HOW TO: BE RICH IN PoE. Economy Class: Flipping 101

TheGreatestMemer wrote:
Hello exiles! It is your fellow unknown person who happens to know things and decided to give out the basics to everyone who would enjoy financial freedom in PoE.
This can be done when you are already rich, to double, tripple, 100x your amount of currency, or just as well be done when you are piss broke and own less than an exalt.
The basics and the tools required are all there.
The only thing that matters is the effort and time you are willing to put into it, the size of the trades, which market you want to be part of and finally, how much micro-management you want to do.
In the end, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it, that being said, even if you are a casual playing one or two hours a day, and sitting in your hideout isn't for you...
You STILL have the opportunity to make a decent amount of currency, by just doing bulk trades with whatever amount of currency you currently own.
Anyways, enough rambling, feedback is appreciated and hopefully after watching these painful 15 minutes of me talking, you come out a brand new person with a degree in stock market and the will to become as rich as your heart may desire.

Enjoy! And well, if you already knew all this and are gonna hate on me for putting it out there to the public in such an easy to understand manner, I say to you... Keep on hatin' boy!

As a vouch for myself, I am a filthy casual with very inefficient gameplay and who refuses any non-bulk trades, and still, I make 1-2-3 exalt per hour flipping, all while I map.

This method has gotten me the item I have always wanted, a.k.a a HeadHunter, aswell as 2 mirrors worth of currency which I have gambled to the gods of random number generators to them sorrily be fisted all the way up to my guts. FEEEELSBADMAN.

Nice vid. I remember old days before where you'd have to go in town and advertise on main board

WTB Divine 2:1EX

then after u had like 12 divines

WTS Divine 3:2EX

Still made good money but nothing like possible today.

Edit BTW - It's not that they are "too lazy to reply" at the cheapest listings. Those are dummy listings on another account so people can buy cheap from those who price match the cheapest
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Sep 25, 2017, 12:41:32 AM
It's profitable, but yet the same boring as farming hundred atziris. The only fun left in this game is leveling from 1 to 80.
I know there is a loads of flippers who play PoEnopoly and I don't get it. I want to play ARPG kill stuff get better gear some progress and not boring flipping, I know u can get pixelated rich but where is t fun of playing this game?? On t end of league all "riches" those guys gather goes to standard... Why those guys who like to get "rich" don't play some trade/market simulator or something like that to get "rich" ;)
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!
Many of them flippers are not playing "economy simulator" because here they are making real money on black market. I see no other reason to stay online whole day, every day in hideout to flip just beacuse its fun. Especialy when you see something
Like " has 876 exalted in stock".
It all comes down to how much time you can spend online instead of knowing how to flip.

Didn't watch the video because there's no need to.

Also the fact that once your character is "complete", everything that drops in maps is pure profit since you aren't spending tons on upgrades anymore.
How to waste your time flipping currency instead of playing and watch all your "wealth" disappear in 3 months.
Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Sep 25, 2017, 8:40:05 AM
Johny_Snow wrote:
How to waste your time flipping currency instead of playing and watch all your "wealth" disappear in 3 months.

This has to be the summary like lets be real here most of the experienced players don't flip and it isn't because they don't know how to do it its because most people would rather play the game than waste their time making a currency stash to dump into standards horrendous economy.

Flippers are just there to scalp noobs its why nobody likes them
This game seems to not punish botters at all e.g the guy with 876 exalts.
Last edited by HappyRogue#6160 on Sep 25, 2017, 9:24:15 AM
And thats the reason why we will never have an Auctionhouse ingame.....

For a lot of People flipping is gameplay and GGG do not want to destroy their fun....

I understand how commodity trading works... always buy low and sell higher. Nothing "rocket science" about that. But how can we sell if we have day jobs and can't be online 24/7? The insanity of PoE trading is that you can only buy if the seller is online and only sell when you are online. This requirement is what plagues PoE forever. To make selling work for the non full time players is being able to sell using the B/O price and be AFK. But GGG has forever resisted the desire for most players to have some form of asynchronous trading and thus sellers are forced to conduct each sale in a one on one trade session. So outdated and horrible is this requirement that most most players just say "fuck trading" and go SSF.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

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