Winners of the Well-dressed Exile Competition

I think it would have been fairer 1 rogue exile for the natural category and 1 for the premium. I was second in the natural category and using only item skins that are available (with so many unique items no skin until today) how could we improve our characters to the point of winning the premium category and become rogue exile?? It's impossible.

For example I wish I had chosen a glove that would match the golden shades I tried to achieve in my character, but none of the gloves that had skin combined, the one that best combined by the golden circular detail on the glove was Voidbringer.
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast
Last edited by Carrasco_Santo#1203 on Aug 29, 2017, 9:32:14 PM
Grats to the winners. :-)

I think GGG had soooo many entries that they just glossed over entries until something stood out. Certainly almost like throwing darts to determine winners, lol. Any ways, some very good outfits in the top winning entries. But then again, everyone's style is different, and what looks good to some looks gaudy to others. ;-) Again, congrats winners! :-D
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I am upset with how that is the grand prize winner... the prophecy weapon effect and the footprints kinda ruined the theme of the look, I don't see how you thought that was the best looking. I just expected better I guess. (Heck, I thought Arterialite's looked better) :/
Please reply to your whispers for items... Even if you are mapping, in a rotation, in uber lab, or if its sold. Thank you. :D

Looks like y'all just gave up on trying to judge 300 pages of entries, and you just picked some winners at random. Some of those ensembles are downright wretched and thrown together.

Gratz to the winners.
I am surprised at low level of this competition. Most of places from top 5 downwards I can see in town like every login, and to be honest getting to the top 5-6 places quality level was easy enough that basically luck decided.
Its when you make too easy finals and too many people get 100/100 points and are drawn due to luck.
Overall - meh.
Why bother finding a Mirror of Kalandra if it can be [Removed by Support]
Killing the Elder or Shaper while following someone's build is like finding a street using google maps - such an achievement!
Ageless_Emperion wrote:
GGG keeps trying to teach me that creativity = making something tacky.

This was a joke at every level.


Exactly this. Won't bother with this farce next time.
On the natural contest the archer on the second place looks better then the 1st guy, imho.
top 10 :D :D WOW
I honestly can't say that I'm impressed by very many of these selections at all. What good (or bad) shit were the persons that chose these on? This was a huge joke based on your winners in my opinion.
To all the girls in the red high-heeled shoes,
they took all our money and stole all our boos.
They ain't got their cherries, but that's no sin,
they still got the box the cherry came in!

To mach ower the top in my opinion unles you looking for alien chrismas tree, it may look like it have sence but where do you place such disco baals in this game or what game indeed.
Natural mostly have some sence, tho not many templars sims to be in there. Also Witch sims like it got some wierd snake hips or is it just me?

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