[3.0] Champion oro flicker strike. Shaper down.
WOW,so cool,but the eyes are going to go bad!
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fixed EO tree added a shaper video, sort of i want to add a session about slayer vs champion, but that's a lot of words to type.. so maybe not -_-
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" I'd like to read it because I'm curious about that myself. Anyways, I'd also like some gear recommendations because right now (level 80) my DPS is around 80-90k total in PoB but I wanna push it higher. I'm already planning on buying a belt with inc. weapon ele damage and Atziri's flask. Unfortunately, Kaom's heart and Xoph's blood are out of my price range by a lot for now so those will have to wait. Also I need to work on my life flasks... |
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Amazing build. Thanks. Playing champ And I love it.
I just made a change in tree. Dropped acrobatics And took iron reflexes instead. (Kaom's Roots ruins evasion, so I am not going to ruin my armor either) With flask i get 75% phys dmg reduction. With all ele res uncapped ať 76% in Merc i get all wise oak bonuses. And in The end i am too poor to obtain kaom's Heart right now, So I use daresso chest. And wondering About keeping it forever, because immortal call got much better duration and onslaught is Win either... Do not have to mention those free sockets :-P Win Win Win Aaand in the end I am wondering About taking 4 notables around Herbalism+frenzy near to Ranger to use Inspired Learning :-D Last edited by slOnner___#3945 on Aug 12, 2017, 5:25:10 AM
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Fire Pen will net you far more damage than ruthless and it's also red if you plan to play champ for Melee Splash and Ruthless gem swap.
Anger really isn't that much added dmg since you have so much flat fire already. I would recommend looking at other options for damage or survivability. You can also look at other support gem if you play slayer, Damage on Full life, if you use Arctic Armour, Hypothermia. Always chill anything you are flickering. IMO, Slayer is the superior option over champion. Better gearing options, easy to keep Fortify effect up w other skill. I use 2 Flicker setups, 1 w Endurance Charge on Melee stun + Fortify, and then my main damage setup. AA w dual curse is an option. I've tested it and it's decent. A lot things have hexproof these days though, so it's upto your playstyle. Enfeeble/Temp Chains + AA + Flam is quite great for tankiness and damage. Another option for chest piece is Perfect Form for free Phase Acro and AA. Vessel of Vinktar was nerfed, the shock affect is only 10% iirc, down from 30%. Kintsugi also is great for reflect dmg, it gets the 20% dmg reduction but does not trigger the cooldown, has been tested and proven by streamers. Other equipment options for boots, Atziri's Slink is quite good for the spell dodge, life, movespeed, easy to get +1 frenzy on those as well. Last edited by Eron_TR#4286 on Aug 12, 2017, 4:11:57 AM
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I feel like our boss dmg is really bad.. maybe it's because I lack xoph's amulet, but I really don't see how this would improve much. Do you guys swap any other skill in when fighting bosses?
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I love playing this build. Flying around the map leaving nothing but smouldering corpses.
But I worry about bosses. I'm not completely geared yet, but even with 4.5k health and capped resist I still get one-shot by certain low level map bosses while I have 18K armour. If I reach a point of even more armour with a bunch more health I shouldn't have any problems with these bosses anymore, but I must imagine that guardians and the shaper deal higher damage. Thus I worry. |
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How the flying f*ck do you do Atziri?
I can't stop getting flicker strike from having a hard-on for her reflect copy. |
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Badly described build, but i`m still doing this flicker in league. I had one flicker before so i have some experience and it isn`t like all new to me with flicker who is quite strange build to others and need to be good described, if new players tried this in league idk how u manage to read sth from this ;x But with new gems it gets some new options i see.
What are recomendations on other jewel slots cuz u have like 4 ? Why skill tree is such a mess it ends around ~75? And the other one is overkill 98lvl which probably none of even building that ppl here will never get so far srsly u should add tree to 85-90lvl. Also link items to better reading whole thread, describe sth about CWDT on what lvl that gems maxed or low lvl gem setup here. What max int we need, and when u said we need ~40int from gear and i looked for overkill 98lvl tree i saw shitload of int on the way for elemental overload. Build could be indeed finally viable?(still not sure) flicker for end game content but it is described so bad man. None other options for amulet which on league is quite expensive. Also you didn't mention that on rare jewelery quite nice dmg booster are "Increased elemental damage with atack skill" or "% Increased Fire Damage" or flat fire dmg which idk is better than % , and we should looking for that besides of high life and resists. IGN: TheRevolt Last edited by m00n92#0195 on Aug 13, 2017, 5:45:58 AM
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" Switch Flicker Strike by Point Blank Support, Melee Splash Support by Molten Strike. ;) Last edited by T_ifou#7962 on Aug 13, 2017, 6:45:41 AM
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