[3.6 Video Guide] Beginner's Guide SRS Baron Life [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Izaro/Shaper Viable]
Big wall of text incoming again... >.<
" Hey, My pleasure bro! I do what I can. Your confusion is more than understandable. The extra damage from Wicker Man spectres is very VERY solid, however, it will not out DPS SRS, it will not have the same clear coverage as SRS which is why I won't make a spectre build focused on those specific spectres. The difference in running EE vs having spectres included is that you never have to stop to cast BL for the EE which means you are literally running and casting SRS and the Wicker Man spectres are just helping you have a good DPS number out there without forcing you to cast anything but SRS/Flesh Offering/Vaal Haste. Generally it just applies a smoother playstyle. " Hey, You never have to worry about sounding stupid in my threads, stream or discord community. We were all beginners at some point and I welcome any questions to be able to help you out. :) Baron should be seen as the "last" item to get due to the insane prices. Having a 6L BM approach before reaching maps is pretty damn insane, obviously it's great but your characters lvl nor gear (i assume) is going to be enough to handle the mana (life) cost of your SRS casting. When you get more life in higher lvls and higher life rolls on your gear you'll regenerate around 500 life/sec and that will outshine the cost of your SRS. " 1) If you can sustain the casts "enough" for it to work then it will be better as you can still use NA with Vics Charity which will be stupidly fast with it equipped :) 2) The +2 minion lvls on the helmet are local and only affects the minion gems socketed in the helmet. A rare version is a great item to use till you get the Baron later on, however, when you get a 6L 2H wep with BM craft or support gem it doesn't matter if you have a +2 roll on the helmet or not. You want the Baron but if that's out of your currency reach any rare item with proper life/res rolls is welcome! " Hey, Welcome in! It shouldn't be that slow with this build, there are faster "lvling builds" such as Sunder or Ancestral Warchief Totems etc etc. To increase LvLing speed of this build there are a few tricks you could use depending on your characters lvl and state of gear, I'll list a few tricks here: 3L = get a +1 fire gem wand/mace which is done by selling a white rarity 3L mace or wand to the vendors with 1 orb of alterion & a Ruby Ring, this will give you back a Blue rarity weapon with +1 fire gems mod. 4L minion helmet = Sell a 4L helmet to a vendor together with a Life flask "of animation" which is a mod that makes some of the life from the life flask give life to your minions, this will give you back the 4L helmet with a +1 lvl of socketed minion gems. (no recipe for +2 im afraid). Besides those 2 tricks the other solutions comes from poe.trade " No dumb questions in this thread, only dumb answers so never worry about asking anything, literally. Correct, once you get that 2H weapon you will need the 2 aura reservation clusters shown in the guide to leave a small but significant mana pool open for the rest of your abilities :) " As stated in a response further up in this post: The +2 lvls of minion gems is a local roll and only affects minion gems in the helmet as you assumed. Sockets would be like this: SRS > Melee Splash > Minion Damage > Melee Physical " No worries! You can't craft BM on a body armour, my suggestion is to use the BM support gem to cover you till you get the weapon :) " The weapon first. The Baron is the "last" item you'll apply to the build. " Items with high life rolls and extra strength (as that provides life as well) is very crucial for the builds survival. " Hey, The Baron should be seen as the "last" item to apply. Though I would take the Baron before Empower and lvl 21 SRS, they are more of an end-game luxoury approach. Quality on SRS is very solid, each % of quality increases their movement speed by 1% which helps clear speed. " Resistances wouldn't be the issue, the socket starvation would. However, if you can tweak the sockets around to make it work, then yes, it would be great. " Yeah, it's stupid. Other options are rare helmets rolled with +2 minion gems (available from lvl 55+) till then a +1 minion rolled helmet works great as well and before that you can use a +1 fire gem 3L mace/wand. " Reeeeep, nice gear though! Would recommend Bisco's Leash for clear speed :) Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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TY, Ghazzy. All I needed was one 4% reduction node and I can cast anything other than SRS just fine. And I grabbed more life regen nodes to keep SRS from draining me.
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Hey Ghazzy, thanks for your guide.
Using it as my starting character and I'm having lots of fun with it. What do you think of Minion Instability? I went for it, which allowed me to go for 2 additional Efficient Training jewels (one with 4 int and one with 6 int notes). This costs a lot of life, but boosts our damage. Atm I'm at 6,8k life with 1220 strength, bosses are "ok" with 10 Zombies + Decoy Totem, but I'm skipping most of the T15+ anyway. Wasn't lucky with getting a 21/20 SRS so far, vaaled 2 of them, both ended up with 19/20. Atleast vaaled a level 2 Empower to level 3. Hoping for a level 4 sooner or later.
Thanks again for your nice guide and all of your helpful comments. |
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" Glad I could help :) " Hey, Cheers! Minion Instability requires the minions to reach "low life" (35% or lower HP) in which case they will explode and deal damage based of their HP. The problems for SRS are the following with MI: * They don't generate agro, so they only take dmg from colateral splash effects & stray projectiles * Their HP is stupidly low so the explosion will ultimately deal shit dmg Other than that, using zombies as defensive meatshields is a nice thing though I personally don't like it :) Glad you like the guide bro <3 Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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I have two-tones boots ( (i know not the best but whatever)
Should i go for some kind of enchantment or keep the resitances. I would have to change other gear to be capped again. Or is there some really good enchant for boots? The best helm enchant would be 40% increased SRS damage? |
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1)Are there any Unique items not listed that you might consider best in slot?
2)I'm really looking to boost my dps. I'm not sure how to link my current setup but I'm finding it a bit lacking compared to sunder builds, and my ability to survive is worse. Also, I'm rather new. Leap slam feels VERY clunky, and I'm not able to move quickly using it, is flame dash any better in that regard? Should I just walk? 3) Could you clarify which auras we should be using end build? I can't afford haste at the moment as far as mana reserves. Haven't quite hit that part of the tree. I'm sure you've answered each of these questions before but it's a bit difficult perusing through 53 pages for answers. Sorry! Thanks for the awesome build has been fun so far. Just trying to get the most bang for my buck. |
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@Ghazzy what about Pledge of Hands? We would loose the +3 but then again with alot of bosses I find myself struggeling to even have 15 skulls alive. So with PoH it might even boost the dmg.
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Hi @Ghazzy! Really loving the build. Quick question, why do we run a lvl1 clarity? I don't see a need for it. Also, could you give me any adivce on what I should upgrade with my gear? Thanks!
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Fun build so far, still working out some issues on my char.
Last edited by obzen13#3209 on Aug 20, 2017, 3:38:54 PM
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considering folowing this for my first real attempt at HC. Is this one of the safer/budget friendly builds for HC or should I look elsewhere?
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