[3.0] The Azure Knight, Scion version (Realistic Flurry Conversion build)
I don't have a character for this version myself, so feel free to add your videos of Shaper/Uber/Guardian runs!
They will be included in the main thread :) Introduction:
So why this provocative thread title?
I don't have a lot of time to actually play the game (11 hours a day out working/travelling, then family, dog etc.) I never make a lot of currency during leagues or max out my characters. For this reason, I try to make cheap but highly effective builds. At the same time, it strikes me as odd when people post builds that are inefficient for real gameplay or impractical and call them "the only one" or just pump their ego with PoB dps and 450+dps weapons. Seeing threads throwing around how much dps they do when fully buffed and under optimal conditions is asinine, as it always will depend on gear, especially if it is an attack build. Just because someone can afford to throw 300-800 ex on a build and make a Shaper kill gif doesn't make their buils better then the one where author uses only 25 ex worth of gear, so spend your currency wisely and pick the best option, not best advertisement. If a gif of decimating Shaper on a 300+ex budget OR with hidden life numbers and ~70% life from the tree is your thing, you won't get it here. I don't have a 400-500 dps weapon or 3dps stat Steel/Opal rings that other people can afford. If you want a build that is better, and you use real numbers/practicallity to compare them, you are in the right spot - you can find all the number comparisons at the bottom of this post. Why is it more practical then the rest? With shitloads of currency thrown into a build, you could make Elemental Hit Shaper viable build. Most people who do need to look up a build, are poor players by the standards of those who have dozens of spare exalts lying around. With low investment (5-20ex), you will struggle greatly to reach a fraction of their advertised dps. If it is a new league, you will spend not 1-3 seconds, but 10-25 pounding on a Guardian or Shaper. You won't get life+3 damage mod jewels or 370-500+ dps weapon, you might be stuck with 300 dps or maybe even lower, you won't have BF enchant on your helmet or top rolled rings/amulet etc. You will struggle for resists and life with full on dps gear, and die a lot because of it. Keep this in mind. So what are the strengths of the build? - Since Hatred also adds cold damage, and it is best to convert all the damage into single element, I've chosen Hrim gloves and nodes on the tree to achieve 90% conversion. I've already checked (I'm a curious person), and it looks like all the other builds using Moonbender, could also massively benefit from dropping it in favor of Doryani and converting everything like I do. Imo, Physical to Lightning gem or Moonbender conversions aren't as strong dps-wise as converting everything with Hrimburn/Hrimsorrow gloves. But, Hrim Conversion (TM), so maybe that's why they don't do that lol. - We use Cold Penetration gem to get around nasty map mods increasing elemental resistances, and to improve dps against highly resistant targets in general (some essence monsters/rares, bosses). - We don't use Damage on Full Life (since it isn't 100% reliable), or clunky Bloodlust bleed cheese. - Our golems are autocast, same as Frost Bomb and our curse is Blasphemy or from corruption, also automatic. - We get consistent Frenzy charges and Onslaught, both when bossing AND mapping. - We get quite a few defensive layers, such as Arctic Armour, Spell Dodge, Dodge, high Evasion and Blind against bosses, to further help our rng defense. - The tree is optimized not only to get you high dps, but also life! - Finally, we could drop Perfect Form and go full dps like some other builds with 5.3k life, we could use Bloodlust or Damage on Full Life with Belly of the Beast or Carcass Jack for ultimate dps power, unmatched by other builds. But, other then Path of Building warrioring and Shaper Farming, it isn't practical as there is a lot of other content do kill, like Guardians, which might be even more profitable (maps! item drops! currency drops!) and you will need more defenses there. Shaper is too ez. Buy map, kill guardian, sell fragment for higher price then the map itself and keep all the loot. Doesn't sound bad, eh? Rant over, proper introduction now (: This build was first theorycrafted for Occultist, but have been converted since to majority of classes in the game, already gathered a following in Witch, Ranger and Assassin sections. Here is a link to the main page of the build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1898845 In the link above, you can find more information about how it works, why certain gear was chosen, alternative gear setups, Frost Blades setup, additional videos, other Ascendancy options, and more. If you like what you see, post a comment. If it is a general question, you might find an anwser in the main build thread, but always ask here if you want a Scion specific advise. Why do I include Scion version this late? There simply wasn't demand for it before, however, there was one plea I couldn't dismiss: ![]() Cuz boobz :D Comparison with other similar builds:
Zabosnu's build, according to his pastebin:
- Uses self cast Frost Bomb, which is impractical since you won't have the time when dodging and dpsing down a boss. My build uses automatic, CwDT Frost Bomb. - Not only that, it uses not 1, but 2 golems that you have to self cast, as he run out of available space due to use of Kaom's boots. My golems can easily be made autocast with CwDT. - Uses Damage on Full Life gem, which means his 6 link is going to 5 links when facing any type of degen (desecrated ground, burning, degen attacks, poison, just to name a few) or if he has been hit by anything at all. - Doesn't use Blood Rage for the above reason, meaning that during mapping he will have trouble generating Frenzy charges with just the Ascendancy alone, and will also struggle to get Onslaught buff. My build has no problem running with Blood Rage on. - Uses Punishment curse (also self cast), which doesn't work against Hydra, Atziri or might not work against Shaper if he doesn't decide to melee you. It does almost nothing during mapping, since most damage you will take will be projectile based, as BF will quickly kill melee-based trash close to you. My build uses Elemental Weakness, Blasphemy or corruption. - With the curse, Frost Bomb, totem and 2 Golems, he has a total of 5 self cast supporting skills to get his dps going (6 with Vaal Haste). - With top life rolls on all equipment and life on all jewels, it struggles to get 5.35k life at level 90 with his 162% life from the tree. My build has around 195-200% from tree alone. - That, coupled with lack of defensive options, means his build is very squishy. My build gets Arctic Armour, high evasion, Blind, Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics. - Has low penetration (especially without Frost Bomb, which he needs to cast manually), meaning that map mod increasing Elemental Resistances will cut his dps a lot more. My build uses Penetration gem. Lawyne's build, according to his pastebins: - Just like Zabosnu's, it lacks penetration against map mods. - Uses Damage on Full Life which isn't guaranteed to work all the time. - Uses Bloodlust support for bossing, together with Ancestral Protector to proc Bleed. Since AP is single target, compared to Ancestral Warchief, your totem might decide to attack not Minotaur, but one of his Golems, for example - same can apply to other bosses. While easily fixed with single recast, it might cost you a portal, since your biggest dps gem might just decide to become inactive due to totem placement or its death. On extreme budget or start of the league, every portal counts. - Is affected not only by Elemental Resists map mod, but also Physical Resistance mod. My build, while affected by Elemental Resistance, uses Penetration gem to get around it. - It cannot do Physical Reflect maps, while at the same time, Elemental Reflect will reduce his actual leech by a large amount. My build cannot do Elemental Reflect (could be done with Sibyl's ring), but can fly through Physical Reflect. Reflect in other words: No go/Gimp vs Go/No go. - Also struggles to get 5.2k+ life at level 90 (budget version), altough his budget pastebin life rolls could be improved to 5.4k with tier 1 life on his pieces and life% on his full dps jewel. - In order to get rid of Bloodseeker claw which is dragging dps down, you need to buy gloves costing over 35 exalted. In other words, gimped dps unless you can straight up spend over 35 ex, before you even think about other upgrades. Not practical at all. - His finished build utilizes a unique that costs over 100 exalted in Harbinger (at the time of writing), and is very hard to get. Rigwald's Savagery isn't therefore very practical at all. - Once you get this unique, you have to sell your claw, buy a sword, change any jewel that works for claws to one that works for swords, and change your passive tree. Because it's very practical... Neuroy's build, according to his pastebin: - Reflect is a big issue and only 5.4k life at level 90 (170-175%~ vs ~200% life). - Uses not 1, but 2 totems. Any time your totems die or are out of range, your dps goes down by a lot. Anytime your totems die or expire, you have to summon not 1, but 2 of them, drastically increasing the chances of your death. - Golem has to be manually recast, also cutting into your dps if it dies or risking your death while you don't leech but recast it. - Also uses Damage on Full life, which isn't guaranteed to work all the time. - No Blood Rage means slower clearspeed and much less reliable Frenzy charges/Onslaught during mapping. Example videos:
3.0 Raider version:
Shaper run. Performed by Azashke. Shaper run. Performed by Phertux. 3.0 Assassin version, with some 2.6 gear: Abyss run. Performed by TheGrammaton. 3.0 Occultist version: Phoenix run. Chimera run. 2.6 Occultist version: Shaper run. Hydra run. Chimera run. Minotaur run. Uber Atziri run. Chayula run. Passives, Bandits and Ascendancy:
Bandits: Alira, but if your gear is really good (easily capped resistances without compromising life/damage) then 2 additional points are better. Ascendancy: - Raider: Great dps increase thanks to Frenzy charge generation vs bosses + small defensive bonus. - Ranger start: This will let you start respecing some of the less efficient pathing nodes we take as we level. - Berserker: 10% more damage, and big boost to attack speed anytime you are hit (everything in the end game hits hard enough to proc it). 5% increased damage taken is barely noticeable. or - Elementalist: Elemental reflect protection, but you have to include Lightning Golem somewhere to try to close the gap between Elementalist and Berserker dps, so linking gear might be tricky if you don't want to self cast your golems. Example tree level 90 I will add leveling tree's at some point. Pantheons:
Major: - Soul of Lunaris is a great pick, synergizes very good with our defenses. Best mapping choice imo, also increases your spell dodge chance to 35% with Perfect Form, and gives you a chance to avoid projectiles. - Soul of Solaris is also decent, but not as good as Lunaris, even if Solaris bonus can be better in some rare cases. Minor: - Gruthkul is great, as being close ranged character we are getting hit constantly. Additional slow also helps with survivability. Gear:
Ignore gem links and levels, as items are taken from different setup (Witch version).
Abyssus best dps increase from any non-weapon gear slot, at the cost of survivability. Starkonja is a lower dps, high survivability option, probably more popular nowadays with 3.0 Abyssus nerfs. The Perfect Form gives us free 30% spell dodge chance, free Arctic Armour and Evasion matching that of other top tier Unique armours. A corrupted rare 6 link might be better due to a price, until you can afford your own 5-6L Perfect Form. You could use Belly of the Beast if you don't like relying on rng defenses, you'll lose AA and spell dodge but gain roughly 400 life and resistances. Carcass Jack is also a good dps/clearspeed choice, same cons as Belly. (Note: with these 2 options, you can use Damage on Full Life instead of Cold Penetration or Bloodlust support with your totem linked to Chance to Bleed. Is it less practical, since Damage on Full life means no Blood Rage and slower clearspeed, and Bloodlust is a bit clunky against bosses. However, you will be able to reach higher values in Path of Building, if that is your thing.) Rare boots/belt should come with a lot of life and resists on them. Movement speed is unnecessary, it's more of a QoL. Hrimburn/Hrimsorrow convert the remainder of our damage into cold. Rare rings/amulet follow the same pattern as boots/belt - you want life and resists. If you can squeeze any offensive stats, accuracy/physical damage/crit multiplier are great to have. Doryani's Catalyst is BiS offhand, greatly increasing your dps, however that is not included in your tooltip. Other, cheaper offhands include Doon Cuebiyari and Singularity. Rare claw/Touch of Anquish/Wasp Nest are also BiS for this build. Even though ToA has only around 270 dps, it beats most rare claws with 300 dps or even higher, thanks to cold damage increase and high critical strike chance. Wasp Nest also provides 95% dps of ToA for 5% of the price, so it is superior choice until Frost Blades meta dies off. Flasks, Jewels?
Please check in the main Witch thread for all flask and jewel breakdown.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1898845 Gems:
Blade Flurry / Melee Physical Damage / Weapon Elemental Damage / Elemental Focus / Increased AoE or Concentrated Effect / Cold Penetration Auras: Hatred Blasphemy+Elemental Weakness (unless you have gloves corruption, then use Herald of Ash) Arctic Armour Utility: Cast when Damage Taken / Ice Golem / Blind / Ancestral Warchief / Lightning Golem (Elementalist version) - there are multiple ways of fitting all these gems, one of them requires you to recast LG but provides Blind for IG, other one reserves Blind only for the totem but puts both Golems on CwDT. Buffs: Enduring Cry / Blood Rage / Vaal Lightning Trap / Vaal Haste - EC helps mitigate increased damage taken from Abyssus, or just boosts it in general otherwise. - Blood Rage increases dps through Frenzy charges. - Lightning Trap increases dps against bosses - less important in 3.0, you could use Vaal Haste instead. You don't have to include all of these buffs in your setup, personally I would only use either Haste of Trap, as the only place where you can cast all your prebuffs is Shaper, who is easier then Guardians anyway. Debuffs: Cast when Damage Taken / Frost Bomb / Vortex / Inc. AoE - chills nearby enemies and applies -20% cold resistance debuff. - you can also use Immortal Call instead of Inc. AoE, with Enduring Cry you don't need Increased Duration. - you might need to drop Vortex or AoE if using Elementalist, as you will need extra gem space. Movement: Whirling Blades / Faster Attacks / Fortify Path of Building code and stats:
Please note that this is the first Scion version. Thanks to unique Ascendant mechanic (alternative start), the tree is still subject to change.
Pastebin 1, realistic, but high budget gear. https://pastebin.com/9eWKhMir - 370 dps claw, 4 stat jewels, 3 dps stat rings, dmg enchants etc. Lvl 93, Kill all bandits: 5811 life, 5.8 million dps vs Shaper with Jaws of Agony prebuff, but if you select Shock like 90% of builds out there, you will reach 8.7 million dps to Shaper. Or, like other builds, you can try Bleed/Damage on Full life shenanigans: https://pastebin.com/DauHtPrw 5885 life, 6.91 million dps to Shaper, 10.3 with Shock. Why such small amount of life? To give you better comparison with other builds getting 5.4-5.8k life. Pastebin 2, realistic, medium budget gear. https://pastebin.com/Ku2wkbZD - 320 dps claw, imperfect flasks etc. LvL 93, Kill all bandits: 6182 life, 3.4 million dps vs Shaper with Jaws of Agony prebuff, 5.11 million with Shock. Pastebin 3, extreme budget edition (100-200c). https://pastebin.com/aefiTc3T - Wasp Nest, Singularity, corrupted 6L, low roll equip, 3 stat jewels etc. Lvl 87, Alira reward: 5678 life, 1.5 million dps vs Shaper with Jaws of Agony prebuff, select Shock for 2.25 million dps. You can also find all the other pastebins right at the bottom of the thread in comparison to other builds, including no Abyssus 7+million dps version and so on. Difference from original build:
Occultist can run 2 curses, Elemental Weakness and Enfeeble. Thanks to that, Occultist is a much easier build to play, being safer as it takes less damage and is much less likely to be critically hit. However, Scion can easily achieve much more dps then Occultist, vastly outperforming Witch in dps department.
However, Occultist's Profane Bloom does amazing job improving the clearspeed and sometimes killing reflect monsters on its own. Numeric comparison to other recent Scion BF builds:
Now, how does my build compares to other builds in this section? I'm going to use their creators public pastebins for this experiment.
"More Budget Friendly Harbinger Build" https://pastebin.com/8qKLUQ05: His pastebin is for a level 100 character, that with level 90 and his 162% life ends up as 5.35 vs our 6.15k (my original pastebin) life. I'm not even going to comment on his level 100, 176 million dps pastebin including 140+ life body etc., which barely gets 4k life. Now, let's completely ignore 4 stat life jewels packed with crit multi or BF enchant Abyssus and amulet/rings that easily cost 6-10+ exalted each in a league, the use of Damage on Full life while he won't be always on Full life (you never are while for example in Shaper's Beam which is a degen) or Punishment curse that won't work against a majority of content etc. So let me tweak a few things and post a "more budget friendly budget friendlier version" of his pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ka8V65LD 4.32 million dps against Shaper, 5.3k life, level 90. Still using expensive gear, but let's stick to what we have. Worth noting: Frost Bomb and the Curse are self cast since there aren't enough gems slots to properly utilize all used gems in CwDT. Since Punishment doesn't work against some bosses and is useless during mapping, and Frost Bomb lasts short duration and without CwDT setup isn't worth using at all imo, I decided to compromise and disable Frost Bomb from his setup. If you disable Punishment, this dps will go down even more. My Azure build using same level of gear: https://pastebin.com/LnHmsTw9 4.7 million dps against Shaper, 5.5k life, level 90. +Acrobatics, +Arctic Armour, +Phase Acrobatics. More damage, more life. Stun protection is from Heart of the Oak and Warrior's Blood, no need for Kaom's, and there is more flexibility thanks to additional 4 sockets. Result vs his "budget" version: Around 10% more damage, more life, superior defenses and a lot less clunky, more reliable gem setup.
Now lets compare this build to Lawyne's build, Temp League build (still gg gear but more achievable then zabosnu's): https://pastebin.com/gpzhyeAN 6 million dps, 5.65k life, level 93. Vs Azure Knight using gear from his paste: https://pastebin.com/k65U1FCE Elementalist: 4.44 million dps, 6.2k life, level 93, plus Acro/Phase Acro/AA and Reflect protection. Berserker: 4.8 million dps, 6.3k life, level 93, plus Acro/Phase Acro/AA and vastly superior leech. Or, more dps focused interpretation to reach similar dps/life outputs as his build: https://pastebin.com/R8944XQv Elementalist: 5.4 million dps, 5.6k life, level 94, plus Acro/Phase Acro/AA and Reflect protection. Berserker: 5.9 million dps, 5.7k life, level 94, plus Acro/Phase Acro/AA and vastly superior leech. Note: While stats for my and his build are very similar, remember that: - My build does not rely on a off-league weapon (Rigwald's), making it more practical to level or spec into. At this moment, the average price starts at 100 exalted. You could buy a lot better gear if you didn't use this axe, putting Azure Knight further ahead in both dps and life. - It does not use gloves that cost over 1400 chaos/35ex, meaning that on the same budget (corrupted Hrim goves cost around 150-250c), you can invest and get much higher dps claws or better jewelry, putting Azure Knight build further ahead. You can save over 130ex in a temp league by using my build, or use that currency to buy some truly sick gear upgrades, like a 400-450 dps/1.8+ aps/7.5+ crit claw. - My build stacks more defensive layers, like Evasion, Reflect protection, Dodge and Spell Dodge. If you account for difference in price, you can save over 100-150 exalted and buy a super expensive claw (Let's use one that is priced 150ex in HSC), which results in: https://pastebin.com/UpdSAg80 Elementalist: 6.7 million dps, 5.6k life, level 93, plus Acro/Phase Acro/AA and Reflect protection. Berserker: 7.26 million dps, 5.65k life, level 93, plus Acro/Phase Acro/AA and vastly superior leech. Result vs his Temp league 6 million version: On a same budget, my build gets over 11% more dps with superior defenses and reflect protection, or over 20% more dps with still superior defenses as Berserker. Also, no DoFL or Bleed shenanigans. So lastly, let's compare budget version of his build that doesn't use 35 exalted gloves, to Azure Knight: Lawyne's BF https://pastebin.com/ueK5nE8Y 3 million dps, 5.35k life, level 93. Azure Knight https://pastebin.com/Zudh541B 3.43 million dps, 5.4k life, level 93. Plus Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics. Keep in mind, that the claws he uses in the pastebin cost around 70-100c. If you cannot afford Aztiri's and want to improve the build (and spend 300-400c on decent claws for example) by getting 345 dps claws (example), my build will deal 3.85 million vs his 3.16, while still having superior survivability - poor dps of Bloodseeker will start dragging you down more and more. Result vs his budget 3 million version: Anywhere between 14-23% more damage while having better defenses as well.
Defensive setup: https://pastebin.com/EaASqhxg 5.73 million dps, 5420 hp. If either of the totems are inactive, it drops to around 4.7 million. Vs Azure Knight, Elementalist version: https://pastebin.com/7XajECs2 5.12 million dps, 5433 hp, plus Acro, Phase Acro, Arctic Armour, Evasion, Blind and Elemental Reflect protection. If we also use Damage on Full life (which is highly unreliable with bad leech you get with daggers btw), we get up to 5.9 million dps. We would then use Belly of the Beast for the easier coloring, bringing up our life to 5902, but lose AA, spell dodge and some evasion. So in the end: 5.9 million dps, 5902 life, plus Acrobatics, Blind and Elemental Damage protection. With Berserker version, we end up with: https://pastebin.com/mECRyGW9 5.61 million dps, 5491 hp, plus Acro, Phase Acro, Arctic Armour, Evasion and Blind. Using Damage on Full Life and Belly, we would get: 6.39 million dps, 5968 life, Acro and Blind. Now, if we drop the Belly/Damage on Full Life Elementalist down to 5.4k life mark, we end up with: https://pastebin.com/xPcCHtmq 6.59 million dps, 5451 life. And Berserker: https://pastebin.com/P0jTJXED 7.15 million dps, 5512 life. Result vs his 2 totem "defensive" build: Berserker version does almost match his dps, while still having superior defenses without Damage on Full Life. He has over 11% more dps then my Elementalist version, but we get Reflect Protection. While using same unreliable mechanic of Damage on Full life, and matching his life pool, we have superior defenses and 15% more dps with Elementalist or 25% more with Berserker. Now the biggest problem I see in his build, is the use of 2 totems. While it might doesn't matter against Shaper, it does matter against other bosses where there is a lot of AoE and you have to move around, examples: - Vs Chimera, you would need to reposition not 1, but 2 totems for fighting trash in all 3 corners. - Vs Hydra, your totems will die to side cannon's and you won't be in range if Hydra teleports, meaning you have to reposition/recast them often. - Vs Minotaur, your totems can easily die to AoE, meaning you have to resummon not 1, but 2. - Vs Phoenix's adds will quickly destroy your totems. If you are starting a league and don't have a 500 dps dagger with 4 mod crit multi gems etc., or maybe even only on a 5 link, your dps will be trash. Your leech with daggers will be even more trash. In the time it takes to recast 2 totems you might easily die, and your low leech coupled with Damage on Full Life support will be a big issue, as effectively you will never be 100% on full life during any fight for the whole duration, and some map mods like burning ground or desecrate can screw you over completely, reducing you from 6 to 5 link. When you are hit with a big attack from a Guardian and your gear is shit-mediocre tier, even in a 6 link you are effectively using a 5 link, reducing your leech even more and making the "full life state" even harder to sustain. Once you get a certain gear threshold, and down guardians in less then 2-4 seconds, then obviously leech becomes less of an issue, as your dps will be so high you will be leeching to full almost instantly. But, before this happens, you are going to have a really bad time with DoFL support and being forced to recast not 1, but 2 totems. My build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180198 Taking a break from PoE, catch me up in Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=5b625847f2f2eb0ea0750322 Use above link for free booster when you sign up! :) Last edited by Bristoling#3346 on Oct 15, 2017, 8:17:00 AM Last bumped on Oct 24, 2017, 4:50:40 PM
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Great guide! Have few questions. - Which do i drop for a 5-link? Cold Pen? - Can i use an alternate chest like Belly of the Beast? - is it possible for a frostblades setup like in the other classes? |
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Cold Penetration is the weakest link, so that should be dropped if on a 5 link.
You can use Belly, you will gain 350-400 life or so, just keep in mind that you won't be able to run Arctic Armour and you will lose spell dodge and some evasion. Although it might be cheaper since you won't have to get as much resistance on your other pieces. However if you want to roll with Frost Blades, Belly is a good choice since colouring will be easier. And yes, just like other ascendancies you can convert this into FB build, gear and gem changes are explained in the Witch thread (the reason why I don't include all information in every thread and direct everyone to the Occultist one is because it's easier for me to make updates and I'm also worried about the word/character limit) My build guides:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180198 Taking a break from PoE, catch me up in Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=5b625847f2f2eb0ea0750322 Use above link for free booster when you sign up! :) |
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Got it. Thank you. Btw i noticed in the skill tree that we are taking dual wielding nodes. Did I miss something or am I looking at the wrong tree?
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The tree is up to date (but I will try different setups over the weekend with Scion alternate starts). We dual wield a claw and a mace (Singularity or better yet, Doryani's), so dual wielding bonus do apply even if Blade Flurry will only use the claw for attacking.
My build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180198 Taking a break from PoE, catch me up in Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=5b625847f2f2eb0ea0750322 Use above link for free booster when you sign up! :) Last edited by Bristoling#3346 on Sep 7, 2017, 4:46:54 PM
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All this time I thought dual wielding should be of the same weapon type smh. I should read the wiki more :) Thank you!
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I've glanced at your build a few times in the witch forums but I haven't had a chance to check it out. I happen to have a scion with a very close tree on the temp league so I'm going to give this version a whirl. I see you mentioned darkray vectors in your other thread as potential boots but without some more investment in frenzy nodes do you think kaom's roots might be a more defensive option (immunity to stun/freeze/chill vs 8% attack dodge)? Having to drop 4 gems might be the deal breaker I guess.
Looking forward to trying the build though and happy to test anything. Thanks! |
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Hi, yes I guess you could poteentially use Kaoms, but for general mapping and everything that isn't Shaper you are better off having most of your gems as cwdt instead of self casting (golems, frost bomb), curse) as with totem/haste/jaws of agony there is already plenty to do :)
My build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180198 Taking a break from PoE, catch me up in Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=5b625847f2f2eb0ea0750322 Use above link for free booster when you sign up! :) Last edited by Bristoling#3346 on Sep 11, 2017, 5:08:27 PM
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I've been running Occultist, but few days ago I decided to give Scion a test ride, so I'll throw in my thoughts about build.
Naturally different people have different playstyles and preferences, so following wall of text is just my opinion. Raider is best for clear speed, dps. But... Blood Rage + Abyssus + VP? Thats 5.6%-6% constant degen. For delicious dps, I maybe would be able to live with that, but with other sources of degen: corrupting blood, desecrated ground, burning ground, poison... Playing should be fun, not stressful. I can already imagine I'm happily whirling throught map, whirl into pack, explode it, and then, after sec I notice it was corrupting blood pack. It's mini-heart attack... Why would I want to subject myself to that? So in my opinion Raider is beauty on paper, pain in the ass in practice. I've been choosing between Berserker/Elementalist and Champion/Elementalist ascendancies. Comparing those with my gear at lvl 90 on paper: Berserker/Elementalist Eff dps against Shaper/Guardians: 2.65mln (4.41 mln against simple mobs) Life 6738 More Leech! :) 5% increased damage :( Champion/Elementalist Eff dps against Shaper/Guardians: 2.47mln (4.12 mln against simple mobs) Life 6492 Almost perma-fortify (on paper I could always have active with whirling blades, but honestly while mapping and in boss fight I tend to focus on other things, than keeping fortify active, so because of that I rarely have it active) Also Taunt. Essentially it's defensive and offensive options, but since I've been satisfied with my Occultist (6468 life and eff dps against shaper/guardian is 1.93mln + enfeeble). I choose Guardian/Elementalist, because I think it gives me best balance of dps and tankyness. Also Raider/Elementalist with my gear gives Eff dps against Shaper/guardian 3.03 mln (5.05mln against normal mobs) and 6670 life. So in my opinion if you're looking for more defences, you can try champion. EDIT: Brainfarted and instead of Champion I wrote Guardian. I blame temporary insanity. Last edited by Sarunastm#7759 on Sep 15, 2017, 6:54:41 AM
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Yeah, Occultist version is quite tanky indeed with free Enfeeble :)
I have to say I'm surprised, I think you are the first person who's profile I've seen that is playing Light/Cold version :) I don't think Bleeding is an issue, but that might be because of my terrible habit of popping all my flasks at once anyway. Remember we can always have Blood Rage in weapons, so that swapping disables it - but still, I'm not sold on Champion. Yes, perma-fortify is sweet indeed, but Taunt only helps defensively our allies. We only get 5% reduction. I would probably take Juggernaut if only for the boost it gives to Immortal Call, if I wanted to be more defensive :) Anyway, thank you very much for breakdown of your ascendancy choices, and wow - 6.4k life with Abyssus and without Belly is quite impressive sir :) I'm a fan of more defensive builds as well. My build guides:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2180198 Taking a break from PoE, catch me up in Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=5b625847f2f2eb0ea0750322 Use above link for free booster when you sign up! :) |
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