Extension of Legacy League

very happy about the extension of Legacy. As you know: I am a GamerDad, old and slow ;-)
The light at the end of the tunnel is nothing but a muzzleflash.
mirificel wrote:
Hemmingfish wrote:

Yeah, I saw at least 10 people request it. Obviously that's a large majority of players. Bloody hell, I was looking forward to a new filler league.

+1 "Overwhelming" the 10 people still playing this flashback league posted that they would like to play some more but little they know, the only reason they are still playing this stupid league is because they are new to the game and ofc they could play it for even 6 months if you give it to them... the rest of us veteran players are left staring at forums posts for almost 2 months now :)

Yep. Most everyone I interact with always has 36 challenges within 4 to 5 weeks. The outliers get it done in 1 week (geez us), or need an additional week and take 6. Anyone that doesn't have 36 at the 6 week mark, is either damn close or just doesn't care.

My 24 this league puts me in the just doesn't care category. I quit playing 6 weeks ago as I found the challenges this league to be some of the most ridiculously tedious RNG ever; or just the most tedious ever... I'm looking at you 1000 T6+ maps with 3 league stones. No way I'm running 1000 maps to ding a "challenge".

The reliquary key drop rate didn't help matters either. The rate was/is so disgustingly low there was really no reward for playing, especially considering that for the two keys I did find, there wasn't even a reward. I got pure crap. One item that no one would care about. A second item that was so pathetically terrible, it was buffed after its original release... i.e. the non-legacy version would have been less of an insult.

So... back to starring at forum / news posts... and some solo, self-found here and there, though I wish the league mods were always on... hate the league stone management too... to the point of not even bothering picking the stones up.

I actually like it.
awesome, I may play Legacy forever then.
Great decision. I like that leagues are normally 3 months, but in this case the extension makes complete sense.
This is great news! I still need to hit 24 challenges for the weapon mtx. I don't usually push for them but it's gold coloured this time. I tend to have a gold theme with most mtx's etc. So this is perfect for me. Plus usually when I rip, I can take anywhere from 1-2 days to reroll to 1-2 weeks, salt levels pending.
I want to also thank GGG for this great news about Legacy Extension Bless you :)
Astealoth wrote:
I was looking forward to Legacy ending :<

For what reason? so you can play std? hmm
Makes me happy, not worried about hitting 36 but i am having a lot of fun playing this league. As the 'break' between leagues would have happened either way given the beta I cant say i understand all the hate, but such is life.
On behalf of players with IRL jobs and responsibilities, Thank You GGG!

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