Energy Shield and Life

ES is supposed to be glass cannon and not a face tanking machine. Low-life glass cannon builds made it even more ridiculous. GGG will never go back to that poor design again.
Genmaicha wrote:
ES is supposed to be glass cannon and not a face tanking machine. Low-life glass cannon builds made it even more ridiculous. GGG will never go back to that poor design again.

And suddenly there is the guy which believe that PoE equals Diablo, and looking on the fame trio probably.

I am speechless !
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on Jun 22, 2017, 7:32:01 AM
The wrong way to do it, they way you nerfed energy shield, you're going at every single item, instead you should've gone against stacking it, like in d3 every subsequent stack receives a smaller bonus, though yeah in there it's just percentages so it's easy there. Mean right now people who only have maybe few of those items and aren't actively stacking 'em will suffer from it too.
Nope. Again Nope.

ES should be actually boosted by 5% instead of nerfed.

Thus that someone did something which none else wish or wanna do it is an isolated case.
and "It's NOT a bug, It's a feature" since it's increasing the diversity of the builds.

If this game is going to became straight-ahead game just like the rest - well.. probably I have played it for a way too long or someone took the real wrong idea about what peoples is actually looking for inside a game with a complete messy and unreasonable long and complex story line.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on Jun 23, 2017, 2:29:24 AM
TreeOfDead wrote:
Passive tree didnt changed, life node still far from grouping and still need waste 80% our node to get few life mode... %life didnt buffed at all and no change per level/base life buff.

Goal wasn't to buff life, goal was to nerf ES enough that life becomes a viable option. Buffing life just causes a power surge in the game trivializing harder content, which is exactly what they said they didn't want ES doing like it was.
Did Digital Extremes do a takeover of GGG while I wasn't looking? These kinds of nerfs are why I take breaks from WARFRAME, and play POE instead. Reading about the recent nerfs makes me feel like I am still playing Warframe - where they nerf to keep the players weak. A weak player is a paying player. I never felt that way about POE until after reading about what has been going on lately with these nerfs. Any time I see the most useful, efficient, popular things being nerfed I know that it's money time.

it isn't about balance, that's just an excuse to do it. It's a method of keeping most of the playerbase in a certain place (weak), so they have to start the upgrade process all over again. Why else doesn't the decision makers care why it is doing to builds? If they cared they would do it so that the existing builds can persist and only have it affect future builds - or they would make another League and only apply it to the new league.

It's hard to believe the "reasons", and the "it was never intended that way" type of excuses when it WAS that way for years. "Coincidentally" with the coming of an expansion the game rules must be changed? We don't want those powerful players running through all the new stuff too fast - do we?

Even with those "OP" builds, how much of the player base was steamrolling hard content? .0001%??? I see no justification in these changes - and the reasons are at best thinly veiled "excuses" that have already been debunked a thousand times in the comments.

Guess it's time for me to get back to Warframe - at least I know what to expect from them.
magusat999 wrote:
Did Digital Extremes do a takeover of GGG while I wasn't looking? These kinds of nerfs are why I take breaks from WARFRAME, and play POE instead. Reading about the recent nerfs makes me feel like I am still playing Warframe - where they nerf to keep the players weak. A weak player is a paying player. I never felt that way about POE until after reading about what has been going on lately with these nerfs. Any time I see the most useful, efficient, popular things being nerfed I know that it's money time.

it isn't about balance, that's just an excuse to do it. It's a method of keeping most of the playerbase in a certain place (weak), so they have to start the upgrade process all over again. Why else doesn't the decision makers care why it is doing to builds? If they cared they would do it so that the existing builds can persist and only have it affect future builds - or they would make another League and only apply it to the new league.

It's hard to believe the "reasons", and the "it was never intended that way" type of excuses when it WAS that way for years. "Coincidentally" with the coming of an expansion the game rules must be changed? We don't want those powerful players running through all the new stuff too fast - do we?

Even with those "OP" builds, how much of the player base was steamrolling hard content? .0001%??? I see no justification in these changes - and the reasons are at best thinly veiled "excuses" that have already been debunked a thousand times in the comments.

Guess it's time for me to get back to Warframe - at least I know what to expect from them.

What hasn't dawned on GGG just yet, when this gutting of an entire mechanic of the game (ES) actually goes life, a large chunk of the player base is going to quit.

Legacy league is already dead. Standard is a bit more active, but many in my guild are MIA. And the activity is declining.

Great job GGG, by pandering to the corporate greed, you're killing this game in one cataclysmic swoop.

I've been branded many things for saying that PoE needs a successor. PoE 2 and rebuild the game from the ground up. By locking in the passive tree to the available characters, they're in a corner now of trying to expand on this principle while simultaneously gutting a core mechanic, it's not going to work.

They should rename this expansion, the fall of poe.
Just 4 months ago I had about 30 to 40 peoples online on a daily basis in my friend list.
Now. I got 1 ( one ), but he is just sitting there probably a zombie seller account.
That's it.
I have warned previously that NERFING the core players of the game - the casters is a suicide on steroids.

I've never seen such amount of wrong decisions in the MMO games. PoE was my favorite game previously because of the ideology of a "never touch negatively the players". Not it went even worse than Runes of Magic - which were hitting a millions of players before the developers decide to milk the core players - the casters to the bones with nerfing. It's ghost town now.

GGG You have a considerable small amount of time to reconsider the nerfing of ES/CI players and insted boost it by 5% as I suggested initially in order to match the life builds.
For those with 25k ES - It's nothing there which could be done. Actually nothing at all should be done, because this is the point of one messy-to-no-storyline game with nothing much to do than trying to become OP build.


Given that I have never been anywhere over 10K ES, let alone 25000, hitting the static bonus of Discipline Aura seems pretty overkill to me. Additionally, the loss of Infused Shield is gonna make Chaos Inoculation pretty damn painful, which matters because it's the only way outside of Shavronne's (another item I've never been anywhere near) to survive chaos damage.

The issue is 'well rolled gear'. Something that is only a problem for people with extremely well tuned RNG and dozens of exalted orbs worth of equipment.

By all means fix the mods on gear that is otherwise impossible for the average player to even conceive of, let alone acquire. But wrecking everyone's survivability to deal with an issue affecting the late game of a vanishingly small number of hardcore players is heavy handed.

Hell, it almost feels personal.

If you're going to go after someone, please just let them have it, rather than dressing it up by making life harder for all ES users at the same time.
Last edited by Kanner#1489 on Jun 30, 2017, 3:59:26 AM
So.. We all were right. Nerfing ES turns slowly the game into just the next mmorpg Ghost Town.
Great job!

You cant add 1000 new towns, a hundrilion of a content, and even a reasonable storyline - but if you are punishing your followers and buddies for no reason then probably it will not mater at all.
Last edited by ThorTX#4927 on Jul 1, 2017, 5:09:22 AM

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