Extension of Legacy League

Head_Less wrote:
GGG stop reading reddit.

Most people from std played legacy because of the legacy item possibility. Standard players migrated in mass to legacy league in order to rip/transfer those item in std and then play in std.

You think std is deserted because ppl like the temp league? NOPE they just wanted to get legacy items THEN go back to std.

You are snubbing std players doing that :/

That is exactly why I played Legacy; does anyone really think I wanted to grind for a stupid pair of footprints? =0[.]o=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Extending a dead league is irrelevant

It just hides the fact that you'd rather allocate human ressources for the beta project/next league purposes than running multiple race events.

Quoting casual players requesting the extension of the legacy league to justify this will not hide the real facts of you doing nothin for your player base during 1 month.

I am ok with that, but please, be honest on the real reasons next time, and dont let yourself adopt a populist stance in the announcement, its frustrating af for people like me who were waiting for a transition (like race events) when they are unsure to get a beta key.

Either way, in term of business perspective, you have probably done the right choice since it means a longer timeline to resolve incidents & issues on the upcoming 3.0

In terme of communication, it's a true fail.

Last edited by DrLestatt#3608 on May 15, 2017, 6:59:17 AM

This is great news now i can comit to so many more stuf this league make posible.
Also new short tearm league probably wont be great considering it demand worck on balance after league and not to mention creating new content. This is win win for 3.0 and give so mach more freedom of builds in legacy.
I also don't really think that the fact some people want more time in this league is the reason for the extension. I have the feeling that the company isn't being honest here and I know I'm not the only one.
Very sad about this. This game is at it's best in a somewhat fresh economy and honestly legacy league is very boring. Nothing meaningful left to do in the current league -.-

Oh well. See you in 3.0.
1 month+ online playing - 0 reliq key and u decided to extend Legacy. THX GGG
Harsh RNG, fair trade is dead, botting everywhere, oneshot mechanic -=RIP=-
Frankenberry wrote:
Very sad about this. This game is at it's best in a somewhat fresh economy and honestly legacy league is very boring. Nothing meaningful left to do in the current league -.-

Oh well. See you in 3.0.

i don't understand your point. all they do is prolong legacy. you only got a disadvantage if you wanted your legacy stuff in standard.

even if they started a new temp league, what mods should it have which arent already available in legacy?

using dev time to invent new stuff for a 2 month league would have been a waste, that time is better spent debugging 3.0
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Loving the legacy league for someone like me who's only been playing a year or so I get to experience the previous awesomeness. Is there a rough idea of the date for the next league? I only ask cause I want to use holiday with work so I can plan ahead to get a good start at the next league :D
Last edited by KESEDH70#5447 on Jul 14, 2018, 4:21:43 PM
do you know the feedback comes from people that are at forums instead of actually playing the game, so comes from people wich dont play the game, just saying. MAJORITY of player just play and dont care about fórums.

so stop listening to the players that dont play the game, AKA fliper brokers.

just a question. wich percentaje of ACTIVE players is that """Massive feedback"""?

and people wich scheduled his playtime to get challenges on-time.

more league time will piss off the people that fitted playtime into his lifes because the old date. and now all their effort to make this in time is fu'd up.

you accting like sensationalist, yellow press, or more harmfull for us, like blizzard.

so the question again:

Wich percentaje of ACTIVE players is that """Massive feedback"""?, uh?

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