Winners of the Well-dressed Exile Competition

You chose a winner that used Essence Wings... Yeah, I'm gonna have to say, no.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
What are these hooved boots Loseyre (top 3 natural) has and how do I get them?
IGN: Bloodtusk Finding Names for your Characters - a list by Alysma
How to take MTX marketing to the next lvl 101
IGN: Bluntexile

Last edited by thawn4444#3507 on Aug 31, 2017, 9:14:43 PM
Zynamo wrote:
Maybe you should read the competition rules before spurting bs

Yeah that's a fair call, I got it wrong, I didn't think GGG would take the winners and pose them, seems a bit silly IMO.

Doesn't address the fact you lost, thought having alt art makes you a special snowflake, and effectively rage quit future competitions because you lost. So my first comment still stands.
Last edited by Sectiplave#3030 on Sep 1, 2017, 12:16:29 AM
naaah.. there was better looking chars.. but..what we can do. old people have their own taste. :))
"its not a screenshot competition"
"dont worry about getting into a pose"
Top 3 all in pose
Zynamo wrote:

i was actually really bummed when I didn't even get a single submission in top 20. I spent hours on these and I definitely think some of these were worth recognition. I understand you may have a bias against alt arts but I've been trading in this game for years just so I could buy them and I thought I might actually get some recognition beyond town. Won't be participating next time

I didn't went too much into the voting process and stuff so I don't know how it works but I can tell you one thing. I like all the 6 skins on the thread you send and if I would be able to vote I would vote for one of ur char. Maybe you disqualified urself as you put too much entree, or players cut their vote on ur different entrees ? Because one thing for sure is the quality and harmony of ur costume are well done.

Second thing, are your entrees full natural or mixed ?
EzBreesy wrote:
Zynamo wrote:

i was actually really bummed when I didn't even get a single submission in top 20. I spent hours on these and I definitely think some of these were worth recognition. I understand you may have a bias against alt arts but I've been trading in this game for years just so I could buy them and I thought I might actually get some recognition beyond town. Won't be participating next time

I didn't went too much into the voting process and stuff so I don't know how it works but I can tell you one thing. I like all the 6 skins on the thread you send and if I would be able to vote I would vote for one of ur char. Maybe you disqualified urself as you put too much entree, or players cut their vote on ur different entrees ? Because one thing for sure is the quality and harmony of ur costume are well done.

Second thing, are your entrees full natural or mixed ?

The first 7 of them are MTX, the rest are full Natural. I made sure to distinguish between them in my thread post, and its also in the gallery. The voting process did not involve player voting. It was just GGG picking their favourites without and community involvement.
Any plans to make more like that competitions?
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