Constant disconnects when loading zones

I did test it... still get disconnected in act 5. I started a new toon, no dc in act 1 so far, and I even tried that directx 9 thing... did not work
got constantly stuck in loadingscreens (the gears faded and then it didnt go on)
had that problem on about 25 % of loadingscreens

I solved it by not playing on any EU server (yes i had it on every single server, i tested all)
i'm just playing on the moscow[RU] realm now, with 80ms instead of 12 :/
no disconnects for 9 hours straight (on eu i didnt get a single full hour without a load screen freeze)

hope this helps some of u guys :)

thanks to mother russia ! :D
IGN: eLguL
Last edited by Elgul#4123 on Aug 19, 2017, 12:54:23 AM
I switched my gate yesterday from london to frankfurt, taht fixed it for me...
still nothing changed

2017/08/19 22:36:43 185730188 e8 [INFO Client 13684] Connecting to instance server at
2017/08/19 22:36:43 185730281 14c [DEBUG Client 13684] Connect time to instance server was 78ms
2017/08/19 22:36:44 185731124 981 [INFO Client 13684] : You have entered The Cavern of Wrath.
2017/08/19 22:36:44 185731139 cab [DEBUG Client 13684] Entering area 1_1_11_1
2017/08/19 22:36:44 185731685 1fa [DEBUG Client 13684] ClientInternalActor::NotifyOtherClientsAreaLoadComplete - players.size() = 0
2017/08/19 22:37:09 185756599 611 [INFO Client 13684] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.

Seriously, this makes me mad.
today i spent 3 hours trying to get to Rotten Core (9act).
75% of tries i can't even log in (tried all the gates, even Singapur)
25% of tries, when i finally get to the game it dc me either trying leave town or trying to enter rotten core.
My friends are runing maps for 3 days now, i can't even complete 9th Act.

PLS GGG, at least tell us that u are working to fix it.
Daily reminder that GGG cares more about their SALES than their game or players by releasing supporter packs instead of responding to this thread.
Bump! After over 40 disconnects today i've stoped to play. I'm stuck also to enter in Rotten Core. Nice expansion, zero optimisation.
Same problem here...

Can't get access to the rotten core
take 2-3 time to actually load the town whitout getting DC

Made a new character we will see if its work just kinda suck i need to start again after reaching lvl 66..
I've been experiencing this as well since 3.0. It seems to come and go, but I frequently have much longer than normal loading times, and then it gets to a point where nearly every other loading screen I get a "could not connect to instance" error.
Quod efficax non stultum
I just had the most unpleasant time beating act 9. I beat Maligaro and Shavronne and decided to warp back to town to unload my inventory. Got a disconnection. I loaded my character back up at Highgate (Not on my first try, of course. Never on my first try) and my instances had completely reset. I worked my way back up and killed all three of them and, for some reason I can't understand, I thought it was worth the risk to warp back to town to unload my inventory. Got a disconnection. The instances reset and I worked my way back and killed Maligaro and Shavronne but died at Doedre. I made the mistake of clicking to respawn in town and got a disconnection. I finally killed the act 9 boss and got a disconnection trying to sail to Oriath. At least I'm safely locked in at act 10 now. I also counted 71 exceptions when I quit the game.

I don't know what it is about warping to the freaking towns that's so god damn dangerous, but this is starting to feel more like an insanity test than a game.

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