Damage Over Time Changes - Part 2
I trust you.
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Will probably try my nearly oldest build Ice Nova.
My first char was Duelist double strike but due to desynchs i turned out to area damage. I was able to go T5 maps (oldest ones) and 77 lvl. Will try it in 3.0. |
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The more prefix and suffixes that a weapon or item can roll is going to allow more fucked up rolls to happen on a item. meaning more mixed rolls and more rng on items. meaning its going to be harder to get items in solo or those who play less then others. meaning soon players will either be identifying items for a chance to sell them or everyone who is poor will keep all yellows as soon as they hit lvl for chaos recipe to put all yellows into it so they can save up chaos to just straight out buy it. well i do that already, but my point is that more suffixes and prefix will just make it worse for finding good upgrades without needing to buy them. it Was bad enough finding good wands without needing to buy them or half or probably 15% of things that get identified are worth it. i could be exaggerating, but still now more rolls being added and that means more rng to the game. i know this game is about rng and grinding, but if there isnt a balance to how they roll then they will just become fodder. meaning no one unless you have a high end farmer or mf chr or can play a lot will be identifying the items. most will as they level. I will stick to id them till i hit 60 and playing a build to easily play like totem build. to build up unid c recipe to just straight up buy items for upgrades.
The more rng and randomness to this game needs to have a limit. Like having a level zone of 60. the items that fall cant roll the 3 lowest suffexes or prefexis. at 75. they cant roll the 6 lowest suffex rolls like 1-2 phys damage on a wand. or 5 spell damage on wands. you get the point. we need something that will balance drops not make it worse for the majority of players to either get tired of it and move to different games. as in d3 were it dont feel like a chore for getting decent drops and you feel contempt to keep playing the game. ya d3 sucks compared to poe. but the end game consistancy of doing and keep playing without the rng of having to find maps is better. way better in my oppinion. a few of my friends especially the older ones who play complain about lack of finding things to make chrs better on there own. they ended up going to play a different game that is easier and more rewarding to play that makes the gratification to play the game feel better. even if it is a simple game as d3. yes d3 is simple more things are explained in game and you dont have to wiki 90% of the game. again over exaggeration, but my point is that there needs to be more balance in rng and more Qol to things like in game explanation. ya those changes seem cool, but untill i try them i wont know. but there are more pressing issues like a damn in game trading system and more balance then just keep throwing things into the game. When its becoming a chore to play and use wiki and then taking forever to get gear to play games. I also know a few players that left for d3 because it just felt unrewarding and most of all builds seemed to be expensive, because they either didnt have time to play and farm and flip currency like others can. GUESS THIS GAME SHOULD BE ANOUNCED AS A NON CASUAL GAME. END OF RANT. FOR WHOEVER CARED TO READ THIS LOL rawrawr Last edited by Phish#0612 on May 3, 2017, 3:46:41 PM
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You make game soooooooooooooo complicated especially for English second language users. I really don't understand 80% of those changes.
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" Let me translate it for you into a tldr version: We completely killed poison and bleed before we shitted on the burning builds! "Yes, it is perfectly fair. It just sucks ass."
posted by Thaelyn on 12. August 2013 17:33 |
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It seems I will have a lot of work to rebuild some of my chars ...
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"Probably you are right. If they do changes they always kill it. :-( |
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So... essence drain is off the list of OP builds, and most damage over time will fall into VERY niche status. Cool. Back to ignoring damage over time, because it would take some MAJOR buffs to make ignite/poison/bleed worth it at this point.
Double dipping was pretty OP at the top end, and ok in the middle end... this isn't even going to be middle end double dipping. Ignite might still be okay, but everything else is going to fall behind any crit based AOE skill right now. I guess I will have to buy a one way ticket to hell with your lives
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If they are adding affixes they should throw affixes that noone ever wants out of the game.
Mana gained on kill, +2 life on hit etc comes to mind for example.... Making the gamemechanics easier to understand would be great, "increased damage" for example - will it only affect the "hit" or will it affect also poison(guessing it won´t, which is what makes it confusing). example on a hit that poisons for 8% of hitdmg: 100dmg hit "100% increased damage" hitdmg 100 x 2 = 200dmg poison 200 x (0.08 x 2) = 32dmg poison OR hitdmg 100 x 2 = 200dmg poison 200 x 0.08 = 16dmg poison which one is it ? |
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So for caustic arrow skill points like Blast radius and area damage will finally scale the damage of the cloud too? Sweet cause they don't effect them right now.
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