The Harbinger Supporter Packs

kompaniet wrote:
Rashkaldor wrote:
I’m seriously concerned about the path GGG has taken regarding the optical appearance of the chars.

Oriath packs were already pityful disgusting (with the exception of Outlaw), Harbinger mtx just plain ridiculous – and now this abomination.

Maybe a smart new target-group analysis by GGG has taken place: “Hey, those veteran whales will buy all our stuff anyway. So let’s milk the aesthetically retarded chumps who think flashy lights & screaming colours are somehow appealing.”

Failed strategy at least in my case: no support from me this time.

Dark and gritty, my arse.

wow. for me it is the other way around. the outlaw set was the only one i didn't like.
this new harbinger pack looks awesome.

Some people [Removed by Support] have really no taste in art.
Sad thing is, because of comments like yours they will think they can do this effortless shit again.

[Removed by Support]

It would be also great if we the "conscious" part of this community protest against this by not supporting them until they make art worthy of those amounts of money.
like beast supporter pack (240$ for visual abomination) I could buy legion expansion (which i just did for 45€) and buy 13 month's worth of subscription.

And to be honest you killed so much fun in this game under pretense of "balance" that this whole god damn 3.0 hype is long gone. I can't even remember what I've hyped about.

Get your shit together and don't let corporative mindset destroy everything you've build so far.
Last edited by Scott_GGG#0000 on Aug 18, 2017, 6:12:12 AM
They haven't produced anything worth my support since atlas launched. Hey, GGG - the Guardian packs were amazing. Do THAT, NOT this garbage.
"Accountability is the perfect counter-weight to ambition." -Dominus, High Templar
at first, my english is not very good, but i will try my best

I love this game, since i play PoE i do not have any other games on my ssd.

I bought the Outlaw pack last league and i like it. I looked forward to the new packs to buy the 60$ one, the money rests on my paypal account.

You have this realy big and great expansion for us and you come with this pack around the corner?

I expected something awesome, something great, something that is on the same level as this expansion.

But i think you shoot all your bullets with the Mystery Boxes.

The new Akt-NPCs have many great Amours, this webpage background shows some great armours.

I am sorry for the pack-creator, i know its hard to see that the peoples dont like what you did, but what you did it is not good enough.

if you rise the bar too high you need to climb over it every time, with everything.
This time, you tried to climb over the bar but you failed.

So go back to the drawboard and create something to climb over the bar, then you will get my money

Thank You
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
I really dont want to spend that much just for a tiger :((
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
Buying just for tiger and character effect. Armor is just ok. Cloak and social frame will go unused.
I was so psyched to get the $60.00 support pack too. Been waiting 2 months for it, and this sad excuse for a Dragon Quest skin. But if GGG keeps putting all their time, and best MTX's into their mystery box gambling scheme, and not into Supporter packs as well, then they will never get another dime from me, and according to what I read on a couple pages, many others. This supporter pack looks like a new intern designed it while he was high watching King Arthur, and drew it up on his 1990's Macintosh .
This seems to be a very polarising supporter pack. People either love it or hate it with a passion :D

Also this screams DEUS VULT to me. Might have to buy this and roll a templar...
Last edited by RapplerSoon#7314 on Aug 18, 2017, 5:29:40 AM
well, to be honest, i dont really like these, the armour set would be much better with full blue, and a dope mask like the prophecy one, the weapon effect is cool, the character effect couse be worse i guess, and the tiger looks awesome....and im not sure what to think of the cloak, it s not bad, but it s a little wierd for my taste. i guess i ll just go with the outlaw supporter pack, it s not the best either, but still better then this one.
Looks good imo, might purchase the Portent one as my first supporter pack ever, have only bought some points thus far.

The tiger looks good and the armor is realistic looking, not some overly shiny buuuushiiii, though it doesn't fit well with the overall blue theme. Char effect is fine.
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Aug 18, 2017, 5:44:12 AM
Tzian wrote:
Archwizard wrote:
Zimtdrop wrote:
I missed the breach supporter packs and was really hoping for a nice "bling-bling" cloak. :-(
I'll buy the pack because I need some points and the pet + weapon effect are looking really nice.
(Unfortunately not a fan of this armor design, too.)

fishgeekted wrote:
These are C- offerings for the money. The community is ready to throw money at GGG and their great game, but these packs just look phoned in.

Don't let your foot off the gas now GGG. Keep fighting to be the best. Eye of the tiger baby!

tekkenshu7 wrote:
I really liked PoE and so as a sign of courtesy, I am getting the Harbinger pack as my very first full-supporter pack (had Classic one before but I don't consider it as a 'full' one).

But I have to say, USD60 is not worth the underwhelming design of the armour. I was expecting a closed-face helmet and sleek plate-armour like in the mass effect series. But no, this purchase is purely a pat in GGG's back for a job well done in their years in running the game.

As much as I pat GGG's back, please slap the designer/s' wrists on a doing a bad rendition of the Harbinger theme. Please hear the community's feedback and issue a redesign of the armour.

tekkenshu7 wrote:
I really liked PoE and so as a sign of courtesy, I am getting the Harbinger pack as my very first full-supporter pack (had Classic one before but I don't consider it as a 'full' one).

But I have to say, USD60 is not worth the underwhelming design of the armour. I was expecting a closed-face helmet and sleek plate-armour like in the mass effect series. But no, this purchase is purely a pat in GGG's back for a job well done in their years in running the game.

As much as I pat GGG's back, please slap the designer/s' wrists on a doing a bad rendition of the Harbinger theme. Please hear the community's feedback and issue a redesign of the armour.

What I feel like people lose sight of is this:

The 2 titles, 2 frames, cloak, pet, full armor set, character effect, and weapon effect together costs $5.

That's it. You get $55 worth of points as part of the pack, which means every non-point piece of the pack is the extra $5.

So yeah, jesus. If even one thing in that set of -->8<-- is worth it to you, the pack is a good buy. And I'm not sure I've seen anyone dislike the pet yet (and similar pets average 200 points, or $20, so $5 for that one is a steal relatively speaking).

Totally agree, folks seem to forget the points that they are getting are the bulk of the cost.

that s true, but that was the case with every supporter pack so far, and those looked awesome compaired to what 3.0 offers.

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