Upcoming Unique Items
The sword and the helm are both garbage.
Sword has a bunch of ridiculous downsides while having mediocre damage and speed, also it is absolutely not good with Cyclone, contrary to what Bex wrote. The helms ratio is too low, 2% every 50 dex is ridiculous, even 2% every 25 would be bad. |
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" please disapear, you clearly dont have a clue. also uniques dont have to be BIS and hopefully never become BIS otherwise guess what hello D3. go back to D3 if you want BIS uniques. Uniques are "unique" they offer things you cant get on a rare item sometimes thats flat damage othertimes its stats that people could build around. Last edited by Kieran_GGG#0000 on Jul 24, 2017, 7:58:51 PM
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" sunblast is trash anyway fact your using it to try and argue about this unique is a joke. its used in 1 build the ignite setup elementalists but guess what their dead in 3.0 also i have no issues at all keeping charges up while mapping, or do you go that slow that 10+ seconds for a frenzy/power charge is not long enough to get to each pack. |
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New skin transfers ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
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Let me prupose you more uniques with same usability:
RUBY Ring: Socketed gems supported by level 30 chance to flee. (Feel free to corrupt) Wand: 50% of fire damage converted to chaos damage. Avatar of fire. Crude bow: Item has 3 Green Sockets and is fully linked (Hidden) Belt: Blood Magic, Mind over matter. Two hand mace: adds 1% to all minion resistances per 1% of block chance. And TBH, my items at least funny. And not simply waste of art and code. Last edited by Thaerathandel#4437 on Jul 24, 2017, 7:58:57 PM
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Please tell me tinkerskin will have unique art
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These "uniques" simply don't have a purpose of existing. They ain't gonna be good for any build.
Dexstacking Summoners? Frenzycharges for trappers and FLAT Life/ES recovery? And a weapon that straight up makes any build worse. The only "decent" one is the belt, which we knew about ages ago when the 3.0 release was "first" announced. Trying to justify these new items with completely wrong statements, is just the cherry on the cake. |
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Speaker's Wreath - Super nice for 5L/6L SRS builds (especially for the movement speed)! Isn't the IIR/IIQ shared between you and your minions?
Tinkerskin - Seems to have three very useful mechanics in one item, which is pretty nice. Soul Thether - Best 3.0 unique so far, love it. Will use for sure. (OP) Ahn's Might - 30% AoE is neat, will definitely be usefull for some builds. Great to see that you give us more uniques to play around with GGG, keep it up! :) |
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helm is obviously meant to be used alongside null's inclination
belt has a lot of possibilities chest can definitely see some use among non-sabo trappers. sword...well..the other ahn unique was boring in design but strong when having zero endurance charges. and it being a shield and having armour + life helped. unless we're getting sets, the sword seems pretty useless. if you can have frenzy charges, just have them over the sword and a good sword. doesnt have crit nor attack sepeed. crit multi is a stat that can be stacked on jewels and on amulets and on tree. and again, its base crit is 5%... Last edited by grepman#2451 on Jul 24, 2017, 8:00:27 PM
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" More Builds(by far) use Sunblast than not in terms of trap builds...so you might be clueless. As for clear speed...even if you ignore you resorting to personal attacks in place of an argument, it's a 15% chance to proc on trigger. And with MAXIMUM trap cooldown recovery you can get up to 1.5s between trap throws, meaning that on average you will BARELY break even(you're likely to get a single proc every 10 seconds). Meaning even if you have SLIGHTLY under average luck even once, you're back to square 1. And...again, it takes an average of almost 2 minutes of laying traps ON COOLDOWN to get back up to 11 charges(assuming average proc chance). It's a matter of math. And no amount of baseless assertions at my clear speed changes this math. I'm sorry you're so mad that you are completely clueless when it comes to traps. But what would I expect from a 13-challenge player who has literally never played a single trap character. Troll? |
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