Upcoming Unique Items
One small question: why is Speaker's Wreath an armour/ES base rather than evasion/ES? The latter seems to make more sense in every way.
Have you done something awesome with [url=http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sire_of_Shards]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!
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All 4 items useless.
Low sword with just phys dmdg. Compleatly trash belt with 1/3 of Chayula amy effectivness and insane downsides. Weird trash helmet. (+60% attack speed on 1500 dex. no words. Awesome design) And decent armour. Basicly it's at least CAN be used. Just becouse CD reductions should be used as more dmdg modifier for traps. It's not good aromor, just not complete waste of time like other 3 items. |
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The chest it's okayish just for the Trap + Spell issues with trap cooldowns but the rest it's kinda meh honestly.
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" That is why I was lol on the weapon, I think you had a misconception that I was praising it or something. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Jul 24, 2017, 7:35:26 PM
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All garbage. Only soul tether is good.
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The belt might be OK if you're trying to make some kind of hybrid build and the chest is good for trap builds the rest are crap. i don't even see the point of the sword, it's not that good damage and has a bunch of down sides
Last edited by Brinstar4#6216 on Jul 24, 2017, 7:32:41 PM
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that sword is just crazy,I mean is one of the worst item I ve ever seen :D They probably gonna change it since we got enough useless unique piece, why loosing time to create another one in the 3.0...
Well, I still hope for a 2h skill, right now there are not many choices for a 2handers and far less for 2h swordish and I also dream for a new skill for facebreaker, but at least 1 skill for 2h sunderist will be really fresh air. |
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The design of unique items is so bizarely but brazzenly hit and miss I often wonder wtf goes on with their design team.
The minion crown.... I just dont see ever using it. Baron provides much more robust bonuses, gives +2 minion gems which is almost mandatory for a helmet slot item designed for use in minion builds, and rewarded pathing through parts of the passive tree most minion mancers would already be wanting to explore. Weaker bonuses with weaker synergies with a gaping itemization flaw for minion builds with a downside on top of it all like a festering cherry? I..... don't see how your item designers could have possibly thought this would ever see use as an alternative to the Baron. It's destined for the trashheap. Having never gotten into trap builds, I dont feel qualified to comment on the chest piece at all. Looks kind of neat I guess? No idea if it's practically usable or not however. Soul Tether is by far the gem of these new uniques. I'm not sure if it's good enough to warrent giving up a normal belt space for, but I can already imagine builds that use it. It's neat, unique, and different. I like it in concept, but I'm very unsure of it being worth the essential sacrifice of a gear slot for. And then there is Ahn's blade.... oh my. It's obvious the developers wanted to mirror ahn's shield in concept, but hooo boy did they fail, hard. Ahns shield gave bonuses that are very powerful and difficult to obtain via conventional means - perma onslaught and across the board elemental max resists. By contrast, A bit of Crit Multiplier and area of effect is readily available on the tree for a few passive points to everyone. Ahns shield had no major drawback, Ahns blade pretty much lands you dead in the water in a clear speed focus gamed. It's a joke, and a bad one. And much like the crown added a meaningless drawback to a mediocre item just for kicks, this one has a crazy stat requirement tossed on for flavor. I honestly dont see the point. |
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Tinkerskin brought back my incertitude about building either a miner or trapper. Miner had an advantage but this armour seems exciting to try out.
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No, Seriously, can ANYONE from GGG explain Tinkerskin? The wording on it makes it USELESS. It is the same problem Blast Cascade has(and has had for years that we've had to suffer through it). It's NOT HARD to change the wording so it actually functions the way it's clearly meant to. But as it stands right now it is unbelievably garbage and as someone who plays a lot of trap characters it's really sad because it makes us feel like GGG doesn't care about these problems and is more than willing to keep repeating them.
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