Constant disconnects when loading zones

At this point I can't even properly load a character. It just disconnects me back to the login screen and maybe 1/5 attempts starts the game. Random instance crashes while changing zones or using teleports. It's abysmal and makes me regret I was hyped to be back to PoE. Not a good launch... Meanwhile my friend on a 7 year old rig runs everything smoothly without crashes
I don't think it helps but my specs are GTX 660, i5 4670, 8gb ram, windows 7 64 bit. All drivers up to date. Tried every possible graphic setting and directx.
Even though my computer is not top notch, before the patch never had this problem before. Currently is incredible frustrating, every other map changes disconnects you, and maps takes forever to load.
Same here
We need answers GGG.
This issue pretty much ruins the game for everyone who has it. I get Dcs every 2-3 loading screens... We need some official statement about this.
Even something as simples as a "We're investigating" would be cool...
Bump, can we at least have some kind of response?!?
Just want to add my, same here.

I get disconnected a bunch of times, during loading screens and it even crashed once so far.
Different scenes, different towns and even from character selection.


Let the Support react please and don't pressure them to send an answer, this might take a while, since an official statement will always take some time. They will notice this in time no worries and might even sitting already on a fix. Just give them feedback and don't just ask them to answer.
Same issue, runs smooth in DX11 but disconnect when loading.

DX9 and DX9-ex don't disconnect as much, but my FPS drops from a consistent 60FPS to about 15FPS.

Game ran fine before 3.0.

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