Again ... UNIQUES, UNIQUES and more UNIQUES ... Just to make the skills work.
Without Uniques is impossible to end game!
Many Uniques are pure garbage and the good ones are expensive and/or hard to find!
This is the GREATEST fault of this game. The DEPENDANCY on UNIQUES!
Last edited by LordTreufeldt#0476 on Jul 25, 2017, 9:28:51 AM
Posted byLordTreufeldt#0476on Jul 25, 2017, 9:28:33 AM
Posted byTitan#2558on Jul 25, 2017, 9:34:27 AM
dont like that concept at all, but your doing something...thats good
Posted byFarfan#7597on Jul 25, 2017, 9:47:03 AM
kogilcane wrote:
VoidExilePoE wrote:
this is what i have to say about these uniques.
Speaker's Wreath: 2 highly sought after stats, dex and duration, 1 downside being the minions can only kill ignited enemies and finally 2 stats requiring high dexterity which you most likely aren't building for as a summoner in the first place, i believe this item is meant for highly specific builds and diversity but not a go to option for all summoners. finaly thoughts would be: i can not see myself using it EVER.
Tinkerskin: (evasion, energy shield AND life) the brother of carcass jack perhaps? anyway, first impression would be: it's a rapid trapper option, meaning that you want low cooldown for traps, mobility and cast speed which the item indirectly provides. on top of it all you get an indirect life and energy shield gained on hit which looking at the numbers, it's a fair amount. finaly thoughts: if i ever play a trapper, i will have my eyes on this one for sure.
Soul Tether: a buffer? a buffer to your performance on the battlefield i presume ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anyway... 4/5 stats are negative while the last 1 is a "if you have full hp". in the end, why use this belt when you could just use something that provides a good chunk of actual life and energy shield with some other stats? the answer might be the 40 int which most belts don't provide but i'm not too convinced that's reason enough for using it over a good life es belt. final thought: whats the point? looks disappointing to me.
Ahn's Might: a good 1 handed physical sword, but what about the attack speed? -1 frenzy charge for someone who runs blood rage is a downside, +200 strength requirement is a downside and puts another lane before you can equip it, easily obtained tho. +50% global crit multi at max frenzy charges, where... is the crit chance modifier? (trying not to get sarcastic) 15% area of effect while on no frenzy charges, now that one is slightly more promising then the previous 3 stats and is certainly a good amount of AoE. 40% reduced attack speed for movement attack skills... when will you learn!? rip leap slam, whirling blades and flicker strike i guess. final thoughts: not worth it, there are plenty of good swords out there, why bother with this one?
sorry for the high criticism but seriously, a mayority of builds will leave these out completely
i think the new belt is for CI + the new vaal pact, in this way you have to sacrifice the belt slot and you get a degen if you want go that way.
Reading your post, maybe run an archer summoner?can be intresting, or maybe a srs build, but in my opinion still not worth
Excuse me! For CI+vaal pact?
So CI gives you 1 life. The belt makes your Energy start at ZERO, no recharg, no regen.
How do you start mapping with 1 life and ZERO ES and lets say, there are fire traps on the ground?
Last edited by NetZwerg#5154 on Jul 25, 2017, 9:55:45 AM
Posted byNetZwerg#5154on Jul 25, 2017, 9:53:38 AM
HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Posted byAziraphale#5651on Jul 25, 2017, 10:08:40 AMAlpha Member
NetZwerg wrote:
kogilcane wrote:
VoidExilePoE wrote:
this is what i have to say about these uniques.
Speaker's Wreath: 2 highly sought after stats, dex and duration, 1 downside being the minions can only kill ignited enemies and finally 2 stats requiring high dexterity which you most likely aren't building for as a summoner in the first place, i believe this item is meant for highly specific builds and diversity but not a go to option for all summoners. finaly thoughts would be: i can not see myself using it EVER.
Tinkerskin: (evasion, energy shield AND life) the brother of carcass jack perhaps? anyway, first impression would be: it's a rapid trapper option, meaning that you want low cooldown for traps, mobility and cast speed which the item indirectly provides. on top of it all you get an indirect life and energy shield gained on hit which looking at the numbers, it's a fair amount. finaly thoughts: if i ever play a trapper, i will have my eyes on this one for sure.
Soul Tether: a buffer? a buffer to your performance on the battlefield i presume ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anyway... 4/5 stats are negative while the last 1 is a "if you have full hp". in the end, why use this belt when you could just use something that provides a good chunk of actual life and energy shield with some other stats? the answer might be the 40 int which most belts don't provide but i'm not too convinced that's reason enough for using it over a good life es belt. final thought: whats the point? looks disappointing to me.
Ahn's Might: a good 1 handed physical sword, but what about the attack speed? -1 frenzy charge for someone who runs blood rage is a downside, +200 strength requirement is a downside and puts another lane before you can equip it, easily obtained tho. +50% global crit multi at max frenzy charges, where... is the crit chance modifier? (trying not to get sarcastic) 15% area of effect while on no frenzy charges, now that one is slightly more promising then the previous 3 stats and is certainly a good amount of AoE. 40% reduced attack speed for movement attack skills... when will you learn!? rip leap slam, whirling blades and flicker strike i guess. final thoughts: not worth it, there are plenty of good swords out there, why bother with this one?
sorry for the high criticism but seriously, a mayority of builds will leave these out completely
i think the new belt is for CI + the new vaal pact, in this way you have to sacrifice the belt slot and you get a degen if you want go that way.
Reading your post, maybe run an archer summoner?can be intresting, or maybe a srs build, but in my opinion still not worth
Excuse me! For CI+vaal pact?
So CI gives you 1 life. The belt makes your Energy start at ZERO, no recharg, no regen.
How do you start mapping with 1 life and ZERO ES and lets say, there are fire traps on the ground?
Also GGG confirmed that no type of insta leech can be used with ES so why would you even pick up vp + ci?
Posted byGergoo#7287on Jul 25, 2017, 10:09:52 AM
Aziraphale wrote:
HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
good good, i can feel your anger
whelp, ggg just creating more work for them later when they have to buff all those uniques and others again xD
Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!
Posted byThe_Risen#6326on Jul 25, 2017, 10:10:30 AM
1c items :)
"Discord"Voice ( dođite na mikrofon - Link za automatski invite ) :
Posted bysmileys#1760on Jul 25, 2017, 10:18:24 AM
These items seem to be useless for me. I hoped for something better. :/
Posted bycsisyadam#0608on Jul 25, 2017, 10:21:21 AM
There is a typo in "Like Ahn's Herritage" ony 1 r is in Heritage....
IGN: JackDaniels
Posted bySlazer22#4136on Jul 25, 2017, 10:33:37 AM