[3.0 HC-Beta] Elementalist / Necromancer MOM 5-6 Golem Summoner [videos]
Re Ascendancy order for Necro and lvl 90 skill tree:
As I stated in my most recent post above, having tried out the very high level content with necro makes me less certain that this is the way to go, as I really appreciated the golem immunity to elemental damage even more after it was gone. However, if you are going to go necro, I would probably recommend taking ascendancies in the following order: Mistress of Sacrifice Spirit Eater Beacon of Corruption Supplemental damage nodes This is a link to the more or less completed build tree at Beta lvl 90 (Shows lvl 83 in planner due to missing skill points from Acts 9 & 10): https://poeplanner.com/AAgAAOsACDMAAHLfsJLBjr4RLSycvOpqQwj07Ipr20yz0B_v6wQH6-RfKoPbVcY6WHyD6-6FMpctSU-8qqcIj0aboRhqeC985VgHmuBFnVNSHNyPGriTKPqYrYLH-ehBh5y-DR88KLc-_grYvTWS8kU64aZX_o9N47XyeA3AGm87qW5WLRSp3uV5aMEEXz8UIO8OUEf2SDLRRUfAZgSzogDwH-FzmjuCm-w4hXtmVDrYJy-QVRo4GDy9JxhWna4abDbpJKoWb-Nq2t3T-6h9WpFqrIzPPfxYY4PMPC2DX5uKvk9Ijg3i7IPTj0eFFScAAAAAAA== -O |
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Been playing this in beta softcore, currently level 85.
Overall positive impression so far. I was surprised how little gear I needed to get into mapping, I've done up to t14s in a tabula, bone helmet and generic life/resist on other slots. Pretty sure I could do t15s with no issue if they would ever drop, guardians would probably be sketchy but doable. Sitting at 4500hp, 2000 mana with overcapped resists. Could get over 6k life with a real chest and better rolls. Reasonably fast mapping, I don't have a primordial might jewel which would definitely help there. Map bosses are trivial if a little time consuming if rolled with extra hp. I only have 4 harmonies so again stacking more jewels would help here. Biggest issue I have so far is dying to stuns. Even with the upgraded brine king pantheon I'd say at least 75% of my deaths have been turning a corner into a stun and just dying. Not sure what I can do to help this on a life build, obv can't use a chayula amnulet, can't get to unwavering stance reasonably. I guess I could get a kiara's at some point but that isn't ideal. Also a primordial might would help this since I wouldn't be running miles ahead of my golems, they would actually be there to help out. Or I could just slow down and play like less of an idiot. As far as a hybrid shavs or pure CI option goes, I could see maybe respecing into a shavs version once I had the jewels later on. What I most liked about the life/mom version is how cheap it is. The jewels are expensive enough without having to save for a shavs, and a CI build would need T2 or really T1 rolls on most gear with the nerfed values to feel comfortable. Also no need to spend a bunch of regrets respecing in the mid levels. Current tree is roughly this: https://poeplanner.com/AAgAAOsACCMAAHLfsLzqakMI9OyKa9tMs9Af7-sEB4PbVcY6WPfXzLyqxIVgTbmboRhqWAePRlH7zRYfGKcI2t3r7oUyly1JT7yqMtFFR8BmBLOiAPAf4XOaO4Kb7DiFe2ZUOtgnL5BVHNy4k48aKPqYrYLH0_uofVqRaqz56Bg8vScYVkGHtz6cvg0fPCj-Cti9NZL-j03jplc64fJFiECmrOvkXyqa4EWdU1KdrhpsNukkqhZv42oaOLXyeA3AGm87fIMRLY6-ksEsnDlSqW55aMEEXz8UIO8OrfEYXdQH3I2Q-t9tTIsXpBM1a3oAAAAAAA== I only grabbed precision because I was short on dex, will drop it later. |
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I've really enjoyed the build, especially while leveling up into the mapping range because it wrecked everything. Now at level 80 with an anima stone/4 primordial harmony jewels and 6 golems, I feel the damage is still quite good but defensively pretty susceptible to deaths in maps t7+ with mods. I have never and will never use a log-out macro and maybe that's the difference between my playthrough and Orion (no idea if he's using one but to get to level 90 without dying with this build seems very impressive to me).
Anyways, just my two cents. Really fun build and at the end of the day that's what I'm looking for is fun. Many skills in this game are legit boring for me but I love the ball lightning curse on hit with golems. |
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Re:stuns I think this is a playstyle issue. When I am mapping at a highlevel, I try not to enter an area without sending the ball lightning and/or a decoy totem ahead of me. This sends the golems in to attack from long range without subjecting me to risk. In truth, I died in part because I got lazy and got too close to my enemies.
Re logout macro: Nope, don't use one. I have occasionally hit escape and logged from hopeless situations, but I don't have a one key logout. Glad you are enjoying the build. :) -O Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Jul 16, 2017, 7:39:41 PM
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" Once you stack enough Harmonies, you should be okay without golem elemental immunity (Bone Offering for those extra hairy situations). At that point, the Elementalist immunity is more about QOL. I agree that it's very handy though, and allows you to focus on other things like more defensive-oriented gems or, on the other side of the spectrum, full-time Flesh Offering. ⚡ Lightning Golems:
/1902593 ⛄ Ice Golems: /1914382 |
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all flavors (mom/hybrid/ci/life) should be "viable" for 2.6 and 3.0 just need to gear it right
First things first, as everyone has noticed: golem build is real easy to level up with very little gear. It actually doesn't matter what ascendancy you choose.. I've used golems to get thru all labs and to maps (2.6) in many different classes without the intention of being a golem build. You just need about 3-4 harmonies minimum, as you may have noticed. With that said, if you want more damage from golem you need about 8 harmonies or more. Can do with 6 if you have high level golem (25+). If you want immortal golem even without being elementalist, you can! But it requires essence crafting for minion hp and high level golems, as well as maxing out minion resists. I want to say you want to shoot for over 6k hp/sec regen to make them 'immortal'. I had my flames hp at 50k+ If I remember (pretty overkill).. you can take a look on page 95 on the other golem thread ''while dead''. I killed the guardians as a non-elementalist without losing my flame golems. I did lose all but one to shaper on the last stage, but, one was enough to finish him off while I lay dead. For shaped I would utilize the Necro-aegis node to give them more block. Back then I was wondering why sometimes shaper's attacks would appear 'miss' my last golem. I realized later it's because I had taken minion block nodes on tree. Necromancer has it the easiest to cap out minion resists (flame has 70 fire, 40 on others). One of Necro ascendancy gives 20% for using an aura, and if you take the +16% from tree then minion already reach 75 for all resists.. and aside from offerings, you can utilize the zombies to mitigate physical damage. I also been toying with the idea of 'beacon of ruin' and combined with high hp golem and minion damage, that's a lot of dot dps free! But you would need to have enough mana to summon the flame golems. for other ascendance, just buy a helmet with minion resist lab enchant (remember you only need 20%+ resists so u don't even need the uber lab one which is 36). But even the 36% is cheap because everyone wants the 40% damage. Or just slap on the gem minion resist gem, it also give 19% more elemental damage so your flames only miss 1/2 from not using damage gem. For hybrid life/es, I would look at the gears someone already did for hybrid zombies. They use Geoffrey sanctuary and basically stack strength to get hp + es. But if you're going to do that, u may want to look at using a mêlée golem and use the baron helmet so your minions also get the extra mêlée boost from your str. Or maybe just stick to zombies or srs at that point :p For shavs, I tried that and it works but its costly. You will also need presence of chayula to maximize your es. Mom in 2.6, I tried that with hierophant. It was okay, I stopped playing golem build when I got it to 81 as I wanted something new. For ci, It should be possible for 3.0 if you get more es nodes on tree and probably have to settle with 8-10 harmonies. Can also look at other ascendancy that give more es, for example occultist, at the sacrifice of losing 1 golem. Also was thinking about going life build using the juicy hp nodes behind blood magic. And if u go life, u can have like 5 life potions with different affixes. And as a final note, I was watching 'theuberelite' twitch and he was utilizing rampage bonus. I looked up the bonuses and they are pretty sweeet. Aside from external dps like animated weapon/spells, rampage also gives minion damage & move speed (and for you as well). That's something to consider for your equip, not just for minion build either. (there are like 5? items that give rampage bonus) I used a biscos leash on my vaal spark build and its almost like a mini headhunter. Better than the gull mask, imo |
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2 Quick questions. And thanks for the build... Only managed to get a hold on a single Harmony Jewel, but it's still going smooth (Level 59)
1) Since Fire Golem is tagged with "Fire", do fire damage nodes on the skilltree work for it? Since I play on softcore, and we're going right past Explosive Impact (45% fire damage for 3 pts) I'm wondering if that adds to the Golems. 2) Elementalist Ascendancy passive skill on the left side. "Mastermind of Discord" Since the build uses Lightning Ball as a debuffer delivery system, would that not add another -25% fire res debuff? |
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" Very well thought out comment--it's obvious you have a lot of knowledge about golem builds. I think the problem arises in the fact that the OP plays hardcore (as do I, just not in beta). He doesn't want to die obviously. When you start to get into using 8+ jewels, you kiss survivability goodbye. |
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" 39 deaths and counting :D I should really stop running so far ahead of my golems. As an aside do they actually keep up with you at quicksilver speed when you have a primordial might? I know this isn't really a clearspeed build but if they keep up it seems like it would be reasonable. Also for a CI version with no leech you'd have to play much more carefully. With the life/mom version I can often just run around through packs using flasks while the golems catch up. With CI I'd just have to slow down and let the golems clear as I walk. |
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Re 2 quick questions:
I originally thought as you do. However, on further research, it appears that boosts to fire damage and the asendancy boost to penetration do not affect minions. The only mods that affect minions are either 1. Mods that specifically have the "minion' label 2. Gems actually linked to the minion gem in question. Re Survivability: Tomatopotato has it correct. My builds are in no way optimized for play in sc, as I play hc almost exclusively. (occassional venture to sc for a little further testing on a dead build) For an hc build, I have to prioritize survivability over pure dps, while maintaining enough dps to keep the game fun and to be able to make it through the high level content. Given that I was playing about 6 nodes short for my level (because of missing skill points in Acts 9 and 10) and that I had 4 harmonies and an eminence socketed at the end (because the extra eminaence happened to drop) I estimate that this balance is going to be struck around 5-7 harmonies once 3.0 goes live. I also have some further thoughts on survivability that I am going to wait to test until 3.0, but they are as follows: 1.Trade in the bottom part of the tree that heads over to the marauder area, currently providing 37% life, 33% mana and a jewel socket (18 nodes), for the two life/es wheels in the upper right and the witch mana nodes, which will provide 35% life, 50% es, and 24% mana. (19 nodes, with jewel socket) 2.Add in Arcane focus, foresight, and sanctity (5 nodes) for another 58% ES. 3.Replace the Elementalist and surrounding nodes with Faith and Steel and the two int nodes above needed to link it to the tree, for another 15% ES. The net result will be 7 nodes larger than the current tree, (about 1 more than I expect we will get in Acts 9 and 10, so build complete-ish at lvl 91 instead of 90) The focus for gear will then be on pure ES gear with an emphasis on life rolls for helm/chest/boots/gloves/belt (or life and mana if no flat ES ), and life and mana rolls on the rings & Amulet. The resulting tree will have the same number of jewel sockets (6) with the following defenses: Inc Life: 196% +154 str +50 life (+127 life before aded life/str on gear) Inc Mana: 160% +352 int +120 mana (+296 mana before added mana/int on gear) Inc ES: 123% +352 int +40 es (+193% es before added int on gear) With reasonable gear, it should not be difficult to reach a minimum goal of 6k life, 2500 mana, 2500 ES, which I believe (combined with good mechanics) will enable us to successfully face most or all of the content in the game with 1 anima stone and 5 harmonies. Excellent gear should allow us to exceed these figures significantly. One additional possibility I am considering trying out is to swap one of the clayshapers for an ephemeral edge. At a cost of one golem, this would grant up to an additional 50% increased es and allow the use of whirling blades (linked to faster attacks and fortify), which improves both defense and clear speed. If anyone decides to try this out before 3.0, I'd love to see feedback on how they felt about the tradeoff. I intend to attempt this variation in hc when 3.0 goes live. As an elementalist. I'll let you know how it goes. -O Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Jul 18, 2017, 6:27:49 AM
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