[3.0 HC/SC] The ORIGINAL Hybrid HoWA ST Raider [ALL CONTENT] [2:45 Shaper Run][Vids Included]
Oh how much did I miss my howa!!!! thank you Invalesco for making it work.
Ran out of currency and still a lot of improvements but it works for now until i farmed more. Can not express how much i missed it. Keep up the good work! Last edited by roetetoet#5335 on Sep 12, 2017, 9:04:09 AM
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Bought Regalia today
after divining and slamming 38 fire res hope its ok, kinda hard to find sth better edit: do we rly wan't movement speed on boots? i think it don't affect Whirling Blades and boots with movement speed gonna be a ton cheaper edit2: lol seems like game want's me to play this build: first pair edit3: Do helmet base matters? u had hubris earlier and now evasion based one Last edited by Hejti#4526 on Sep 12, 2017, 4:13:20 PM
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" Thanks very much! Currently just farming T15 beachhead maps on my cleave guy, grinding out to lvl 95 and finish 20/20'ing my gems to sell, then going to try playing this build. Already spent 1300+ fusings on trying to 6L my Belly, just going to call it a day and sell it. I'd be happy to report on my progress with super budget gear given the availability in HC and see how it goes! What I've been able to purchase so far below. Crafting my own helm with the ST enchant would be nice, but I found this VERY nice helm for only 17c. -
IGN- Vyvanne | Voxxvi (Tempest League) Vyvanne's Odds and Bods Boutique - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1311497 Last edited by Vyvanne#0982 on Sep 12, 2017, 1:36:56 PM
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omg, thanks a lot for build! Specced yesterday my Kb wander raider which I didn't like for this. Build feels amazing and feels even better than old Howa ST. Getting right items is painful but it's nice end game goal, ES base stuff is so cheap. Got 6-link regalia for under 50 c by ethereal div cards :O
Trying to find Hubris circlet with ST deceleration enchant seems hard, none online :( Essence of spite is so cheap that it should be semi cheap to craft items by myself. Also using onslaught gem instead damage on full life until I get more life and better damage, my gems is at shit level. |
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" You're welcome! Thanks! Ya the fast-paced gameplay really is quite enjoyable :) " That's a very nice chest to be honest! That was a good exalt, and the chest is pretty much on par with mine. Yup boots without movement speed is going to be much cheaper. Boots with that extra bit of ES instead of movement speed are also going to increase your effective HP. Its going to boil down to a personal choice in the end - there's no real right or wrong answer. Personally I went for movement speed purely for QOL because I want my character to be fast in every aspect, even when walking. A hubris circlet will be way better than an evasion based helm in terms of eHP. If I replace my evasion helm with a 200 ES circlet with the same amount of life, my ES will go up from 2.9k to 3.7k, which for me is much more ideal. The only reason I went for the evasion helm instead of my previous ES helm was coz of the higher res rolls on the ev helm, which allowed me to drop +% to all res on one of my jewels and go instead for a jewel with an extra DPS mod (because I was fine having 2.9k ES and wanted to squeeze in some extra DPS just for the sake of it). Gratz on the shaper's touch corrupt btw! " That helm is certainly a nice steal! Good luck with the grinding and leveling, and hope you'll have fun with HoWA! " You're welcome! Ya ES stuff being cheap is a double-edged sword. There are also fewer people enchanting hubris circlets as a result. Its ok, you can just get a good helm for now without the enchant - leave that for later on for min-maxing. ya onslaught is a good substitute during the mapping/leveling. hope you'll continue to have fun! :) Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader |
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Im doing the HP/ES/MoM version of this build in HC. Im having diffculty maxing resists if I use Kaoms Roots at 68. I also dont understand the reason for using Kaoms roots since they give Unwavering Stance. Do we not want the effects of Shapers Touch and Jade flask for evasion if we are doing the ES/HP/MoM based version of the build?
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" Hey, I'm not actually using Kaom's Roots anymore. I used it with HP/ES/MoM initially as I was still optimising the build and felt Kaom's Roots would be good for it - the decision in the end was no, Kaom's Roots are not the best option for it. I've subsequently switched it out for my current pair of rare boots. I've added in a disclaimer in the videos section to not use Kaom's Roots. Please do use a good pair of rare boots - that should help you max your res Build of the Week 14 The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader Last edited by Invalesco#7360 on Sep 13, 2017, 9:55:42 AM
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So i currently got this:
Bought that helmet for 5c lol and anulled of 9str to craft resist, still missing int there but gonna be hard to cap resistances then :S. Got also some 2as life jewels and now the hardest part to find rings what gonna fill my missing resistances. Couldn't find any amulet similar to yours so went with astramentis for now. Could need to switch over since resist gonna be hard to cap with so many int and uniques now. edit: bought these two rings to cap resistances im not happy with them but its impossible to get better ones with that resists lol. Last edited by Hejti#4526 on Sep 13, 2017, 12:27:40 PM
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" Ya it can get quite tiring trying to cap resists when we're using so many uniques and still want INT as a suffix. Its ok, improvements will come with time (and hopefully with increased availability of gear)! Its also ok to lose some DPS by switching to a ammy with WED, INT and RES if it gives you flexibility in terms of resistances and ends up freeing slots on your other gear - because that will in turn give you more room to manoeuvre your other pieces of gear around and find better upgrades, which will then improve your DPS in the long run. One step backwards, two steps forward! Build of the Week 14 The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader Last edited by Invalesco#7360 on Sep 13, 2017, 12:37:14 PM
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So i tried Guardians and Shaper on lvl 80
Minotaur was easy (life) Phoenix - died once (extra dmg + life) Hydra - died twice (but was ele weaknes and extra dmg + life) Chimera - failed it (extra life, dmg and no regen, died twice becouse i run out of mana lol) with normal mods its pretty easy Shaper - i fucked up few times, but managed to kill him with 1 portal left ![]() Last edited by Hejti#4526 on Sep 13, 2017, 2:44:42 PM
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