3.0 | Lvl. 100 | Ramp up! Terminus Physical Flicker Strike!
Looks like a solid Terminus Est build. I like the addition of "Inspired Learning".
Just one question: You don't mention "Melee Damage on Full Life" as a good choice for Flicker links. Just Ruthless, Fortify or crit. damage. As a Slayer you are at full life pretty much 100% of the time and since 2.6 Blood Rage does not cancel "Melee Damage on Full Life" as long as you out-regen/out-leech the degen. Which a Slayer does easily. And it provides much more damage than Inc. Critical Damage does. Maybe I am missing something from just reading through your guide but I would go with this: Flicker Strike - Melee Phys - Melee Phys on full life - Multistrike - Crit Strikes - Fortify/Inc. Critical Damage. You can decide if you want Fortify on the 6link or on your Leap Slam. If you want even more damage, this is when Inc. Critical Damage is the best remaining support gem for that. I usually go for Fortify because I often forget to Leapslam every 4 seconds and I like the mix of damage and defense Fortify provides :D |
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" I think I am doing something wrong. I am 79 already and I have no problem taking the damage, but for some reason my leech is extremely slow. I started to notice that it is not just izarro, but almost everywhere with one target that I am just not leeching enough. That is with both leech ascendancies and 2 sources of leech and max leech on tree as well, PLUS with blood rage. It takes forever to leech back even half of hp. |
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" That sounds very wrong. With Brutal Fervour your life leeched per second should be somewhere around 1900. Without Brutal Fervour around 1200 btw. Always provided your damage is good enough. I tried importing your character into PoB to see where the problem is but it looks like you gave up. The items and skills are a clusterfuck :D So can't be bothered. Last edited by Mecielle#3021 on Sep 24, 2017, 1:02:30 PM
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" After play testing with it I found it was only up half the time because regen counters the degen but over leach seemed to only proc once life was lost so my hp was bouncing under full rapidly. If you went oak over killing all I think the extra regen and phys reduction would help also. At the end of the day I use this as a farming build and value links as such. Flicker>crits>multi>faster>melephys>X could be fortify or damage in full life or crit dmg. OMGBOMBER.COM
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" The only real way to do reflect maps with this build is atziri acuity for 40ex lol. Or you could drop the leech node and take the reflect node, headsman and use sybls ring for 100% phy reflect immunity. In which case you wouldn't have instant leech and would out dps your own leech (on ele reflect) unless u had vall pact forcing uncomfortable gameplay due to less leach and no regen for blood rage. Personally I set aside reflect maps and only run them when I land mirrored rare sextant. I have tried acuity's and those alone let you run reflect maps just fine with the anti reflect pantheon. Which I run 24/7 to protect yourself from random reflect mobs. Which in case of random reflect mobs you usually have non problems with as long as your fortify is up and taste if hate and lions roar. When I was lvl 98 I ran a basalt flask also so reflect wasn't an issue over lucky flask. Swapped to grounding also so if I was shocked it would not reflect 20% harder. Then removed inspired learning because at 97 I one shot myself on reflect because I was doing so much dmg in beachhead with both HH and inspired learning. Hope this helps dealing with reflect. OMGBOMBER.COM Last edited by Omgbomber#7898 on Sep 24, 2017, 2:21:24 PM
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Could you give my Slayer a look? I know my build is different but I'm struggling with bosses atm, thinking about dropping Kaom's for boss fights and using a 6L Belly. What would you suggest linking in there to sustain better vs a single target. I would ideally like to keep everything else the same, gear wise, for QOL. I can steam roll all tier'd maps as long as they don't have phys reflect, but most bosses give me a very hard time.
Was thinking maybe putting Elemental + maim + ancestral + cast when dmg + molten + vortex into swapped chest? Still need to get enfeeble in there somewhere tho .. Thanks dude Last edited by PuLaSkI#3543 on Sep 24, 2017, 3:48:51 PM
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" Drop abyss. Try a bossing neck if you are really into doing bigger bosses like shaper or guardians. For the normal bosses the warcheif setup with ele prolif and maim will help try faster attacks or multistrike linked with that also for faster uptime on those debuffs. I personally like enfeeble blasph for survival but maybe with bossing depending on crit rate you might want to just run assassins. Fortify in main link. What I found Is I never run headsman, but run the minor reflect god. With that alone and acuity you can easily do reflect maps. Also accuracy seems a bit low. I shoot for 90+ idk what yours is but I dont see any on gear. Get malicious intent in there somewhere. ITS OP! OMGBOMBER.COM Last edited by Omgbomber#7898 on Sep 25, 2017, 2:11:38 AM
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" Alright I'll give that a whirl. Accuracy is at 90%. Picked up malicious intent and ill try to find a spot for it. Still pondering the chestpeice for bossing. |
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" Honestly crafted yellow is the best from what I see. OMGBOMBER.COM
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