Energy Shield and Life

Smear wrote:
Apos91 wrote:
And yet Berserker remains the most budget way to facetank the whole content.

RIP Assassin. Ranger might survive but a large portion of builds are out.

Time to find out whether my MTX look good on a marauder, because it doesn't seem like it will be worth building anything else for a while.

This balancing reminds me of how GGG balanced AA/MoM. Only took 3 years to make MoM worth it, AA still in the gutter.

GGG won't survive this big of a cut to the build base. Many people will just stop playing. I've already seen a drop in participation in my guild. What's the fun in working for so long to build a character, only to have it axed completely in the next nerf rounds.

Corporations do stupid s**t because the collective mentality of corporations suffer from a blend of dunning/kruger effect and bloated bureaucracy.

What they (ggg) don't get, is that the game is already very difficult for the "casual" player. And, the currency curve for great gear prevents even dedicated players from achieving these .1% builds that get the snowflakes up in arms. Snowflake = "It's not fair! The game needs to be vanilla balanced!" Crowd. I got news for these twinks, life isn't fair, it's harsh and those who fight to reign on top will. The snowflakes will always be left with crumbs, even if big brother comes and rescues them from their pity, they end up with nothing.

Rewards over punishment for those who work is a good model to go by. Rewards to those who do nothing beyond a lvl 80-85 character, and in the process taking from those who do the work, is socialism at its finest and ALWAYS fails.

GGG would have us think that everyone and their mom is able to build these OP builds. The fact is, they WON'T simply because the highest tier gear is so outrageously expensive to trade for, it's just not practical for the "casual" player, or most players for that matter.

Anyway, RIP es builds. Build diversity will be gone from that point forward.

Well this manifesto really put me off and I barely go in and play anymore so I understand people in your guild. If you look at the thousands of hours I played this game it was 10% fun and 90% to achieve the strongest possible character by doing the grind, trading and crafting. The satisfaction when you finally have amazing gear and you manage to beat content you could not beat before is really great.

The way they are going about nerfing stuff to "balance" (read make sure you have to sacrifice time to rebuild) is because they think that will keep us around longer in the end. Now we start over and ggg can get %more instead of just %increased revenue.

I am tired of the word balance, if everything needs to be balanced remove all classes but one, remove the skill-tree and force the same setup to all. Make sure all skills does the same damage and remove rolled/crafted gear and replace with predefined stats on everything.
Balancing the game is a good thing and nerfing in general is good.

Only permanent league players are truly affected by this - unless you play only the same build in every league and if thats the case, it is about the time to make a new one :)

This game should not be balanced in terms of permanent leagues. Standard and perm hc are just junkyards where everything gets dumped. You should assume that 3month league character will get eventually totally obliterated by the changes after it is over. I'm really confused if people expect anything else.

In my opinion relative strength between game mechanics should change more often to highlight other parts of the game and thus make balancing easier and more complete faster. Only the permanent dumpster leagues are casualties.

I am not saying these values in changes are correct, this is just a TEST nerf to begin with in the BETA and to inform us greatly in advance what to expect in the worst case scenario.
Last edited by Jyssi#3843 on May 27, 2017, 7:05:24 AM
Part of the reason Energy Shield is so strongly preferred is that EHP is effective against all sorts of damage. Evasion only works against attack damage and Armour only works against physical attack damage. Heavy investment in Evasion and Armour means you must be investing less in other things, and so there will be regular situations when much of the investment your character has made is useless. This is why we are seeing the heavy investment in EHP and damage as they are generally useful. This limits build diversity. The build diversity and game play would be much improved if each of the secondary defence types (es, armour, evasion) were all effective but to slightly different extents against all types of damage. Thus reworks to es and life should be part of a larger rework to defences to encourage this diversity.
Why is ES nerfed ?

Because nerfing is the easiest way to provides breathing space for new stuff to come. It's in GGG's business model to bring new stuff to keep the players base alive, and you can only do that by regularly removing (ahem... nerfing) some functionalities.

I'm not saying that's bad, let's just consider 3.0 as a new game (or a new iteration of the same game) and forget what existed before.
Que mal que no responda gente de GGG…
ningún jugador tenemos la culpa de sus errores…
¿Cómo es posible que siempre que sacan algo, resulta que después de un tiempo es que se dan cuenta que esto es muy OP y después “NERFEAN”?
Desde que esta POE siempre sacan ya sea algún objeto, o se hace alguna buena build que es OP y que la mayoría queremos hacer o tener, después GGG en algún nuevo parche, se da cuenta que aquello era demasiado bueno y de inmediato piensan en nerfearlo….
Esto me hace pensar que solo están viendo la ganancia que tendrán…me explico…
(sacan un objeto o se logra hacer la mejor build)
Nos dejan jugar un tiempo y después nerfean esto justificando que es demasiado buena, asi que para el siguiente parche se nerfea….
O pero que sorpresa “alguien casualmente “se dan cuenta de que, con la supuesta mejora, se puede hacer otra build igual o mejor, así que se repite este círculo vicioso y de nuevo nos dejan un tiempo jugar así, pero llega el momento en que “o nos dimos cuenta de que esto está muy bien, así que nuevamente nerfearemos esto” …
Lamentablemente siguen sin controlar el mercado y el drop de objetos es malísimo para la mayoría…
¿Como es que GGG habla de nivelar el juego haciendo nerfeos?
Repito, el nerfeo no es la solución a nada tienen que entenderlo
Si de verdad quieren nivelar el juego y que sea parejo para todos creo es el momento indicado de hacerse cargo de todo el mercado…
Esto para evitar que solo unos cuantos se hagan más ricos, tienen que mejorar el drop de objetos, que cualquiera pueda hacer su build con el equipo que sea necesario sin tener que comprarlo carísimo…
Tienen que lograr que cualquier personaje sea capaz de matar a cualquier jefe sin problemas y que este lo puedas armar sin dificultad …
No es posible que desde que salió POE sigamos teniendo este tipo de problemas de mal drop y que si quieres una buena build, tengamos que copiarla y el equipo sea carísimo…
Repito “hacer un juego difícil o más difícil, esto no es sinónimo de divertido”
Estar nerfeando cada parche algo tampoco es divertido ya que muchos personajes se hacen basura por su ineptitud de probar antes eficientemente todo lo que aparentemente está bien y después ustedes mismos nerfean por estar más que bien…

Creo que, si GGG de verdad quiere nivelar el juego, tendrían que borrar todos los personajes, desaparecer toda la currency del juego y que de verdad en el parche 3 todos estemos en cero, sin personajes y sin dinero y sobretodo que cualquier build sea 100% OP y sirva para llegar al 100% de juego terminado…

De lo contrario solo seguirán haciendo ricos a algunos que extrañamente son los que descubren las builds OP y justamente siempre tienen el equipo necesario para esa build, o tienen suficiente currency para pagar el equipo, pero el 90% de los demás jugadores no somos ricos ni tenemos la suerte de que nos dé el drop cosas que se puedan usar o que ayuden a la build…
Este último punto es muy extraño, no entiendo como solo a unos cuantos siempre les cae o sale justamente lo que se ocupa para una buena build y a los demás nunca nos cae o sale algo así de bueno…
Yo invito a todos a que nos manifestemos diciendo NO a ningún nerfeo el nerfeo no es y nunca será la solución a nada…
Cuantas cosas recuerdan que se han nerfeado desde que POE inicio, siempre justificando que es muy bueno y que por lo mismo hay que perjudicar…
Justamente así es que empezó la muerte de Diablo 3, unos pidiendo nerfear una cosa de otra clase, hasta que todas las clases fueron nerfeadas y por lo mismo todos los equipos OP poco a poco fueron inservibles y fue necesario sacar nuevos…
Aquí tristemente se está cometiendo esos mismos errores hoy se piensa en ES , antes ya fue la vida, mañana dirán que alguna resistencia, que tal o cual equipo, pero siempre por culpa de alguien que no hiso bien su trabajo algo resultara muy bueno y en algún momento lo nerfearan
En fin, espero que no nerfeen nada y que en lugar de esto mejoren a los demás personajes ya sea con lo que haga falta para que todo funcione bien…

Google traslator sorry
Too bad that people from GGG do not respond ...
No player is to blame for his mistakes ...
How is it possible that whenever they pull something, it turns out that after a while is they realize that this is very OP and then "NERFEAN"?
Since this POE always take out some object, or do some good build that is OP and that most want to do or have, then GGG in some new patch, realizes that it was too good and immediately think of nerfearlo ....
This makes me think that they are only seeing the profit they will have ... I explain ...
(Remove an object or achieve the best build)
They let us play a while and then nerfean this justifying that it is too good, so for the next patch nerfea ....
Or that surprise someone "casually" realize that with the supposed improvement, you can make another build equal or better, so we repeat this vicious circle and again let us some time play like this, but the time comes in That "or we realized that this is very well, so again we will nerfearemos this" ...
Unfortunately they still do not control the market and the drop of objects is terrible for most ...
How does GGG talk about leveling the game by making nerfeos?
I repeat, the nerfeo is not the solution to anything they have to understand it
If you really want to level the game and make it even for everyone I think it's the right time to take over the entire market ...
This to avoid that only a few become richer, they have to improve the drop of objects, that anyone can make their build with the equipment that is necessary without having to buy it expensive ...
They have to make that any character is able to kill any boss without problems and that this you can put together without difficulty ...
It is not possible that since POE came out we continue having these kind of bad drop problems and that if you want a good build, we have to copy it and the equipment is very expensive ...
I repeat "make a game difficult or more difficult, this is not synonymous with fun"
Being nerfeando each patch something is not funny either because many characters are made trash by their ineptitude to prove before efficiently all that apparently is well and later yourselves nerfean by being more than well ...

I think that if GGG really wants to level the game, they would have to delete all the characters, disappear all the currency of the game and that really in patch 3 we are all zero, without characters and without money and above all that build is 100 % OP and serve to reach 100% finished game ...

Otherwise they will only continue to make rich some who are strangers who discover OP builds and just always have the necessary equipment for that build, or have enough currency to pay the equipment, but 90% of other players are not rich or We are lucky that it gives us the drop things that can be used or that help the build ...
This last point is very strange, I do not understand how only a few always fall or leave what works for a good build and others never fall or something good ...
I invite everyone to show up saying NO to any nerfeo the nerfeo is not and will never be the solution to anything ...
How many things remember that they have been nerfeado since POE beginning, always justifying that it is very good and that for the same one has to harass ...
This is exactly how the Diablo 3 death began, some asking to nerfear a thing of another kind, until all classes were nerfeadas and therefore all OP teams were gradually useless and it was necessary to get new ones ...
Here sadly you are committing those same mistakes today you are thinking about ES, before it was life, tomorrow you will say that some resistance, that such or that team, but always because of someone who did not do well his work something turned out very good and in Some time nerfearan
Anyway, I hope you do not nerfeen anything and instead improve the other characters with whatever it takes to make everything work well ...
Ok. So. Seems like the rebellion have started. .. Finally.

So. Since I have promised ( once ) that I will be always around to try to help the game in order to prevent it from loosing it as many before ( so far i have seen rise and fall to more of 15 mmo games and i really dont wanna loose this one ). Here some measures, I propose in order to game not hang in the wrong direction, which i believe will help if someone have a will to read them.. ;)
It's my compact words of wisdom on the topic.

- Forget about nerfing. Nothing shall be nerfed. If You wanna to balance - improve the rest of the things and if this is not sufficient - add more special items and increase a bit the hardness of the mobs. Done.
Nerfing never gives a positive results in the long runs. Especially a nerfing against the classes which is generally weak - like remote casters.

- Always when you took under consideration any wrongly went build which went to OP - think about how many peoples are actually doing it ?! Because it might looks incredible cool, but most of the peoples having their ways of playing and it's considerable rare to see "I am doing this build just to do and look exactly as this guy disregarding that his build will cost me 1 monthly payment or 2 years grinding.." Nope. This just not happens this way. We dont see much 25k ES or 17k HP AFK regens around right ?!

- Always consider the main stream. The main stream is the general builds which is made withing 2-3 months max. They have to be fun, else the game is lost.

- Always consider the possibility to have super OP, Mega, Giga, Tera and etc uber builds.
This is what is making the will to play further, because at some point you can look and feel like a demigod, and this is giving to the MMO players some sort of happiness. Took this from them and it's done. No more fun or will to play. Grinding is pointless part of the game anyway, especially when there is nothing special at the end.
The Uber builds is bringing the point of will to exists in this universe, and at some point be there.
25k ES ? 17k HP ? are You joking dudes ?! I were expecting actually 200 points cap, and 100k ES / 80k HP builds in PoE 3. Are You joiking GGG ?! What's the point of these 10 new towns if there is no actual chalenging and will to redo all the stuff for even greater achievement toward and ultimate demi-god build ?!

- If peoples likes some specific item or skill - improve it further. Give them more will to go to a dangerous places and find their specific thing which will make them even more unique and OP builds.

- NEVER Balance ! If You balance the universe - it will fall apart. This Universe, or reality exists only because it is perfectly unbalanced.
The lack of balance is giving this world colors, differences, wishes, wills, suffering and happiness.
Just imagine what will happens if you paint the ground blue in order to match the color of the sky.
Classes, builds and approaches shall be ever be different. This is The Path of Exile. Your own path. It's different for everyone, and let everyone walk his own path, else you will turn this tiny mountain path full of obstacles and explorations into a megapolis highway.

Remember : OP builds is like the love. Remove it from a man, and he will be a shadow wandering pointless around, seeking only revenge, and plotting Armageddon. No point for him to exists at all.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on May 27, 2017, 5:14:28 PM
SonicPLD2 wrote:
Ok. So. Seems like the rebellion have started. .. Finally.

So. Since I have promised ( once ) that I will be always around to try to help the game in order to prevent it from loosing it as many before ( so far i have seen rise and fall to more of 15 mmo games and i really dont wanna loose this one ). Here some measures, I propose in order to game not hang in the wrong direction, which i believe will help if someone have a will to read them.. ;)
It's my compact words of wisdom on the topic.

- Forget about nerfing. Nothing shall be nerfed. If You wanna to balance - improve the rest of the things and if this is not sufficient - add more special items and increase a bit the hardness of the mobs. Done.
Nerfing never gives a positive results in the long runs. Especially a nerfing against the classes which is generally weak - like remote casters.

- Always when you took under consideration any wrongly went build which went to OP - think about how many peoples are actually doing it ?! Because it might looks incredible cool, but most of the peoples having their ways of playing and it's considerable rare to see "I am doing this build just to do and look exactly as this guy disregarding that his build will cost me 1 monthly payment or 2 years grinding.." Nope. This just not happens this way. We dont see much 25k ES or 17k HP AFK regens around right ?!

- Always consider the main stream. The main stream is the general builds which is made withing 2-3 months max. They have to be fun, else the game is lost.

- Always consider the possibility to have super OP, Mega, Giga, Tera and etc uber builds.
This is what is making the will to play further, because at some point you can look and feel like a demigod, and this is giving to the MMO players some sort of happiness. Took this from them and it's done. No more fun or will to play. Grinding is pointless part of the game anyway, especially when there is nothing special at the end.
The Uber builds is bringing the point of will to exists in this universe, and at some point be there.
25k ES ? 17k HP ? are You joking dudes ?! I were expecting actually 200 points cap, and 100k ES / 80k HP builds in PoE 3. Are You joiking GGG ?! What's the point of these 10 new towns if there is no actual chalenging and will to redo all the stuff for even greater achievement toward and ultimate demi-god build ?!

- If peoples likes some specific item or skill - improve it further. Give them more will to go to a dangerous places and find their specific thing which will make them even more unique and OP builds.

- NEVER Balance ! If You balance the universe - it will fall apart. This Universe, or reality exists only because it is perfectly unbalanced.
The lack of balance is giving this world colors, differences, wishes, wills, suffering and happiness.
Just imagine what will happens if you paint the ground blue in order to match the color of the sky.
Classes, builds and approaches shall be ever be different. This is The Path of Exile. Your own path. It's different for everyone, and let everyone walk his own path, else you will turn this tiny mountain path full of obstacles and explorations into a megapolis highway.

Remember : OP builds is like the love. Remove it from a man, and he will be a shadow wandering pointless around, seeking only revenge, and plotting Armageddon. No point for him to exists at all.

Very well stated. I couldn't agree more.

Reward the achievement instead of punishing.
Buffing everything else and then buffing mobs leads to exactly same situation as a direct nerf, just with a bigger numbers.
666DalmatiaN wrote:
Buffing everything else and then buffing mobs leads to exactly same situation as a direct nerf, just with a bigger numbers.

Exactly. I hope they will remove huge one-shots after nerfing ES/VP, and balance some mobs damage as well.
Also, this is only a beta. All can change, nothing is set in stone...
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."

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