[3.6 Video Guide] Beginner's Guide SRS Baron Life [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Izaro/Shaper Viable]
" Even with 0% quality when I tested the range of hatred it was affecting my minions at about a bit over half a screen away. If you feel like you have to be more than that far away, get a gem with more quality on it. 20%Q is 20% extra area of effect. If you need to be more than that away from mobs you probably need more defense. Also 20% on Generosity gives 40% increased AOE according to the wiki. Haven't tested that out yet tho. IGN:JihadForAllahPraiseHim Last edited by elegant#5179 on Aug 7, 2017, 9:04:27 AM
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If you are looking to farm white close helmets for chancing, act 3 docks drops about 1 a run and it's easy.
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Just finished kitava with a +2 staff, hatred, stone golem, and cruel and normal lab buffs. THat fight was awful, srs clearing so slow compared to leagues past running ci with 4 aura. Can't wait to get a baron, hopefully we all get one or else this is just a goddamn pipe dream chasing a level 26 helmet
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I have never thought to try and go the chancing route to obtain a specific unique. Given the cost of the baron currently, should i give it a go? How many of you have actually acquired a build-enabling unique this way? Surely the amount of chances you'd spend would better go toward saving up for one that someone's selling, right?
I guess the question isn't new, and is just the nature of gambling with currency, but was wondering what you guys thought about it. IGN:JihadForAllahPraiseHim Last edited by elegant#5179 on Aug 7, 2017, 10:13:28 AM
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With baron so expensive im trying to extend my time without it. I happened to get a essence worm drop so figured i could toss my hatred in it and go MOM to try and cover the cost of moving up to 5l.
Anyone tried to use MOM to cover SRS mana cost? Also can confirm act 10 and Kitava were horrible, although GGG history does own our faces with new acts so im sure well get used to it (or it will get balanced, i'm looking at you Heretical Wards!)\ hob |
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" +1 " Extensive testing from myself and a large group of other people helping out, think we hit about 20,000 helmets in total which had an average around 1/50. " There are no silly questions in here, feel free bro. You can absolutely leave them at lvl 1 to avoid extensive mana cost. :) " For softcore or more offensive stats, yes. Same as without NA/Vics Charity. SRS > Melee Splash > Min DMG > Melee Phys " Hey, Your assumption regarding the skilltree is correct, you can be slightly more efficient but the differences are very VERY minimal. Regarding the weapon it is all stated very specifically in the guide to never go for a 5L, you should stay with a 4L helmet (either baron or any other +2 minion gems (+1 early game)) and use Necromantic Aegis with Victario's Charity till you get a 6L which will work as a pseudo 5L when you apply the BM support gem, at least till you can get the BM benchcraft in which case it turns in to a 6L. Regarding the Auras, you should use Generosity Hatred AND a higher lvl Clarity, if you are unable to run these you must be linking the aura gems with support gems that affects their mana reservation which should not be the case, the 2 auras should never be a problem to use even without any aura nodes. " You'll do much better damage with the SRS setup in your helmet :) " It's funny how it took a few known content creators to push it to this limit considering both me & TheUberElite as well as Karv and many many more has been abusing the overpowered Baron helmet since release. Not until we get 2 guides up the community explodes about it :/ " I wouldn't personally bother it, however, it's a nice piece if you plan on going for a NecroBot playstyle later. You need that 6L, poison is far less good for SRS since 3.0. " Absolutely is! " You don't need GMP at any high lvl tbh, but a high dexterity amulet will help you tons till you get that Astramentis! :) " I've been asking around about this, it doesn't seem as the Baron got changed drop rates, the problem is that there are thousands of players playing the build so every available helmet gets bought instantly. But yeah, chancing is the easiest & best way atm. Cheers bro <3 " He should be better at surviving at higher lvls. Even more so with Baron equipped later on. " Afraid my character testing was made in Beta so can't link from there. However, the stat priority & uniques are all listed in the guide? :S " Hey, The build works very well without the Baron. It has not been nerfed, it's because thousands of players are playing the build. " Never used it, did some theorycrafting on it and came with the conclusion that is is horrible compared to Grip of the Council or any other rare gloves imo. " Because you can't run crucial auras for the build if you chose the BM keystone :) " It is absolutely great for SSF, TheUberElite did his version in SSF hitting #1 necromancer in Mayhem race. Chancing "Close Helmets" is your best way tbh. " Hey, I got about 20 of them before I hit lvl 30, are you sure your Loot Filter is displaying them? Yeah, the build works GREAT without Baron as well. Some people doesn't understand that and are super salty cause of the f*cked up prices atm. " Never physical damage, it doesn't work with minions. You can use a 2h Mace as well as you can still put BM craft on that, however, the only way to get +2 fire gems in that as described in the guide, you'll need to use the Shrieking Essence of Rage to essence craft it :) Regarding armour/evasion/intelligence, simply use what ever base you need for your sockets (int = blue / evasion = green / armour = red) and strive for the stat priorities listed in the guide. " Baron was not nerfed AFAIK. " If you're using NeverSinks regular filter, open it with wordpad or something and CTRL+F and search for "Glorious Plate" or "Sorcerer Boots" which will bring you to those drops which are chance base drops available via that filter, and simply just add "Close Helmet" in the filter, save, reload it in-game and you're done. " Nice, gogo :) " They will almost always be in range, it is the highest damage providing aura in the game for them, so yes it is absolutely worth it! :) " Lower Tier Uniques are "easier" to chance than higher tier once, afaik Baron requires around 50 helmets ( AVERAGELY ). And yes, I would absolutely recommend it with the current market. " Hatred benefits A LOT from Generosity so I wouldn't recommend using that at all. You cover SRS mana cost by having it in a 4L as the guide describes and only move over to Blood Magic when you have a 6L either via BM support or BM benchcraft. Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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is this a viable endgame build? I previously played an SRS energy shield build but with the nerf to energy shield and damage reduction to SRS I had some concerns.
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Thank you for the reply. Loving the build so far and having no trouble without baron in act 10. One more gearing question though. Im using brightbreak right now to go fast with SRS in geofris helm till i get a +2 helm. Would nyctas lantern be better for now until i get +2? And would nyctas be worth using as a weapon without SRS socketed or would brightbeak be better if the SRS is in a +2 helm?
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" Hey, Gaz- Have you seen this thread on reddit about crafting a +3 weapon in a deterministic manner? Apparently if you take a maul and throw a shrieking essence of rage on in for the +2 Fire gem, you then use the new Orb of Annulment to remove the other mods. Then use Catarina's "cannot roll attack mods" and boom, the only mods left will include +1 to all gems when you exalt it. You cannot roll cast speed as mauls won't roll it, but you will probably get a resist or two. From there, remove the cannot roll attack mods thing and then add blood magic. I haven't done it myself, but it sounds like a grand old time. What do you think? Thread I saw this in: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/6s48r9/how_to_easily_get_a_3_to_fire_weapon_with_vagan/ IGN:JihadForAllahPraiseHim
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Im literally having a blast right now ! The spirits are just melting every mobs they meet. It's a little bit slow against bosses cuz i dont have Vaal Lightning Trap tho.
I recently upgraded some gears and managed to cap my res. Im saving to get astramentis since im struggling to get enough dex to upgrade Vaal Haste. But other than that , the build feel pretty awesome. Lvl 65 sitting at 3k7 hp for now. |
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