New Support Gems Coming to The Fall of Oriath Beta

Can we get a statement on Vaal skills in the report tomorrow? (namely spark/fireball) It's hard to tell if they were over nerfed or not wanted in the game.
All just number buffs. We D3 now, boys!
And welcome surprise.
Balance is an illusion, exile.
All these multiplier WutFace Path of multiplier again
[3.2]Muh Sprinkler - /view-thread/2117962
[3.2]Muh Poet's pen elementalist - /view-thread/2105455
[2.6]Unethical Voltaxic -6mans shaper - /view-thread/1882958
[2.4]LULFinder CocDischarge - /view-thread/1753207 (sucks now)
[1.3]JustAnotherCritMjolner - /view-thread/1181110 (relics of the past)
I am ready
~ There are spectacular moments.
Balance life builds on the right side of the tree and I'll care about this shit. I'm 4k+ hours in and this is your last chance GGG. Make life builds balanced or f off.

You keep releasing new material without balancing your game first. Enough is enough. Fix your shit or close it down.

I'm tired of seeing all your so called progress while we see nothing done to fix the imbalance you have created and done nothing about for 2 years.

Get your shit together, cause you will not see a dime until you do.

Anyone know what the level 20 gems' attribute requirements will be per-chance?
Kadajko wrote:
Sarno wrote:

Brutality: Cut this. Buff Melee Physical Damage Support instead.

How about no? This is the one gem that is missing currently without which pure physical bow is impossible.

Yea Brutality and bleed seem like pretty juicy Starforge gems.
And the point of these are? Soon as people make viable builds with them, they will be nerfed into the dirt as per usual.
there we go! that completely fixes the changes to DOT and makes Essence Drain amazing again. decay / Efficacy seems pritty deadly for that skill now. Thanks GGG keep up the amazing work

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