[3.0] Windripper Currency Generator (now with FAQ section)

Ty for your build. I was wondering if you can give a PoB link. It will be easier for most of us to follow the tree.
Atm i have

Im going to get the Sadima's and for the belt what should i use Perandus or Bisco's. Going to use these build just to farm Spider Forest and Vault.
DennysRO wrote:
Ty for your build. I was wondering if you can give a PoB link. It will be easier for most of us to follow the tree.
Atm i have

Im going to get the Sadima's and for the belt what should i use Perandus or Bisco's. Going to use these build just to farm Spider Forest and Vault.

My profile is public. PoB has the ability to import characters in all of their glory directly from the website. Just click on the import/export build button and type in my account name (itsMartini). Find 'itsRippinWindTini' as the character and make sure you import all the jewels and passives (there are two buttons to click to accomplish this).

As for the belt question, perandus gives slightly more quant, but bisco's gives rampage. Personally, I prefer the bisco's a little more on this build.

Unless you're trying to make this build on HC, I would definitely change that chest to a QotF. The movespeed you get from it is what makes this build farm so quickly.
loving the build thanks for the guide

Spent lots of time on this character, as its the most fun I've had in a while! This is my take on it. I tried lots of different setups to make it work for me. All in all, there's lots of room for flexibility with this build :)

I'll try to cover all the points on how I ran with it and why I made some of the choices I made.

Boots: the Vectorrays with the frenzy charge corruption are definitely awesomesauce. For me though, I'm rolling maps for packsize and most of the time using sextants, so I like to squeeze out as much Quant as possible. 20% is too much to pass up.

Tree: I decided it wasn't as important for me to go to the bottom center of the tree if I could get as much damage without it. The juiciest thing over there is the extra frenzy charge, but as I'm not rolling with Darkrays in the first place, I made comparable DPS without going there, and was able to pickup more movement speed as a result.

I prioritized going for movement speed nodes/evasion as much as possible without losing Deeps. Movement speed is one of the most important stats in my book. If I can walk somewhere 1% faster to pick up loot, that adds up alot. Also with DPS, I found that for the maps I was running, I really really didn't need more than a certain point.

The difference between 2500HP and 3500HP with this build and what maps I'm running with it wasn't really that big of a deal. So pretty much didn't worry about HP nodes, nor too much about the HP stats on my ventors.

Belt: I ended up sticking with perandus for the extra quant, +30 to all attributes (short in INT), and more stun and block recovery. This with ItsMartini's Pantheon recommendations were super duper.

Flasks: I get what ItsMartini is talking about with poison, but considering how I roll maps, I wanted the curse immunity more. I moved some of my suffixes around to what was comfortable for me and its worked out. I have yet to die to poison, but there have been some REALLY close calls a bunch of times. The Bubbling flask, with vaal pact, and some vigilance is enough imo, but the poison flask is probably the safest bet.

Gem Links: I think I ended up trying about 100+ different gem combinations before settling on these ones.

My power charge generation now comes from The Blue Dream Jewel. It's more than sufficient for where I have it placed on the tree, which gives me an 8% chance. That frees up my curse slots way more!

I tried multiple setups. All in all, I found the marks to be unnecessary. It's inevitable if you're rolling maps correctly that you're going to get ridiculous mobs that oneshot you. Even if you have 3500+ hp with endurance charges, it'll happen. You'll get one of the breachlords in a bad spot. and Power charge generation is now taken care of with a jewel. Tried enfeeble too. So all in all, your best defense is being able to kill them faster. Temporal chains was okay in that it gave you a bit more time to respond, but wasn't consistent enough for me in the confines of mobby maps in tight quarters with breaches. Hence curse immunity flask, and projectile weakness is what I settled on. It doesn't have an INT requirement which this build is sorely lacking, and is pretty much your 2nd best option for damage. It also has the added benefit of being a pseudo King of the Hill, and adds more safety as mobs get pushed away. There's tons of mob sets that don't know what to do as they permanently get pushed away and perpetually try to walk toward you as they melt.

I hate resummoning the stupid ice golem, and so I like to make it as tanky as possible. Empower 4 goes in with it. I also synergized it with an Animate Guardian (AG). AG is 21/20 with Empower 4 linked with the ice golem. Minion life 21/20, fortify. I went kind of overboard here, but after trying lots of different setups, this is what I settled on. Some other interesting setups I did was throw a 21/20 Haste linked with the empower and an enhance. Extra movespeed and actual chance to dodge is marginal and I'd rather have other things there.

My AG Items consist of Curse Staff Dying Breath to make my projectile weakness 18% more effective, leer cast for 15% more damage, Grukthul's pelt for his survivability, Victario's Boots for 10% movespeed buff, and southbound for more hp or rare gloves with resists. Tried some other setups like linking it with maim/blind and running around with a hinder aura from singularity, or Kingmaker axe for culling strike (its nice) and some extra rarity, but this is what I ended up sticking with for QoL.

CWDT and portal. I'm going to die. It's inevtiable. :)

CWDT Spirit Offering was to protect myself against the two fringe cases on where my AG will get oneshot, for my QOL. It's one of the breachlords and one of the beyond guys on really dangerous map rolls and they die .5 seconds after me. So far, this has been enough to make sure that they absolutely don't die, and I can ressurect, jump back in the map quicker, and get back to it.

Overall, super fun build. Definitely not going to do all content, but that's not why you make one of these in the first place :)

I do want to iterate that I ran an exact copy of ItsMartini's build for a solid 20 hours and it was alot of fun. Frost bomb is useful as well. My changes had alot to do with my playstyle in PoE and different ways of accomplishing the same end result, and then moving them around a bit. For example, my AG idea stemmed from his use of temporal chains and other slows on his CWDT setup, which I thought was a nice touch. That idea got me on using an AG with Singularity for having it as a perpetual aoe around me, and then further down this path is where I landed. ItsMartini's pure iteration is super solid and in lots of ways, better than what I have! This works for me :)

Also, for the maps that I usually run, the bosses on them are perfect to roll with an AG for. I aggro the boss and position my AG correctly and blink arrow out, and then can finish the rest of the 10-20 seconds without worrying about getting hit at all. Huge QoL thing for me, especially for the purposes of this character.

Things I'm missing on the tree: Fangs of the Viper, Quickstep, 16% Projectile Damage/Projectile Damage+Attack Speed off of Ranger Wheel.
Last edited by Aegy#7033 on Oct 8, 2017, 10:55:56 AM

Level 87, skill gems are at lvl 19 atm, sitting at 3k hp (havent got phase acrobatics yet). Which areas need immediate improvement? Mainly the damage is too low, even vault boss turns at least 3-4 of treasure piles into guardians before dying.
Last edited by Millennium#2029 on Oct 8, 2017, 11:31:07 AM
You need the darkrays
battlerobot wrote:
You need the darkrays

Got one with +movement speed implicit, what else?

edit: nvm got one with +1 frenzy now.
Last edited by Millennium#2029 on Oct 8, 2017, 3:12:38 PM
@Aegy, nice to see someone playing the build and thinking about what they can do to fit their own playstyle. I would like to address some of the comments you made to add to the discussion.

Aegy wrote:

I prioritized going for movement speed nodes/evasion as much as possible without losing Deeps. Movement speed is one of the most important stats in my book. If I can walk somewhere 1% faster to pick up loot, that adds up alot. Also with DPS, I found that for the maps I was running, I really really didn't need more than a certain point.

You're correct in that movement speed is possibly the most important stat, yet you chose boots with 10ms instead of boots with 50ms (10 frenzy version). This is completely fine, as the 10ms boots do provide extra quantity, but it is an interesting choice given your previous statement.

Aegy wrote:

The difference between 2500HP and 3500HP with this build and what maps I'm running with it wasn't really that big of a deal. So pretty much didn't worry about HP nodes, nor too much about the HP stats on my ventors.

If you're running t5- maps, 2500 is plenty. If however, you are running all maps between t10 and t15, 2500 is just to low if you want to level at all.

Aegy wrote:

My power charge generation now comes from The Blue Dream Jewel. It's more than sufficient for where I have it placed on the tree, which gives me an 8% chance. That frees up my curse slots way more!

This jewel is an option that I heavily considered, but the thing to realize is that by using this jewel, you miss out on a potential 4 prop jewel that could have taken it's place.

Aegy wrote:

I tried multiple setups. All in all, I found the marks to be unnecessary. It's inevitable if you're rolling maps correctly that you're going to get ridiculous mobs that oneshot you. Even if you have 3500+ hp with endurance charges, it'll happen. You'll get one of the breachlords in a bad spot. and Power charge generation is now taken care of with a jewel.

One thing to remember about assassin's mark on a crit build is that it doesn't just give power charges. It also gives 20% more damage, +9% crit chance, and 25 life/man gained on kill. These are not negligible stats.

As far as getting one shot goes. I am almost lvl 98 now and I have been one shot 3 times in total. Once to a breachlord in a t12 vault, once to the vault boss, and once to a rare kitava's herald on a rediculous t15 abyss map.

Aegy wrote:

Also, for the maps that I usually run, the bosses on them are perfect to roll with an AG for. I aggro the boss and position my AG correctly and blink arrow out, and then can finish the rest of the 10-20 seconds without worrying about getting hit at all. Huge QoL thing for me, especially for the purposes of this character.

10-20 seconds seems a little long for killing a boss when you're focus is dps and ms over life. I would try investing into more damage (darkrays at least) to kill the boss faster, as well as clear the map faster. Overall, this should net you more returns/time.

Once again, nice analysis of some of the build points and glad to see you trying your own variant.

@isMartini , what do you think would give the next dps leap? Items are shown in the previous post (mostly got a +1 frenzy darkrays).
Last edited by Millennium#2029 on Oct 8, 2017, 10:41:34 PM
Millennium wrote:
@isMartini , what do you think would give the next dps leap? Items are shown in the previous post (mostly got a +1 frenzy darkrays).

FAQ section added. Gem levels.

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