Build of the Week: Dark Pact Necromancer

i have no clue how she is but her voice is cute. And the build is nice to :D
GrayFoxNinja wrote:
How is something thats BEEN around, make build of the week? This was definitely not ''made'' by a Chinese player first lul.

The other builds using the same pathing and synergies - where r they? I'd love to see the links. Talking is cheap.
Draegnarrr wrote:
gibbousmoon wrote:
nevel214 wrote:
shouldn't this be labeled as Dark Pact totem Necromancer?

This. It's fun that you are showing off the meta to people who wouldn't otherwise know, but the DP Totem/Soul Mantle/Kikazaru/Self-Flagellation combination is well known and not so creative (it's fairly obvious, at that).

Love that BoTW is back (dat voice...), but I'd love it even more if you showed off lesser-known builds. Prove that everyone is wrong when they say build diversity is in the gutter as of PoE 3.0 by showing some stuff that is

a. unpopular, and
b. viable for high-level maps.

That is my challenge to you. If you think you can meet it, please do.

Frankly, I don't think that you can. :P But I'd love to be proven wrong!

You've answered it yourself, they can't - if you think about it DP is like ice nova that does twice the damage with double the base cast rate, then throw in that chaos resistance is generally low and doesn't get modified and the fact for no real reason (also known as to make ED work on single target) chaos gets a 100% damage increase for free.

build diversity is in the gutter, ignite is dead, boss health pushes dps requirements if you don't want to skip which basically = crit which is the same on every char.

Barrage does 245% damage, vigilant strike the we said this would hit really hard when we put it in as it has a cooldown does 204%. That is already a massive scaling problem and doesn't even tip its little toe into the scaling that barrage gets once you actually start playing it. They desperately need to hire somebody who actually plays the game and I know they refute that they don't play but when their decision making is so poor its very hard to believe as you have one of three options

They play but don't notice the glaring difference between skills and/or the only scaling options

they play and do notice, which means they deliberately chose the current facepalm special

they don't play and therefore napkin math everything (not PoB napkin math or they'd know what is unusable and what isn't)

You'd have to play in complete isolation for 1 to be true, you'd have to have a very strange MO for 2 to be true which leaves 3 as the only real option :/

Note - sorry having a downer right now the friend i play every league with is done already and that depresses me this is the worst build variance we've had.

Aww, fucking hell. I really want to have a juicy argument with you about this. A massive, gloves-off, balls-to-the-wall fight. Complete with ad hominems, insults to you and your mother, and accusations that you are a noob who needs to "git gud" or some similarly obnoxious accusation.

The problem is... I don't disagree with anything you say. :(
Wash your hands, Exile!
Last edited by gibbousmoon#4656 on Sep 21, 2017, 6:07:04 AM
meh.. wish you could get someone else to do the voiceovers, and maybe some original builds for botw. This is just a showcase of your (apparently) very limited knowledge about the meta. Funny considering all the stats you post, but hey i get you, its numbers, too hard to read. i mean, if you could read numbers, the game would probably have some form of balance right? ;)
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popske wrote:
Scion version is way better, 100% reduced curse effectiveness on you is op and you get crit too (guardian/assassin)

I agree that ascendant is the best for Guardian, but... I am not convinced that Assassin is the right second choice. For mapping I guess I can see it, but mapping is _easy_, so once you get endgame gear you want to be boss-optimized, and on bosses, assassin literally only gets you the +1.5% base crit.
gibbousmoon wrote:
nevel214 wrote:
shouldn't this be labeled as Dark Pact totem Necromancer?

This. It's fun that you are showing off the meta to people who wouldn't otherwise know, but the DP Totem/Soul Mantle/Kikazaru/Self-Flagellation combination is well known and not so creative (it's fairly obvious, at that).

Love that BoTW is back (dat voice...), but I'd love it even more if you showed off lesser-known builds. Prove that everyone is wrong when they say build diversity is in the gutter as of PoE 3.0 by showing some stuff that is

a. unpopular, and
b. viable for high-level maps.

That is my challenge to you. If you think you can meet it, please do.

Frankly, I don't think that you can. :P But I'd love to be proven wrong!

Firstly, a new player would not think to put Dark Pact on totems. The gem doesn't mention totems at all, after all. Similarly, new players will be used to Kikazaru being vendor food cos that's what anyone they ask about them will tell them. The thought that it could actually serve a purpose might not strike them. The only new players who these wouldn't apply to are the ones who do a lot of reading through Reddit / the forums themselves, for whom this build itself won't be news just as it isn't for experienced ones. As for build diversity, this build literally did not exist prior to 3.0, because DP didn't exist before 3.0. Hence it represents an increase in said diversity of at least one, while not itself being responsible for killing off any other prior build. Hence more diversity.

As for your challenge...

1) If it's viable for high-level maps, why would it be unpopular? Unless it's obscenely expensive, in which case people would criticize them for that...
2) Have you forgotten that this is a series i.e. they would have to find a string of such builds to avoid people calling them out on such things on every post?
3) Building on 2), have you forgotten that they have a game to work on instead of searching through literally thousands of build guides to find something that might meet your (imprecise, btw) criteria?

I don't think they can either, because it's a ridiculous expectation. Also don't think they have to.
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Sep 21, 2017, 10:28:51 AM
Interesting take on the build. I'm playing my third DP totem scion in HC for the 100% reduced effect of curses and crit. The build is an absolute beast and I love playing it. It's like a chaos shockwave totem build. Really fun.

Btw Bex, sometimes I can't tell if your voice is real or a bot. :P
First build that really do dmg.but survability is sucks for sure. not even thinking that trash mantle keap u alive at shaper in uber atziri or in t16 map with hard mod map( 2 curse lol is insane - 1 hit ther and u go in haven) so i think i not change my desire name for this post. Ty GGG for nothing and for sure u must change name in BUILD of the WEAK.
Not bad

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)

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