité sont empoisonnés par victime empoisonnée et les alliés proches régénèrent 200 de vie par seconde"
Means nothing
"Les ennemis à proximité sont empoisonnés lorsque vous tuez une cible empoisonnée [...]"

The brass dome not translated
"Take no extra damage from critical strikes"
"Les coups critiques ne vous infligent pas de dégâts supplémentaires"

Hrimnor's resolve
Not translated
"Cannot be chilled or frozen if you have used a fire skill recently"
"Ne peut être réfrigéré ou gelé si vous avez utilisé une compétence de feu récemment"

Romira's banquet
"Vous perdez vos charges de puissance en coup critique"
"Vous perdez vos charges de puissance lors d'un coup critique"

The scourge not translated
"Increases and reductions to minion damage also affect you
70% increased minion damage if you have hit recently"
"Les augmentations et réductions aux dégâts des sbires vous affectent aussi
70% de dégâts des sbires augmentés si vous avez touché récemment"

The frozen trail not translated
"With at least 40 intelligence in radius, frostbolt fires 2 addtional projectiles
With at least 40 intelligence in radis, Frostbolt projectiles gain 40% increased projectile speed per second"
"Avec au moins 40 d'intelligence à portée, Sphère de givre lance 2 projectiles supplémentaires
Avec au moins 40 d'intelligence à portée, les projectiles de Sphère de givre gagnent 40% de vitesse de projectile par seconde"

Razor of the seventh sun not translated
"100% increased burning damage if you've ignited an ennemy recently
Recover 1% of maximum life when you ignite an enemy
100% increased melee physical damage against ingnited enemies"
"100% d'augmentation des dégâts de brûlure si vous avez enflammé un ennemie récemment
Récupère 1% de votre vie maximale quand vous enflammez un ennemie
100% d'augmentation des dégâts physiques de mêlée contre les ennemies enflammés"

Edit 10:
Harbinger items
"Grants Summon harbinger of x skill"


The unshattered will
"Confère le sort Invocation d'un présage de concentration"

The rippling thoughts
"Confère le sort Invocation d'un présage des arcanes"

The fracturing spinners
"Confère le sort Invocation d'un présage des directions"

The enmity divine
"Confère le sort Invocation d'un présage de brutalité"

The Flow Untethered
"Confère le sort Invocation d'un présage du temps"

The Tempest's Binding
"Confère le sort Invocation d'un présage des tempêtes"
Last edited by Zunova#2223 on Oct 12, 2017, 8:30:37 AM
Two things I think could be translated better :

- "Dark pact" is translated to "Sombre pacte", I think that "Pacte noir" sounds way better and keeps the same meaning
- "Waypoint" are called "Point de téléportation", but "Point de passage" is more commonly used for the same thing
Last edited by ZeShmoutt#5831 on Oct 12, 2017, 7:46:29 AM
For Ignite we could say "Bruler" witch is not exactly ignite translation but shorter and used in a lot of games.

I dont like the translation of Highgate, "Hautevoie" looks like google translate, didn't find anything better for now but I will find.

"Mana" is "Masculin", not "Féminin" !!!

So it's "Le mana" and "Mana réservé". The french discord

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