New Support Gems Coming to The Fall of Oriath Beta

Does Immolate make your ignites bigger against enemies that are already ignited? I assume yes?
Firefly00 wrote:
Ellerean wrote:
Also why is no one talking about a freaking shield throw active gen?! Oh my god.

Good question. It wouldn't be all that hard to implement...

Spectral Shield [projectile; attack]
Mana cost: ?
Requirements: ? Dex; equipped shield
Creates a spectral duplicate of your equipped shield, which bounces among multiple targets before returning.

Captain Wraeclast!
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
from what i can tell, these support gems for poison are a direct loss in damage overall until they change it so the poison isn't based on its initial hit.

50% more poison damage is great, but 30% less hit damage makes it so the 50% more still doesn't equal the amount without the support gem to begin with, let alone the lower hit damage.

until DoT isn't based off hit damage, deadly ailments is useless
Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Jun 16, 2017, 7:44:37 AM
KaldrinXanthin wrote:
Efficacy. What's the difference between "more damage over time" and "increased damage over time"?

"increased" is additive and "more" is multiplicative

use the following equation to calculate

base x (1 + increase1 + increase2 + ... + increase"n") x (1 + more1) x (1 + more2) x ... x (1 + more"n") = total damage

so, basically, say base damage over time is 10 and you have a 30%, 20%, and 10% increased damage over time and a 20% and 15% more damage over time modifier

plugging in the numbers:

10 x (1 + .2 + .3 + .1) x (1 + .2) x (1 + .15) = 22.08
Last edited by KRyder86#6408 on Jun 16, 2017, 12:47:56 PM
1) Does Decay from Decay Support counted as ailments?
2) Does Decay inherit Tags from skill it used with?

Isn't 1598 too much? Better than ED twice?! Or it can only be scaled with DoT and Chaos tags support node/gems?
are these in the beta right now? cant find them
bring back the state of the game in 1.3 vaults of atziri patch
what is decay how does it differ from poison?
i know it is different, but what does it scale with? does it scale with poison damage, or just chaos/dot and possibly ailment?
Need more support gems that buff physical damage and change melee on full life to something else, maybe full mana or just not low life...
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I want to ask you, how exactly Damage effectiveness works???

Will this work:
Firestorm + Added Chaos damage with The Consuming Dark???
For Poison build!

I mean Damage effectiveness works like LESS modifier for Added Chaos damage?
And INITIAL BASE DAMAGE from which Poison be calculated will be full 100% of Added Chaos damage GEM before Damage effectiveness takes effect???
Last edited by CBEToffOP#6515 on Jun 17, 2017, 2:34:40 PM
CBEToffOP wrote:
I want to ask you, how exactly Damage effectiveness works???

Will this work:
Firestorm + Added Chaos damage with The Consuming Dark???
For Poison build!

I mean Damage effectiveness works like LESS modifier for Added Chaos damage?
And INITIAL BASE DAMAGE from which Poison be calculated will be full 100% of Added Chaos damage GEM before Damage effectiveness takes effect???

Basically, "Damage Effectiveness" is a multiplier for any base (flat) damage added to a skill (usually a spell). This is applied before any other increases, decreases and 'more' and 'less' multipliers are applied to the skill's damage. For example, if you add 50 flat damage to a spell with 100 base damage and 50% damage effectiveness, then increased by a '100% Increased Spell Damage' mod, you'll get:

(100 + (50 * 0.5))*(1 + 1) = 125 base damage * 2 = 250 outbound damage.

Note that damage effectiveness ignores what kind of damage is being added (phys, ele, chaos), and any flat damage added to a skill inherits all of the skill's properties (spell, aoe, projectile, etc).


I'm curious as to what Decay is. What properties does it have; is it an ailment, does it inherit properties from the skills that apply it (AoE, projectile, etc), and does it benefit in any way from support modifiers to skills that apply it? What can the Decay damage itself be supported by?
Last edited by Draklyss#5443 on Jun 18, 2017, 10:19:25 AM

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