[3.0 HC/SC] The ORIGINAL Hybrid HoWA ST Raider [ALL CONTENT] [2:45 Shaper Run][Vids Included]
![]() Why HoWA? I started the league with a crit Dark Pact Zerker but really missed the rapid swashbuckling playstyle of HoWA/Frostblades. Frost Blades was meta and thus too expensive. HoWA being non-meta and thus cheaper was much more appealing. Thus began the attempt to make a viable non-CI (since ES/CI got gutted) HoWA build. How is HoWA now after the nerfs? HoWA has been nerfed hard. It is no longer the unstoppable force it was in the previous leagues, hence the drop in price of the claws. That said, it is still extremely viable and can still be very strong. In fact, I would even go on to say that its probably the strongest elemental ST build at the moment. ![]() still possible to get enough DPS/APS to outleech Shaper's balls Pros • Weapons are cheap • Hybrid gear is inexpensive • Fast-paced and enjoyable gameplay • AMAZING clear speed • High effective HP, and thus, HC-viable Cons • Capping resistances will be difficult due to wanting INT on gear • Not a good league starter due to the need for breach uniques • Currently off-meta so great gear may be tough to find. May have to resort to crafting. ________________________________________________________________________ BUILD CONCEPTS 1. INT and DEX-stacking for Offense AND Defense INT grants us +base lightning damage, +accuracy, mana, %ES and %evasion. DEX grants us +life, +accuracy, %evasion and %attack speed. 2. Layered Defense: HP/ES, MoM, Evasion and Dodge Soul Tether allows us to leech to both our HP and ES pools. MoM provides us with an additional damage buffer when our ES pool is down and helps mitigate chaos damage when ES pool is up. We can also hit >50% chance to evade with a simple Jade Flask. Raider ascendancy grants us 6% chance to dodge attacks and 10% chance to dodge spell damage. 3. Stun Avoidance/Recovery and Evasion ES: as long as we have 1 ES, we have a 50% chance to avoid stun. Evasion: if we don't get hit, we don't get stunned. Heart of Oak: this cluster gives us another 28% chance to avoid stun (not additive with ES). Stun Recovery: 75% (Pantheon, Soul Tether and Heart of Oak) reduces the duration of stun. Soul of the Brine King: this prevents us from being stunlocked. 4. Speed Speed is key, hence Raider as the ascendancy of choice. Having high attack speed and movement speed makes for a very satisfying and enjoyable gameplay experience. ________________________________________________________________________ SCREENSHOTS As a reference, these are my effective DPS figures versus Shaper (as per PoB):
787k effective DPS vs Shaper (No Point Blank)
![]() Here's the Path of Building code if you wish to verify it.
FYI: ST projectiles can hit the enemy 4-5 times near the end of its trajectory, depending on the enemy's hitbox, so the actual DPS output is much higher (i.e. 787k x 5). ![]()
1.16 million effective DPS vs Shaper (Point Blank)
![]() Here's the Path of Building code if you wish to verify it.
Hideout Stats
![]() Fully buffed GMP (Flasks, AP, Vaal Haste) ![]() Fully buffed Slower Projectiles (Flasks, AP, Vaal Haste) ![]()
![]() Stats with the headhunter buffs can get quite nutty. For instance, with my gear, I can get >6.7k HP, 30k ES and >600k GMP tooltip DPS with the right HH buffs. Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/sTyuiSiW VIDEOS Level 98 HP/ES " Level 97 HP/ES " Level 96 HP/ES " Level 94 HP/ES/MoM, using Kaom's Roots (please do not use Kaom's Roots anymore) " Other player contributed videos "________________________________________________________________________ LEVELING TREES, BANDITS, ASCENDANCY AND PANTHEON
Bandit Choices Kill all for the +2 passive points Ascendancy Order Way of the Poacher --> Avatar of the Veil --> Avatar of the Slaughter Pantheon This is situational and up to you, but my preferred Pantheon choices are Soul of the Brine King to prevent stunlock and Soul of Yugul for reflect protection. Unique Jewels ![]() 1. Fertile Mind to be placed in the jewel socket above Ranger (note: this can be replaced by a good rare jewel later on if you're not using Headhunter) 2. Fertile Mind to be placed in the jewel socket to the right of Ranger 3. Brute Force to be placed in the jewel socket below Duelist (note: only for leveling purposes, replace with a good rare jewel later on) Skill Tree Progression
Note: if you are playing in HC, it is strongly recommended that you path by grabbing the HP nodes at Ranger start instead of the projectile damage/attack speed nodes.
34 Points 55 Points 79 Points get MoM to help survivability as difficulty increases 103 Points get VP to help survivability as you start mapping Note: Regardless if your eventual goal is to go HP/ES for maximum DPS, you should still go HP/ES/MoM prior to transitioning to HP/ES.
1. Having MoM means that you have less pressure to get high life gear while you're leveling as you're able to use mana for extra eHP. You can just continue farming and slowly upgrade your gear as you go along without having to worry about hitting a wall due to a lack of HP and thus a lack of survivability.
2. The only real benefit HP/ES provides over HP/ES/MoM is that you get to run Wrath and HoT with Empower for extra DPS. However, it is only going to provide a significant DPS boost if you have a level 4 Empower and a level 4 Enlighten. If you do not have a level 4 Empower or a level 4 Enlighten, the slight DPS boost from running HoT won't be significant enough (imo) to justify giving up MoM. 3. Mana consumption of ST is pretty darn high. If your gear is suboptimal and your DPS is not high enough, you may have to spam ST pretty often. As such, having a high unreserved mana pool will allow you to spam ST without fear of running out of mana, which makes for far more enjoyable gameplay. In essence, MoM is a great stop-gap measure that will allow the build to function well even with subpar/suboptimal gear, and I strongly recommend using it as a transition point if you do not wish to hit a wall while leveling. There is no need to get different gear for MoM. The requirements for gear if HP/ES or HP/ES/MoM are identical. End Game Trees No Point Blank 117 Points MoM, recommended for HC 119 Points non-MoM for maximum DPS output Point Blank 120 Points Note: your map clear speed may suffer ______________________________________________________________________________ Headhunter Versions 119 Points Pure HP variant. No MoM 119 Points HP/MoM variant (recommended). Only use Wrath. Do not use HoT. The HP (non-MoM) variant has 174% incr. life on the tree and 5 jewel sockets (for another 35% incr. life), meaning you'll be able to hit >6k life (6.5k with Belly). The HP/MoM variant will have approximately 5.4k HP and 2k unreserved mana (and another 2k ES) with my gear, but will have higher utility (incr. flask duration, incr. flask charges gained) and higher QOL (you can spam ST without running out of mana). Note: if you wish to use Headhunter and want to truly min-max your character, look for evasion gear with high +life instead of ES gear with high +life. Evasion will be more useful to you than ES as you will not be leeching ES during combat without Soul Tether. You will also be using 2 Fertile Mind jewels instead of 1.
Leveling Guide by Vyvanne
------------Decreasing Priority------------>
Chest: INT, Life, Res Helm: INT, Life, Res Boots: INT, Life, Res, ES/Movement Speed Rings: INT, EDAS, Life, Res Amulet: INT, EDAS, Life, Res • Astramentis is a good alternative Gloves: • Shaper's Touch - Preferred corrupts: Ele Weakness on Hit, followed by +1 Level to Socketed Gems - Note: You do NOT need ele weakness on hit. It is purely for QOL. Belt: • Soul Tether/Headhunter Jewels: • 3 mod jewels poe.trade link • 4 mod jewels poe.trade link • Focus on at least 1 x attack speed, 1 x %increased life and 1 x %proj damage or +INT Examples of my gear are in the post below.
The ideal flask setup for highest DPS output is: 1. Wise Oak 2. Sulphur Flask of Staunching 3. Silver Flask of Warding 4. Atziri's Amethyst Flask (low %physical added on as chaos rolls are fine) 5. Vinktars (10% Penetration/Added Lightning Damage) The recommended flask setup for balanced DEF/DPS is: 1. Wise Oak 2. Jade Flask of Staunching/Life Flask 3. Silver Flask of Warding 4. Atziri's Amethyst Flask (low %physical added on as chaos rolls are fine) 5. Vinktars (10% Penetration/Added Lightning Damage) Vinktars: Penetration or Added Lightning Damage to Attacks? The variant that adds lightning damage to attacks increases our effective DPS versus Shaper slightly more than the penetration variant, but my recommendation is to get the penetration variant because it is significantly cheaper (unless you are wealthy enough to want to min-max your character).
First decide whether you want your enchantments to boost your map clear speed or boss killing, because that will affect the choice of enchantments. Helm Enchantment If your priority is map clearing: 1. Projectile Speed 2. Reduced ST Deceleration 3. ST damage If your priority is boss killing: 1. Reduced ST Deceleration 2. ST damage 3. Projectile Speed Boots Enchantment If your priority is map clearing: 1. Increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently 2. Chance to Avoid being Stunned if you've Killed Recently If your priority is boss killing: 1. Adds Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently 2. Damage Penetrates Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently
Suggested Gem Links
Attack skill: ST - GMP/SP - EDAS - EF - LP - DFL ST = Spectral Throw GMP = Greater Multiple Projectiles SP = Slower Projectiles EDAS = Elemental Damage with Attack Skills EF = Elemental Focus LP = Lightning Penetration DFL = Damage on Full Life Aura/Buff: Wrath - Enlighten - Herald of Thunder (optional) - Empower (optional) Note: if you are going for MoM, you should only be using Wrath + Enlighten. Do not use HoT. Empower is optional, but I would advise against it if you're in HC. Mobility: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify Defensive setup: CWDT (leveled) - Immortal Call - Lightning Golem Utility Setup 1: CWDT (non-leveled) - Vortex - Firestorm - Blind Utility Setup 2: Increased Duration - Vaal Haste Miscellaneous Gems (can be standalone): Charged Dash, Ancestral Protector If you want a curse + culling setup, replace 'Utility Setup 1' with Orb of Storms - Curse on Hit - Conductivity - Culling Strike MISCELLANEOUS
Difficult Map Mods
1. Elemental Reflect
You can run these if you slot in Sibyl's Lament into one of your ring slots. However, its probably more trouble than its worth and you're better off just rerolling the map. 2. Cannot leech life/mana The inability to leech life/ES will however be a huge problem were you to encounter an elemental reflect rare. Build of the Week 14 The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader Last edited by Invalesco#7360 on Oct 12, 2017, 2:02:14 AM Last bumped on Dec 13, 2017, 9:18:21 AM
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Level 94 (HP/ES/MoM)
Level 96 (HP/ES)
Level 98 (HP/ES)
FAQs 1. Have you tried building HoWA with just HP/MoM instead of HP/ES/MoM? I have indeed! I'll list a few versions that I've tried with brief descriptions regarding each.
Version 1: HP/MoM with Belly of the Beast and Unwavering Stance
PoB code: https://pastebin.com/g4XkS139 The gear in PoB is the gear that I had at the time. The jewels are what I felt were the ideal jewels for the build. I ended up with a relatively tanky character, but the projected effective DPS against Shaper was not up to my required standards.
Version 2: HP/MoM with Belly of the Beast and Kaoms Roots
PoB code: https://pastebin.com/aVmjSApV
The gear in PoB is the gear that I had at the time. The jewels are what I felt were the ideal jewels for the build. I ended up with slightly more DPS (which was still not good enough), and I ended up sacrificing movement speed to get there.
Version 3: HP/MoM/ES with Soul Tether and Kaoms Roots
The concept was to utilise Soul Tether and a good hybrid rare chest to maintain a healthy ES buffer so as to allow us to make use of the Damage on Full Life gem to the fullest. PoB code: https://pastebin.com/ptY5eRJv The gear and jewels for this code are actual examples which I have in game and the reflected effective DPS is on show in my shaper and guardian fights (videos below). I ended up with slightly more DPS while becoming even more tanky, albeit still with no movement speed boots :(
Version 4: HP/ES/MoM with Soul Tether and Stun Avoidance
After considering different alternatives, I have decided to for stun avoidance instead of unwavering stance/stun immunity because:
I want movement speed boots (which would also make capping res easier) Having a layer of ES grants us 50% chance to avoid as it is, which with the Heart of Oak cluster would give us approx. 68% chance to avoid stun, which itself can be nullified somewhat by the brine king pantheon, having high stun and block recovery and having high attack speed. Having all that INT and DEX granting bonus %evasion (from Shaper) would all go to waste if I get Unwavering Stance. A single white Jade Flask alone grants me 50% chance to evade and significant damage mitigation (thus allowing ES more time to recover). This is also the verison that I'm currently using. PoB code: https://pastebin.com/F1u3ufcW The gear and jewels for this code are what I have in-game currently. I am much happier with this version because of the higher DPS and movement speed, and gameplay thus far has been extremely satisfying.
Version 5: HP/ES with Soul Tether and Stun Avoidance
This is the version that I am working towards once I farm enough to get level 4 Enlighten and level 4 Empower. The objective is to sacrifice some (but not too much) survivability by dropping MoM so as to use Empower + Herald of Thunder for much higher DPS while also grabbing more HP nodes to improve our instaleech pool of defense. PoB code: https://pastebin.com/7S0amUMR The gear in this code is what I have in-game currently. The jewels are the ideal ones I am aiming for. 2. Why Dual Wield instead of 1h + Shield?
I initially contemplated going 1 hand + shield initially and snapped up this shield on a bargain to experiment with:
My conclusion is that it would only be worth going 1h + shield if you use a Black Sun Crests with 15% incr. intelligence and dexterity (to outweigh the loss of the 12% incr. intelligence and dexterity from HoWA). The +1 level to gems on that helm will benefit Wrath, HoT and Empower and you can potentially end up with level 26 Wrath and HoT, which may then out-DPS dual wielding. I have however decided to go for dual wield in the end because no one is enchanting Black Sun Crests these days (and I do so love the ST enchants), and also because I love having higher attack speed as it improves mobility and thus clear speed. 3. Why do you not use Point Blank?
Point blank is a very niche keystone that is only useful if you don't have much projectile speed or if you do not have the 'reduced spectral throw deceleration' helm enchant, because these two properties will cause your projectiles to travel further and thus suffer a damage penalty on the way back.
" ![]() The above gif shows that my projectiles travel approximately 28 units with a level 20 slower projectiles gem. Note: I have 30% projectile speed on the tree and a 30% reduced spectral throw deceleration enchant. Taking the calculations that aggixx provided on reddit: " In other words, assuming that my base damage is 1000 and I hit the enemy 5 times, I would deal 1000 x 5 x 1.19 = 5950 damage with Point Blank and 1000 x 5 = 5000 damage without. Therefore, instead of getting the full 50% bonus from Point Blank, you would get approximately a 19-20% bonus. If you balance that against the draw back of dealing 50% less damage versus mobs at a distance of >35 units, and consider that there will be scenarios/maps where you will not wish to go close to the boss because of dangerous mods, the disadvantage of taking Point Blank may outweigh the small advantage it provides. This is why I prefer not to take Point Blank. If you're HC, I recommend not taking Point Blank as well. If you're in SC, I leave the choice to you. Build of the Week 14 The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader Last edited by Invalesco#7360 on Sep 23, 2017, 5:55:31 AM
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I'm a big fan of your builds. Following thread.
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Played Invalesco's HOWA crit build last season and got upto level 100 with it!
Glad to see you are back making guides again Invalesco! Good luck with the build |
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thanks necro and outofmilk!
have added in a FAQ section and added in leveling trees, will continue fleshing out the guide as we go along.. Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader |
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Great guide as always, how is the dmg compared to the old HoWA?
I mean what is ur GMP tooltip in HO with just simple buffs? |
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" Thanks! Damage is definitely less than the old HoWA. Back then my godly geared ST Crit char was pushing 700k fully buffed effective dps versus shaper. This current variant will probably be pushing 600k unless I manage to get much better gear. Hideout DPS right now with just wrath and a lightning golem is around 54k DPS. Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader |
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Thanks for the guide! Btw the links for the leveling tree past 71 pts aren't working.
Last edited by copper132#5572 on Aug 31, 2017, 6:10:38 PM
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have you considered essence worm for your wrath not sure if this has been asked already
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" You're welcome! Thanks for that, fixed now! " Yup have considered, but we have already have adequate mana left unreserved with wrath activated and I would prefer a rare ring for the res, int and %dmg. Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader |
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