Damage Over Time Changes - Part 2

nice try to streamline damage types a bit but i guess most players f.e. still don't get what secondary damage is and what factors affect it.

not wondering, there is no detailed ingame means to find out what factors boost certain parts of your skills, a test area with a combat log would really be helpful i guess.

also, especially with the new affixes, there needs to be some (color?) indicator if affixes are local or global.

and finally, what's about your plan to dump detailed affix details to the win clipboard on ctrl+c?
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Thank goodness. DOT has dominated the meta for far too long. I'm ready to see something else come to prominence.

Let's just hope GGG can find a decent way to nerf CI...
MrBarin9 wrote:
Thank goodness. DOT has dominated the meta for far too long. I'm ready to see something else come to prominence.

Let's just hope GGG can find a decent way to nerf CI...

lol CI is pretty fine if you want to kill some end game bosses, GGG has to buff life based builds
Does the change to weapon elemental damage means that now skills like herald of thunder damage is affected by this ?
Giammafix wrote:
MrBarin9 wrote:
Thank goodness. DOT has dominated the meta for far too long. I'm ready to see something else come to prominence.

Let's just hope GGG can find a decent way to nerf CI...

lol CI is pretty fine if you want to kill some end game bosses, GGG has to buff life based builds

Noone want to play life base against end game bosses unless u have 10 mirror around anyway.
SisterBlister wrote:
Jeez, do we now need a degree in sophistry to play POE? Can't you rather make things easier to understand, rather than harder? With all the exceptions and convoluted wording, I bet there will be quite a few waaay overpowered combinations you've overlooked and many more noob trap skills+supports which don't work intuitively.
Really, if it needs pages of explanations, it's going to be buggy. Like tax law, for example.

you just need a degree in "mathil academy" x)
Last edited by oufouf#5244 on May 3, 2017, 6:06:31 PM
You're going to leave in some double dipping right? You guys are balancing all these playstyles but the reason a lot of these builds are good is because people don't have to worry about defences and can pool into double dipping. If you want to balance offense, start with defense.

For instance while you're at it can you nerf Energy Shield? You nerfed the one jewel from 11% down to 3-6 and it STILL costs 200 chaos orbs because ES is just that important. Change Chaos Inoculation to "Chaos Damage doesn't bypass energy shield", and make the down side "You cannot reserve life" and instead of adding -more- energy shield add good chaos resistance nodes. And also buff chaos resistance in the passive tree. If people are speccing into those nodes then it should be worth while.

Its ABSOLUTELY ridiculous to me someone can spec conveniently into a defense mechanism they already are going to go into and pick up a free IMMUNITY to damage, and life builds get SCRAPS of chaos resistance in the tree. I can find several areas where it says +8 to all elemental resistances, +18 to ONE resistance, but chaos is treated as if its an all resistance. It should say +18 to chaos resistance, not +6.

I dont think you get how much better it is to be able to survive a hit than to mitigate one with evasion or dodge. Currently Int is best, then Str, then Dex, because Int gives a bonus to ES, and mana if you go Mind over Matter, you have several ways to survive getting hit before free mitigation like chaos immunity and stacking armor and resistances. Strength gives flat life that scales well with the large % life nodes around, and dexterity has abysmal % nodes, rare ES nodes. You hear people complaining life builds are bad? Imagine if you guys were fair and made Strength boost its respective global defense type. Everyone would roll ES.
I mean even look at the % to evasion versus the % to armor. Strength characters get free life and then can spec into armor all over the tree where the armor nodes give 30%, but pure evasion nodes give like 18-25% and what is with that wheel near the Ranger? +50 evasion? Does anyone ever even allocate that?

Having like 15k ES with 1% life regen is infinitely better than 4k life and 75% chance to evade an attack. You will eventually get hit twice in a row that all these "increased flask recovery" in combination with instant recovery flasks will not save you.

You have all these hyper useful AMAZING keystones like CI and Elemental Overload and Resolute technique EE in the tree that everyone finds useful, but the ranger area has nodes that come with far too hefty downsides.and typically all are only for ES or RANGED attacks.Even then Arrow Dancing is like okay.... Doesnt help with reflect because my accuracy is too high, because I have to spec into accuracy and even then I miss 3 times in a row, but spells dont have that downside.

All in all I would rather see you guys tackle balancing DEFENSES before balancing builds that are also built around these unbalanced defenses.

I would rather see Keystones like CI in the ranger area that arent "well heres some dodge but now you can only be evasion based which is already the most trash defense mechanic" like make a new Keystone like Acrobatics or Chaos Innoculation where it gives fortify or something.
I would call it Mithridatism and grant fortify, but the drawback is all hits also poison you, but then add nodes of Chaos Resistance afterward.
Being able to survive a hit is so much more important than anything else, and if that means taking the damage over a period of time then even if its slightly more damage its worth it. But I also think that Dexterity should copy Strength and not give a bonus to its global defense type, instead of increased evasion it should give like 1% general damage reduction per 10 dexterity or something of the like, and boost already existing evasion nodes to grant more evasion than they do if thats what you want to spec into. Its not as OP as it sounds, because multiplicative damage reduction is a lot less effective than additive damage reduction. And really though that evasion wheel between the Scion and Ranger is pretty bad. At least make it a mana wheel and move Mind Over Matter or something.

Just my thoughts though, cheers.
Last edited by Avelrod#4244 on May 3, 2017, 8:09:07 PM
Rory wrote:

We intend to make changes to Chill and Shock that we'll be trying out during the beta to further help this situation, making ailments more useful against very high-health enemies without them making the content too easy. We'll be revealing more information about this later.

Some bosses that had Freeze Immunity will instead have a slow protection effect, so they won't be immobilized by Freeze. Instead, they'll be slowed significantly.

Does it mean my Freezy Ice builds finaly can do endgame?

How will a Ice-Cyclone-CoC-Vortex build using http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cospri%27s_Malice focusing on freez/cc interact with Izaro (UBER-Labyrint)? Will I be able to slow his attacks significant down?

Or an Ice-Speer build. Will it work (slow) against Izaro (where it is 100% useless now)?
Last edited by Schakar#4083 on May 3, 2017, 7:33:50 PM
These changes all feel really well thought out, balancing out a lot of stuff that got really messy in a way that feels fair and allows for a ton of new builds. I am also super excited to hear most ailment immunities are going, from a design perspective I think it's awesome that so many more builds will become more viable.

I've been around since the open beta, how GGG and this game have grown impresses me more than I think anything else I've seen.

Keep up the great work GGG.
Good thing assassin is a crit based ascendancy with lots of crit multiplier and poison.
oh wait
gg delete all assassins?!
Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!

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