[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

RushBone wrote:
TGGarrett wrote:
RushBone wrote:
soul mantle got fixed
totems in delves got fixed

500 fuses -> no 6L :(

but the build is rockin again

Regarding the totems, how so?

totems were not attacking in the darkness before last patch

oh I thought minions didn't take damage in the dark anyway.

I've gotten sick of the game at atlasing again, I really just don't like the design of the atlas or the shaper/elder influence mechanic when it's already tedious to get the maps you want. It feels like they design the game for the top 5% of the players, but those are probably their whales so. But I want to do the content, not trade or grind lower tier maps to get what I want to do next.

I hope delve goes permanent and they remove the need to leave the to map for sulphate.
Last edited by FrodoFraggins#7603 on Sep 12, 2018, 9:46:45 AM
FrodoFraggins wrote:

oh I thought minions didn't take damage in the dark anyway.

I've gotten sick of the game at atlasing again, I really just don't like the design of the atlas or the shaper/elder influence mechanic when it's already tedious to get the maps you want. It feels like they design the game for the top 5% of the players, but those are probably their whales so. But I want to do the content, not trade or grind lower tier maps to get what I want to do next.

I hope delve goes permanent and they remove the need to leave the to map for sulphate.

ok casual playing like 1-2h/day is not really satisfying
but this means you have a life
I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
RushBone wrote:
FrodoFraggins wrote:

oh I thought minions didn't take damage in the dark anyway.

I've gotten sick of the game at atlasing again, I really just don't like the design of the atlas or the shaper/elder influence mechanic when it's already tedious to get the maps you want. It feels like they design the game for the top 5% of the players, but those are probably their whales so. But I want to do the content, not trade or grind lower tier maps to get what I want to do next.

I hope delve goes permanent and they remove the need to leave the to map for sulphate.

ok casual playing like 1-2h/day is not really satisfying
but this means you have a life

I have more time than that - I just hit a wall where the game isn't fun trying to find or trade for maps. And so I move on to other games. In the end I'll probably just move to standard if they decouple delves from maps. That way I can actually see the content since the atlas was mostly cleared on other chars and there's no time pressure.

But I do think the population decrease wouldn't be as steep if progression didn't slow down so much for casuals. There's got to be a happy medium.

I'm basically waiting for a game somewhere between D2 and POE with the smooth/rewarding combat of D3.
This is the weapon I am using:

Does "Increased cast speed" benefit me or my totems?
Does "Chance to poison on hit" trigger for the GC cast by the totems?

Also, the guide mentions "%Physical as Extra Fire Damage" on Abyss Jewels, but the affix actually reads "%Physical damage as Extra Fire Damage if you've dealt a critical strike recently". I'm under the impression that I don't deal critical strikes, my totems do. So, how am I supposed to benefit from this stat?
Last edited by loonypt#6533 on Sep 14, 2018, 1:11:43 AM
loonypt wrote:
This is the weapon I am using:

Does "Increased cast speed" benefit me or my totems?
Does "Chance to poison on hit" trigger for the GC cast by the totems?

Also, the guide mentions "%Physical as Extra Fire Damage" on Abyss Jewels, but the affix actually reads "%Physical damage as Extra Fire Damage if you've dealt a critical strike recently". I'm under the impression that I don't deal critical strikes, my totems do. So, how am I supposed to benefit from this stat?

The cast speed benefits your character but the totems use your characters cast speed modifier, so this will benefit you both.

With Ancestral Bond you cant deal damage directly. You can however still hit and crit with skills, just no damage. This is enough to trigger the "%Physical damage as Extra Fire Damage if you've dealt a critical strike recently" effect and thus more totem damage.

I'm not sure about the poison on hit modifier.
Last edited by tsjatupa#7321 on Sep 14, 2018, 5:35:55 AM
Just look at this disgusting weapon:

iSammax wrote:
Just look at this disgusting weapon:

but wrong craft und wrong gem :)
you don't deserve this weapon! :)
Last edited by RushBone#0065 on Sep 15, 2018, 12:45:13 AM
Since we are sharing weapons...

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